
Michael N. Huhns

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115 Ryszard Kowalczyk, Michael N. Huhns, Matthias Klusch, Zakaria Maamar, Quoc Bao Vo: Service-Oriented Computing: Agents, Semantics, and Engineering, AAMAS 2008 International Workshop, SOCASE 2008, Estoril, Portugal, May 12, 2008, Proceedings Springer 2008
114EEAlicia Ruvinsky, Michael N. Huhns: Simulating human behaviors in agent societies. AAMAS (3) 2008: 1513-1516
113EECsilla Farkas, Michael N. Huhns: Securing Enterprise Applications: Service-Oriented Security (SOS). CEC/EEE 2008: 428-431
112EEViji R. Avali, Michael N. Huhns: Commitment-Based Multiagent Decision Making. CIA 2008: 249-263
111EEQianhui Liang, Michael N. Huhns: Ontology-Based Compatibility Checking for Web Service Configuration Management. ICSOC 2008: 407-421
110EEIncheon Paik, Haruhiko Takada, Michael N. Huhns: Transforming Abstract QoS Requirements, Preferences, and Logic Constraints for Automatic Web Service Composition. ICWS 2008: 764-765
109EEM. Brian Blake, Michael N. Huhns: Web-Scale Workflow: Integrating Distributed Services. IEEE Internet Computing 12(1): 55-59 (2008)
108 Edmund H. Durfee, Makoto Yokoo, Michael N. Huhns, Onn Shehory: 6th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2007), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, May 14-18, 2007 IFAAMAS 2007
107EEHong Jiang, José M. Vidal, Michael N. Huhns: EBDI: an architecture for emotional agents. AAMAS 2007: 11
106EEJiangbo Dang, Jingshan Huang, Michael N. Huhns: Workflow coordination for service-oriented multiagent systems. AAMAS 2007: 249
105EERosa Laura Zavala Gutierrez, Benito Mendoza García, Michael N. Huhns: Behavioral Queries for Service Selection: An Agile Approach to SOC. ICWS 2007: 1152-1153
104EEMichael N. Huhns: A Research Agenda for Agent-Based Service-Oriented Architectures. CIA 2006: 8-22
103EEMichael N. Huhns: Service-Oriented Computing: Multiagent Foundation, Robust Applications, and Research Agenda. CSWWS 2006: 1-2
102EEJiangbo Dang, Michael N. Huhns: Inferring, Validating, and Coordinating the Commitments in aWorkflow. ICWS 2006: 907-908
101EEIncheon Paik, Daisuke Maruyama, Michael N. Huhns: A Framework for Intelligent Web Services: Combined HTN and CSP Approach. ICWS 2006: 959-962
100EEJingshan Huang, Jiangbo Dang, Michael N. Huhns: Ontology Reconciliation for Service-Oriented Computing. IEEE SCC 2006: 3-10
99EEJiangbo Dang, Michael N. Huhns: Concurrent Multiple-Issue Negotiation for Internet-Based Services. IEEE Internet Computing 10(6): 42-49 (2006)
98 Torsten Eymann, Franziska Klügl, Winfried Lamersdorf, Matthias Klusch, Michael N. Huhns: Multiagent System Technologies, Third German Conference, MATES 2005, Koblenz, Germany, September 11-13, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005
97 Jiangbo Dang, Michael N. Huhns: An Extended Protocol for Multiple-Issue Concurrent Negotiation. AAAI 2005: 65-70
96EEHong Jiang, Michael N. Huhns: Broadening the Semantic Coverage of Agent Communicative Acts. AOIS 2005: 32-47
95EEJingshan Huang, Rosa Laura Zavala Gutierrez, Benito Mendoza García, Michael N. Huhns: Sharing Ontology Schema Information for Web Service Integration. CIT 2005: 1056-1062
94EEHong Jiang, Michael N. Huhns: An Approach to Broaden the Semantic Coverage of ACL Speech Acts. ER (Workshops) 2005: 162-171
