
Paolo Giorgini

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102EEYudistira Asnar, Paolo Giorgini: Analyzing Business Continuity through a Multi-layers Model. BPM 2008: 212-227
101EERaian Ali, Fabiano Dalpiaz, Paolo Giorgini: Location-Based Variability for Mobile Information Systems. CAiSE 2008: 575-578
100EERaian Ali, Fabiano Dalpiaz, Paolo Giorgini: Location-Based Software Modeling and Analysis: Tropos-Based Approach. ER 2008: 169-182
99EERaian Ali, Fabiano Dalpiaz, Paolo Giorgini: Modeling and Analyzing Variability for Mobile Information Systems. ICCSA (2) 2008: 291-306
98EEHugo Estrada, Alicia Martínez Rebollar, Oscar Pastor, John Mylopoulos, Paolo Giorgini: A Service-oriented Approach for the i* Framework. iStar 2008: 21-24
97EEPaolo Giorgini, John Mylopoulos, Loris Penserini, Anna Perini, Angelo Susi: Tropos at the Age of Eight: On-going Research at FBK, UniTN and UT. iStar 2008: 83-89
96EEYudistira Asnar, Paolo Giorgini, Paolo Ciancarini, Rocco Moretti, Maurizio Sebastianis, Nicola Zannone: An evaluation of business solutions in manufacturing enterprises. IJBIDM 3(3): 305-329 (2008)
95EEYudistira Asnar, Paolo Giorgini, Nicola Zannone: Reasoning About Risk in Agent's Deliberation Process: A Jadex Implementation. AOSE 2007: 118-131
94EEYudistira Asnar, Paolo Giorgini, Fabio Massacci, Nicola Zannone: From Trust to Dependability through Risk Analysis. ARES 2007: 19-26
93EEVolha Bryl, Paolo Giorgini, John Mylopoulos: Supporting Requirements Analysis in Tropos: A Planning-Based Approach. PRIMA 2007: 243-254
92EEYudistira Asnar, Paolo Giorgini, Roberto Bonato, Valentino Meduri, Carlo Riccucci: Secure and Dependable Patterns in Organizations: An Empirical Approach. RE 2007: 287-292
91EEAliaksandr Birukou, Enrico Blanzieri, Vincenzo D'Andrea, Paolo Giorgini, Natallia Kokash, Alessio Modena: IC-service: a service-oriented approach to the development of recommendation systems. SAC 2007: 1683-1688
90EEAliaksandr Birukou, Enrico Blanzieri, Vincenzo D'Andrea, Paolo Giorgini, Natallia Kokash: Improving Web Service Discovery with Usage Data. IEEE Software 24(6): 47-54 (2007)
89EEHaralambos Mouratidis, Paolo Giorgini: Security Attack Testing (SAT) - testing the security of information systems at design time. Inf. Syst. 32(8): 1166-1183 (2007)
88EEHaralambos Mouratidis, Paolo Giorgini: Secure Tropos: a Security-Oriented Extension of the Tropos Methodology. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 17(2): 285-309 (2007)
87 Alessandro F. Garcia, Ricardo Choren, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena, Paolo Giorgini, Tom Holvoet, Alexander B. Romanovsky: Software Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems IV, Research Issues and Practical Applications [the book is a result of SELMAS 2005]. Springer 2006
86EEAliaksandr Birukou, Enrico Blanzieri, Paolo Giorgini: A multi-agent system that facilitates scientific publications search. AAMAS 2006: 265-272
85EEAlicia Martínez, Oscar Pastor, John Mylopoulos, Paolo Giorgini: From Early to Late Requirements: A Goal-Based Approach. AOIS 2006: 123-142
84EEVolha Bryl, Paolo Giorgini, Stefano Fante: ToothAgent: A Multi-agent System for Virtual Communities Support. AOIS 2006: 212-230
83EEYudistira Asnar, Volha Bryl, Paolo Giorgini: Using Risk Analysis to Evaluate Design Alternatives. AOSE 2006: 140-155
82EEYudistira Asnar, Paolo Giorgini: Modelling Risk and Identifying Countermeasure in Organizations. CRITIS 2006: 55-66
81EEVolha Bryl, Paolo Giorgini, John Mylopoulos: Designing Cooperative IS: Exploring and Evaluating Alternatives. OTM Conferences (1) 2006: 533-550
80EEPaolo Giorgini, Fabio Massacci, John Mylopoulos, Nicola Zannone: Detecting Conflicts of Interest. RE 2006: 308-311
79EEStéphane Dehousse, Stéphane Faulkner, Haralambos Mouratidis, Manuel Kolp, Paolo Giorgini: Reasoning About Willingness in Networks of Agents. SELMAS 2006: 117-131
78 Sameh Abdel-Naby, Paolo Giorgini: Smart Ride Seeker Introductory Plan. STAIRS 2006: 247-248
77EEChiara Ghidini, Paolo Giorgini, Wiebe van der Hoek: Preface. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 12(2): 159-161 (2006)
76EEManuel Kolp, Paolo Giorgini, John Mylopoulos: Multi-Agent Architectures as Organizational Structures. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 13(1): 3-25 (2006)
75 Volha Bryl, Paolo Giorgini: Self-Configuring Socio-Technical Systems: Redesign at Runtime. ITSSA 2(1): 31-40 (2006)
74EEPaolo Giorgini, Fabio Massacci, John Mylopoulos, Nicola Zannone: Requirements engineering for trust management: model, methodology, and reasoning. Int. J. Inf. Sec. 5(4): 257-274 (2006)
73EEHaralambos Mouratidis, Michael Weiss, Paolo Giorgini: Modeling Secure Systems Using an Agent-oriented Approach and Security Patterns. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 16(3): 471 (2006)
