DISCO 1996:
Jacques Calmet, Carla Limongelli (Eds.):
Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems, International Symposium, DISCO '96, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 18-20, 1996, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1128 Springer 1996, ISBN 3-540-61697-7 BibTeX
editor = {Jacques Calmet and
Carla Limongelli},
title = {Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems, International
Symposium, DISCO '96, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 18-20, 1996,
booktitle = {DISCO},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {1128},
year = {1996},
isbn = {3-540-61697-7},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- Wolfgang Bibel, Daniel S. Korn, Christoph Kreitz, Stephen Schmitt:
Problem-Oriented Applications of Automated Theorem Proving.
1-21 BibTeX
- Manuel Bronstein:
SigmaIT - A Strongly-Typed Embeddable Computer Algebra Library.
22-33 BibTeX
- Christophe Bourely, Nicolas Peltier:
DiscAtinf: A General Framework for Implementing Calculi and Strategies.
34-45 BibTeX
- Anatoli Degtyarev, Andrei Voronkov:
Equality Elimination for the Tableau Method.
46-60 BibTeX
- Gilles Barthe, Hugo Elbers:
Towards Lean Proof Checking.
61-62 BibTeX
- Arnim Buch, Thomas Hillenbrand, Roland Fettig:
WALDMEISTER: High Performance Equational Theorem Proving.
63-64 BibTeX
- Masanobu Numazawa, Masahito Kurihara, Azuma Ohuchi:
A Reflective Language Based on Conditional Term Rewriting.
65-66 BibTeX
- Giulio Balestreri:
Term Rewriting Systems: An h-Categorical Semantic.
67-78 BibTeX
- Alberto Paoluzzi:
Generative Geometric Modeling in a Functional Environment.
79-97 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Gehrke, Carla Limongelli:
Exploiting SML for Experimenting with Algebraic Algorithms: The Example of p-adic Lifting.
98-111 BibTeX
- Philip S. Santas:
Conditional Categories and Domains.
112-125 BibTeX
- Martin Gogolla:
Parameterizing Object Specifications.
126-137 BibTeX
- Paolo Ciancarini, Cecilia Mascolo:
Analyzing the Dynamics of a Z Specification.
138-149 BibTeX
- Beatrice Amrhein, Oliver Gloor, Wolfgang Küchlin:
Walking Faster.
150-161 BibTeX
- Tudor Jebelean:
Integer and Rational Arithmetic on MasPar.
162-173 BibTeX
- Giovanni Cesari, Roman Maeder:
Parallel 3-Primes FFT Algorithm.
174-182 BibTeX
- Reinhard Bündgen, Manfred Göbel, Wolfgang Küchlin:
A Master-Slave Approach to Parallel Term Rewriting on a Hierarchical Multiprocessor.
183-194 BibTeX
- Hans Haugeneder, Donald Steiner:
Multi-Agent Cooperation - Concepts and Applications.
195-197 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Weck:
Document-Centered Presentation of Computing Software: Compound Documents Are Better Workspaces.
198-199 BibTeX
- Paolo Ciancarini, Stelvio Cimato:
Animating a Non-executable Formal Specification with a Distributed Symbolic Language.
200-201 BibTeX
- Carla Limongelli, Giuseppina Malerba, Marco Temperini:
Uniform Representation of Basic Algebraic Structures in Computer Algebra.
202-203 BibTeX
- Manfred Kerber, Michael Kohlhase, Volker Sorge:
Integrating Computer Algebra with Proof Planning.
204-215 BibTeX
- Karsten Homann, Jacques Calmet:
Structures for Symbolic Mathematical Reasoning and Computation.
216-227 BibTeX
- Seán Matthews:
Implementing FS0 in Isabelle: Adding Structure at the Metalevel.
228-239 BibTeX
- Gianna Cioni, Attilio Colagrossi, Marco Temperini:
An Approach to Class Reasoning in Symbolic Computation.
240-251 BibTeX
- Brian J. Dupée, James H. Davenport:
An Intelligent Interface to Numerical Routines.
252-262 BibTeX
- Anthony C. Hearn:
Computer Algebra and the World Wide Web.
263-270 BibTeX
- Arthur Norman, John Fitch:
Interfacing REDUCE to Java.
271-276 BibTeX
- Gregory Butler:
Software Architectures for Computer Algebra: A Case Study.
277-286 BibTeX
- Stéphane Dalmas, Marc Gaëtano, Claude Huchet:
A Deductive Database for Mathematical Formulas.
287-296 BibTeX
- Michal Mnuk, Franz Winkler:
CASA - A System for Computer Aided Constructive Algebraic Geometry.
297-307 BibTeX
- Stéphane Dalmas, Marc Gaëtano:
Making Systems Communicate and Cooperate: The Central Control Approach.
308-319 BibTeX
- Mario Daberkow, Andreas Weber:
A Database for Number Fields.
320-330 BibTeX
- Grigorios Grivas, Alexios Palinginis:
Compiling Residuation for a Multiparadigm Symbolic Programming Language.
331-342 BibTeX
- Simon Gray, Norbert Kajler, Paul S. Wang:
Pluggability Issues in the Multi Protocol.
343-356 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:06:52 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)