93EEJames E. Just, Mark R. Cornwell, Michael N. Huhns: Facilitating Human Collaboration with Agents. HICSS 2005
92EEJohn Cheng, Ray Emami, Larry Kerschberg, Eugene Santos Jr., Qunhua Zhao, Hien Nguyen, Hua Wang, Michael N. Huhns, Marco Valtorta, Jiangbo Dang, Hrishikesh J. Goradia, Jingshan Huang, Sharon Xi: OmniSeer: A Cognitive Framework for User Modeling, Reuse of Prior and Tacit Knowledge, and Collaborative Knowledge Services. HICSS 2005
91EERajesh Turlapati, Michael N. Huhns: Multiagent Reputation Management to Achieve Robust Software Using Redundancy. IAT 2005: 386-392
90EEJingshan Huang, Rosa Laura Zavala Gutierrez, Benito Mendoza García, Michael N. Huhns: Reconciling Agent Ontologies for Web Service Applications. MATES 2005: 106-117
89EEJiangbo Dang, Michael N. Huhns: Towards Service Coalitions: Coordinating the Commitments in a Workflow. MATES 2005: 59-70
88EEKarthik Iyer, Michael N. Huhns: Multiagent Negotiation for Fair and Unbiased Resource Allocation. OTM Conferences (1) 2005: 453-465
87 Hamada Ghenniwa, Michael N. Huhns: Marketplace Architecture for Enterprise Integration. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (IV) 2005: 1899-1905
86EEHamada Ghenniwa, Michael N. Huhns, Weiming Shen: eMarketplaces for enterprise and cross enterprise integration. Data Knowl. Eng. 52(1): 33-59 (2005)
85EEMichael N. Huhns, Munindar P. Singh: Service-Oriented Computing: Key Concepts and Principles. IEEE Internet Computing 9(1): 75-81 (2005)
84EEMark H. Burstein, Christoph Bussler, Michal Zaremba, Timothy W. Finin, Michael N. Huhns, Massimo Paolucci, Amit P. Sheth, Stuart K. Williams: A Semantic Web Services Architecture. IEEE Internet Computing 9(5): 72-81 (2005)
83EEMichael N. Huhns, Munindar P. Singh, Mark H. Burstein, Keith S. Decker, Edmund H. Durfee, Timothy W. Finin, Les Gasser, Hrishikesh J. Goradia, Nicholas R. Jennings, Kiran Lakkaraju, Hideyuki Nakashima, H. Van Dyke Parunak, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein, Alicia Ruvinsky, Gita Sukthankar, Samarth Swarup, Katia P. Sycara, Milind Tambe, Thomas Wagner, Rosa Laura Zavala Gutierrez: Research Directions for Service-Oriented Multiagent Systems. IEEE Internet Computing 9(6): 65-70 (2005)
82EEJames E. Just, Mark R. Cornwell, Michael N. Huhns: Agents for Establishing Ad hoc Cross-Organizational Teams. IAT 2004: 526-530
81EELarry M. Stephens, Aurovinda K. Gangam, Michael N. Huhns: Constructing Consensus Ontologies for the Semantic Web: A Conceptual Approach. World Wide Web 7(4): 421-442 (2004)
80EEMichael N. Huhns, Vance T. Holderfield, Rosa Laura Zavala Gutierrez: Robust software via agent-based redundancy. AAMAS 2003: 1018-1019
79EEMichael N. Huhns: IEEE Internet Computing: Agents On The Web - The Sentient Web. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 4(11): (2003)
78EEJeff Heflin, Michael N. Huhns: IEEE Internet Computing: Guest Editors' Introduction - The Zen of the Web. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 4(9): (2003)
77EEWilliam H. Turkett, John R. Rose, Michael N. Huhns: Massive Deliberation. IEEE Internet Computing 7(1): 72-75 (2003)
76EEMichael N. Huhns: Being and Acting Rational. IEEE Internet Computing 7(2): 91-93 (2003)
75EEMichael N. Huhns: Consensus Software: Robustness and Social Good. IEEE Internet Computing 7(3): 91-93 (2003)
74EEAshok U. Mallya, Michael N. Huhns: Commitments Among Agents. IEEE Internet Computing 7(4): 90-93 (2003)
73EEJeff Heflin, Michael N. Huhns: Guest Editors' Introduction: The Zen of the Web. IEEE Internet Computing 7(5): 30-33 (2003)
72EEMichael N. Huhns: The Sentient Web. IEEE Internet Computing 7(6): 82-84 (2003)
71EEMichael N. Huhns, Larry M. Stephens, Nenad Ivezic: Automating supply-chain management. AAMAS 2002: 1017-1024
70EEJohn R. Rose, Michael N. Huhns, Soumik Sinha Roy, William H. Turkett: An agent architecture for long-term robustness. AAMAS 2002: 1149-1156
69EEMichael N. Huhns: Software Agents: The Future of Web Services. Agent Technologies, Infrastructures, Tools, and Applications for E-Services 2002: 1-18
68EEVance T. Holderfield, Michael N. Huhns: A Foundational Analysis of Software Robustness Using Redundant Agent Collaboration. Agent Technologies, Infrastructures, Tools, and Applications for E-Services 2002: 355-369
67 H. Ted Goranson, Michael N. Huhns, James G. Nell, Hervé Panetto, Guillermina Tormo Carbó, Michael Wunram: A Merged Future for Knowledge Management and Enterprise Modeling. ICEIMT 2002: 37-50
66 Michael N. Huhns, Larry M. Stephens: Semantic Bridging of Independent Enterprise Ontologies. ICEIMT 2002: 83-90
65EEMichael N. Huhns, Vance T. Holderfield, Rosa Laura Zavala Gutierrez: Achieving Software Robustness via Large-Scale Multiagent Systems. SELMAS 2002: 199-215
64EEJohn R. Rose, William H. Turkett, Michael N. Huhns, Soumik Sinha Roy: An Evaluation of Philosophical Agent Architectures for Mission Robustness. WRAC 2002: 201-214
63EEMichael N. Huhns: Agent Societies: Magnitude and Duration. IEEE Internet Computing 6(1): 79-81 (2002)
62EEMichael N. Huhns, Vance T. Holderfield: Robust Software. IEEE Internet Computing 6(2): 80-82 (2002)
61EEMichael N. Huhns, Duncan A. Buell: Trusted Autonomy. IEEE Internet Computing 6(3): 92-95 (2002)
60EEMichael N. Huhns: Agents as Web Services. IEEE Internet Computing 6(4): 93-95 (2002)
59EEMichael N. Huhns, Larry M. Stephens, John W. Keele, James E. Wray, Warren M. Snelling, Gregory P. Harhay, Randy R. Bradley: Weaving a Computing Fabric. IEEE Internet Computing 6(5): 88-91 (2002)
58EECsilla Farkas, Michael N. Huhns: Making Agents Secure on the Semantic Web. IEEE Internet Computing 6(6): 76-79 (2002)
57EEJosé M. Vidal, Paul A. Buhler, Michael N. Huhns: Agents on the Web: Inside an Agent. IEEE Internet Computing 5(1): 82- (2001)
56EEPaul A. Buhler, Michael N. Huhns: Agents on the Web: Trust and Persistence. IEEE Internet Computing 5(2): 85- (2001)
55EEJohn R. Rose, Michael N. Huhns: Philosophical Agents. IEEE Internet Computing 5(3): 104- (2001)
54EEMichael N. Huhns, Larry M. Stephens: Automating Supply Chains. IEEE Internet Computing 5(4): 90-93 (2001)
53EELarry M. Stephens, Michael N. Huhns: Consensus Ontologies: Reconciling the Semantics of Web Pages and Agents. IEEE Internet Computing 5(5): 92-95 (2001)
52EEMarco Valtorta, Michael N. Huhns: Probability and Agents. IEEE Internet Computing 5(6): 77-79 (2001)
51 Michael N. Huhns: Interaction-Oriented Software Development. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 11(3): 259-279 (2001)
50EEMichael N. Huhns: Interaction-Oriented Programming. AOSE 2000: 29-44
49EEJoanna Bryson, Keith S. Decker, Scott A. DeLoach, Michael N. Huhns, Michael Wooldridge: Panel Summary: Agent Development Tools. ATAL 2000: 331-338
48EEAbdulla M. Mohamed, Michael N. Huhns: Benevolent Agents in Multiagent Systems. ICMAS 2000: 419-420
47EEMichael N. Huhns: Agents on the Web - Agent Teams: Building and Implementing Software. IEEE Internet Computing 4(1): 93-95 (2000)
46EEMichael N. Huhns, Sreenath Seshadri: Agents on the Web: Sensors + Agents + Networks = Aware Agents. IEEE Internet Computing 4(3): 84-86 (2000)
45EEPiotr J. Gmytrasiewicz, Michael N. Huhns: Agents on the Web: The Emergence of Language Among Autonomous Agents. IEEE Internet Computing 4(4): 90-92 (2000)
44EEMichael N. Huhns: An Agent-Based Global Economy. IEEE Internet Computing 4(6): 83-84 (2000)
43 Stefan Bussmann, Paolo Ciancarini, Keith S. Decker, Michael N. Huhns, Michael Wooldridge: Agent-Oriented Software Engineering. ATAL 1999: 248-249
42 Michael N. Huhns, Munindar P. Singh: Information Management for Cooperative Engineering. Cooperative Knowledge Processing for Engineering Design 1999: 237-262
41EEMichael N. Huhns, Munindar P. Singh: Multiagent Treatment of Agenthood. Applied Artificial Intelligence 13(1-2): 3-10 (1999)
40 Michael N. Huhns: Agents on the Web: Networking Embedded Agents. IEEE Internet Computing 3(1): 91-93 (1999)
39 Michael N. Huhns, Abdulla M. Mohamed: Agents on the Web: Benevolent Agents. IEEE Internet Computing 3(2): 96-98 (1999)
38 Michael N. Huhns, José M. Vidal: Agents on the Web: Online Auctions. IEEE Internet Computing 3(3): 103-105 (1999)
37 Michael N. Huhns, Anuj K. Malhotra: Agents on the Web: Negotiating for Goods and Services. IEEE Internet Computing 3(4): 97-99 (1999)
36 Michael N. Huhns, Larry M. Stephens: Agents on the Web: Personal Ontologies. IEEE Internet Computing 3(5): 85-87 (1999)
35 Michael N. Huhns, Larry M. Stephens: Agents on the Web: Exploiting Expertise Through Knowledge Networks. IEEE Internet Computing 3(6): 89-90 (1999)
34EEMichael N. Huhns, Munindar P. Singh: Multiagent Systems in Information-Rich Environments. CIA 1998: 79-93
33 Michael N. Huhns, Munindar P. Singh: Agents on the Web: Anthropoid Agents. IEEE Internet Computing 2(1): 94-95 (1998)
32 Michael N. Huhns, Munindar P. Singh: Agents on the Web: Agent Jurisprudence. IEEE Internet Computing 2(2): 90-91 (1998)
31 Michael N. Huhns, Munindar P. Singh: Agents on the Web: All Agents are Not Created Equal. IEEE Internet Computing 2(3): 94-96 (1998)
30 Michael N. Huhns, Munindar P. Singh: Workflow Agents. IEEE Internet Computing 2(4): 94-96 (1998)
29 Michael N. Huhns, Munindar P. Singh: Agents on the Web: Personal Assistants. IEEE Internet Computing 2(5): 90-92 (1998)
28 Michael N. Huhns, Munindar P. Singh: Agents on the Web: Cognitive Agents. IEEE Internet Computing 2(6): 87-89 (1998)
27 Michael N. Huhns, Gerhard Weiss: Guest Editorial. Machine Learning 33(2-3): 123-128 (1998)
26EEKuhanandha Mahalingam, Michael N. Huhns: An Ontology Tool for Query Formulation in an Agent-Based Context. CoopIS 1997: 170-178
25 Munindar P. Singh, Daniel G. Bobrow, Michael N. Huhns, Margaret King, Hiroaki Kitano: The Next Big Thing: Position Statements. IJCAI 1997: 1511-1524
24EEMunindar P. Singh, Philip Cannata, Michael N. Huhns, Nigel Jacobs, Tomasz Ksiezyk, KayLiang Ong, Amit P. Sheth, Christine Tomlinson, Darrell Woelk: The Carnot Heterogeneous Database Project: Implemented Applications. Distributed and Parallel Databases 5(2): 207-225 (1997)
23 Kuhanandha Mahalingam, Michael N. Huhns: A Tool for Organizing Web Information. IEEE Computer 30(6): 80-83 (1997)
22 Michael N. Huhns, Munindar P. Singh: Agents on the Web: "Agents are Everywhere!". IEEE Internet Computing 1(1): 87 (1997)
21 Michael N. Huhns, Munindar P. Singh: Agents on the Web: Conversational Agents. IEEE Internet Computing 1(2): 73-75 (1997)
20 Michael N. Huhns, Munindar P. Singh: Agents on the Web: Mobile Agents. IEEE Internet Computing 1(3): 80-82 (1997)
19 Munindar P. Singh, Michael N. Huhns: Internet-Based Agents: Applications and Infrastruture. IEEE Internet Computing 1(4): 8-9 (1997)
18 Michael N. Huhns, Munindar P. Singh: Agents on the Web: The Agent Test. IEEE Internet Computing 1(5): 78-79 (1997)
17 Michael N. Huhns, Munindar P. Singh: Agents on the Web: Ontologies for Agents. IEEE Internet Computing 1(6): 81-83 (1997)
16 Michael N. Huhns, Munindar P. Singh: Formal Methods in CIS: Multiagent Systems - Guest Editors' Introduction. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 6(1): 1-2 (1997)
15 Michael N. Huhns: Implemented Applications of the Carnot Heterogeneous Database System. CODAS 1996: 35-43
14 Munindar P. Singh, Michael N. Huhns: Challenges for Machine Learning in Cooperative Information Systems. ECAI Workshop LDAIS / ICMAS Workshop LIOME 1996: 11-24
13 Michael N. Huhns, Munindar P. Singh: Formal Methods in CIS: Heterogeneous Databases - Guest Editors' Introduction. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 5(4): 365-366 (1996)
12 Laurence Glicoes, Richard Staats, Michael N. Huhns: A Multi-Agent Environment for Department of Defense Distribution. Adaption and Learning in Multi-Agent Systems 1995: 53-84
11 Steve Laufmann, Michael N. Huhns: Agent Technologies (Tutorial). CoopIS 1995: 67
10EEMunindar P. Singh, Michael N. Huhns: Automating Workflows for Service Order Processing: Integrating AI and Database Technologies. IEEE Expert 9(5): 19-23 (1994)
9 Michael N. Huhns, Nigel Jacobs, Tomasz Ksiezyk, Wei-Min Shen, Munindar P. Singh, Philip Cannata: Integrating Enterprise Information Models in Carnot. CoopIS 1993: 32-42
8EEDarrell Woelk, Philip Cannata, Michael N. Huhns, Wei-Min Shen, Christine Tomlinson: Using Carnot for Enterprise Information Integration (Synopsis). PDIS 1993: 133-136
7EEMunindar P. Singh, Michael N. Huhns, Larry M. Stephens: Declarative Representations of Multiagent Systems. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 5(5): 721-739 (1993)
6 Mark Adler, Edmund H. Durfee, Michael N. Huhns, William Punch, Evangelos Simoudis: AAAI Workshop on Cooperation Among Heterogeneous Intelligent Agents. AI Magazine 13(2): 39-42 (1992)
5 Patrick O. Bobbie, Michael N. Huhns: Intelligent and Cooperative Problem Solving: Guest Editors' Introduction. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 2(2): 229-232 (1992)
4 Christine Collet, Michael N. Huhns, Wei-Min Shen: Resource Integration Using a Large Knowledge Base in Carnot. IEEE Computer 24(12): 55-62 (1991)
3 David Murray Bridgeland, Michael N. Huhns: Distributed Truth Maintenance. AAAI 1990: 72-77
2 Michael N. Huhns, Larry M. Stephens: Plausible Inferencing Using Extended Composition. IJCAI 1989: 1420-1425
1 Michael N. Huhns, Ramón D. Acosta: Argo: A System for Design by Analogy. IEEE Expert 3(3): 53-68 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Ramón D. Acosta [1]
2Mark Adler [6]
3Viji R. Avali [112]
4M. Brian Blake [109]
5Patrick O. Bobbie [5]
6Daniel G. Bobrow [25]
7Randy R. Bradley [59]
8David Murray Bridgeland [3]
9Joanna Bryson [49]
10Duncan A. Buell [61]
11Paul A. Buhler [56] [57]
12Mark H. Burstein [83] [84]
13Christoph Bussler [84]
14Stefan Bussmann [43]
15Philip Cannata [8] [9] [24]
16Guillermina Tormo Carbó [67]
17John Cheng [92]
18Paolo Ciancarini [43]
19Christine Collet [4]
20Mark R. Cornwell [82] [93]
21Jiangbo Dang [89] [92] [97] [99] [100] [102] [106]
22Scott A. DeLoach [49]
23Keith S. Decker (Keith Decker) [43] [49] [83]
24Edmund H. Durfee [6] [83] [108]
25Ray Emami [92]
26Torsten Eymann [98]
27Csilla Farkas [58] [113]
28Timothy W. Finin (Tim Finin) [83] [84]
29Aurovinda K. Gangam [81]
30Benito Mendoza García [90] [95] [105]
31Les Gasser [83]
32Hamada Ghenniwa [86] [87]
33Laurence Glicoes [12]
34Piotr J. Gmytrasiewicz [45]
35Hrishikesh J. Goradia [83] [92]
36H. Ted Goranson [67]
37Rosa Laura Zavala Gutierrez [65] [80] [83] [90] [95] [105]
38Gregory P. Harhay [59]
39Jeff Heflin [73] [78]
40Vance T. Holderfield [62] [65] [68] [80]
41Jingshan Huang [90] [92] [95] [100] [106]
42Nenad Ivezic [71]
43Karthik Iyer [88]
44Nigel Jacobs [9] [24]
45Nicholas R. Jennings (Nick R. Jennings) [83]
46Hong Jiang [94] [96] [107]
47James E. Just [82] [93]
48John W. Keele [59]
49Larry Kerschberg [92]
50Margaret King [25]
51Hiroaki Kitano [25]
52Franziska Klügl-Frohnmeyer (Franziska Klügl) [98]
53Matthias Klusch [98] [115]
54Ryszard Kowalczyk [115]
55Tomasz Ksiezyk [9] [24]
56Kiran Lakkaraju [83]
57Winfried Lamersdorf [98]
58Steve Laufmann [11]
59Qianhui Althea Liang (Qianhui Liang) [111]
60Zakaria Maamar [115]
61Kuhanandha Mahalingam [23] [26]
62Anuj K. Malhotra [37]
63Ashok U. Mallya [74]
64Daisuke Maruyama [101]
65Abdulla M. Mohamed [39] [48]
66Hideyuki Nakashima [83]
67James G. Nell [67]
68Hien Nguyen [92]
69KayLiang Ong [24]
70Incheon Paik [101] [110]
71Hervé Panetto [67]
72Massimo Paolucci [84]
73H. Van Dyke Parunak [83]
74William Punch [6]
75John R. Rose [55] [64] [70] [77]
76Jeffrey S. Rosenschein [83]
77Soumik Sinha Roy [64] [70]
78Alicia Ruvinsky [83] [114]
79Eugene Santos Jr. [92]
80Sreenath Seshadri [46]
81Onn Shehory [108]
82Wei-Min Shen [4] [8] [9]
83Weiming Shen [86]
84Amit P. Sheth [24] [84]
85Evangelos Simoudis [6]
86Munindar P. Singh [7] [9] [10] [13] [14] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [24] [25] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [41] [42] [83] [85]
87Warren M. Snelling [59]
88Richard Staats [12]
89Larry M. Stephens [2] [7] [35] [36] [53] [54] [59] [66] [71] [81]
90Gita Sukthankar [83]
91Samarth Swarup [83]
92Katia P. Sycara [83]
93Haruhiko Takada [110]
94Milind Tambe [83]
95Christine Tomlinson [8] [24]
96William H. Turkett [64] [70] [77]
97Rajesh Turlapati [91]
98Marco Valtorta [52] [92]
99José M. Vidal [38] [57] [107]
100Quoc Bao Vo [115]
101Thomas Wagner [83]
102Hua Wang [92]
103Gerhard Weiss [27]
104Stuart K. Williams [84]
105Darrell Woelk [8] [24]
106Michael Wooldridge [43] [49]
107James E. Wray [59]
108Michael Wunram [67]
109Sharon Xi [92]
110Makoto Yokoo [108]
111Michal Zaremba [84]
112Qunhua Zhao [92]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)