72 Paolo Bresciani, Paolo Giorgini, Brian Henderson-Sellers, Graham Low, Michael Winikoff: Agent-Oriented Information Systems II, 6th International Bi-Conference Workshop, AOIS 2004, Riga, Latvia, June 8, 2004 and New York, NY, USA, July 20, 2004,Revised Selected Papers Springer 2005
71EEHaralambos Mouratidis, Manuel Kolp, Stéphane Faulkner, Paolo Giorgini: A secure architectural description language for agent systems. AAMAS 2005: 578-585
70EEAliaksandr Birukou, Enrico Blanzieri, Paolo Giorgini: Implicit: an agent-based recommendation system for web search. AAMAS 2005: 618-624
69EEPaolo Giorgini, Stefano Rizzi, Maddalena Garzetti: Goal-oriented requirement analysis for data warehouse design. DOLAP 2005: 47-56
68EEHaralambos Mouratidis, Michael Weiss, Paolo Giorgini: Security Patterns Meet Agent Oriented Software Engineering: A Complementary Solution for Developing Secure Information Systems. ER 2005: 225-240
67EEPaolo Giorgini, Fabio Massacci, Nicola Zannone: Security and Trust Requirements Engineering. FOSAD 2005: 237-272
66EEStéphane Faulkner, Stéphane Dehousse, Manuel Kolp, Haralambos Mouratidis, Paolo Giorgini: Delegation Mechanisms for Agent Architectural Design. IAT 2005: 503-507
65EEAlessandro F. Garcia, Ricardo Choren, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena, Alexander B. Romanovsky, Tom Holvoet, Paolo Giorgini: Software engineering for large-scale multi-agent systems - SELMAS'05. ICSE 2005: 682
64EEPaolo Giorgini, Fabio Massacci, John Mylopoulos, Nicola Zannone: Modeling Security Requirements Through Ownership, Permission and Delegation. RE 2005: 167-176
63EEPaolo Giorgini, Fabio Massacci, John Mylopoulos, Nicola Zannone: ST-Tool: A CASE Tool for Security Requirements Engineering. RE 2005: 451-452
62EEVolha Bryl, Paolo Giorgini, Stefano Fante: An Implemented Prototype of Bluetooth-based Multi-Agent System. WOA 2005: 151-156
61EEPaolo Giorgini, Fabio Massacci, John Mylopoulos, Nicola Zannone: Modeling Social and Individual Trust in Requirements Engineering Methodologies. iTrust 2005: 161-176
60EEPaolo Giorgini, Fabio Massacci, John Mylopoulos, Alberto Siena, Nicola Zannone: ST-Tool: A CASE Tool for Modeling and Analyzing Trust Requirements. iTrust 2005: 415-419
59EEAlessandro Garcia, Ricardo Choren, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena, Alexander Romanovsky, Tom Holvoet, Paolo Giorgini: Software engineering for large-scale multi-agent systems - SELMAS'05. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-2 (2005)
58EEAlessandro Garcia, Ricardo Choren, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena, Alexander Romanovsky, Holger Giese, Danny Weyns, Tom Holvoet, Paolo Giorgini: Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems - SELMAS 2005: workshop report. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-8 (2005)
57EEHaralambos Mouratidis, Paolo Giorgini, Gordon A. Manson: When security meets software engineering: a case of modelling secure information systems. Inf. Syst. 30(8): 609-629 (2005)
56EEAngelo Susi, Anna Perini, John Mylopoulos, Paolo Giorgini: The Tropos Metamodel and its Use. Informatica (Slovenia) 29(4): 401-408 (2005)
55 Paolo Giorgini, Brian Henderson-Sellers, Michael Winikoff: Agent-Oriented Information Systems, 5th International Bi-Conference Workshop, AOIS 2003, Melbourne, Australia, July 14, 2003 and Chicago, IL, USA, October 13th, 2003, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2004
54 James Odell, Paolo Giorgini, Jörg P. Müller: Agent-Oriented Software Engineering V, 5th International Workshop, AOSE 2004, New York, NY, USA, July 19, 2004, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2004
53EERoberto Sebastiani, Paolo Giorgini, John Mylopoulos: Simple and Minimum-Cost Satisfiability for Goal Models. CAiSE 2004: 20-35
52 Marcello Sarini, Enrico Blanzieri, Paolo Giorgini, Claudio Moser: From actions to affordances: supporting the work of biologists through laboratory notebooks. COOP 2004: 131-146
51EEPaolo Giorgini, Fabio Massacci, John Mylopoulos, Nicola Zannone: Filling the Gap between Requirements Engineering and Public Key/Trust Management Infrastructures. EuroPKI 2004: 98-111
50 Haralambos Mouratidis, Paolo Giorgini, Gordon A. Manson: Using Security Attack Scenarios to Analyse Security During Information Systems Design. ICEIS (3) 2004: 10-17
49EEPaolo Giorgini, Fabio Massacci, John Mylopoulos, Nicola Zannone: Requirements Engineering Meets Trust Management: Model, Methodology, and Reasoning. iTrust 2004: 176-190
48EEPaolo Bresciani, Anna Perini, Paolo Giorgini, Fausto Giunchiglia, John Mylopoulos: Tropos: An Agent-Oriented Software Development Methodology. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 8(3): 203-236 (2004)
47 Paolo Giorgini, Jörg P. Müller, James Odell: Agent-Oriented Software Engineering IV, 4th International Workshop, AOSE 2003, Melbourne, Australia, July 15, 2003, Revised Papers Springer 2003
46EEHaralambos Mouratidis, Paolo Giorgini, Gordon A. Manson: Modelling secure multiagent systems. AAMAS 2003: 859-866
45EEEnrico Blanzieri, Paolo Giorgini, Fausto Giunchiglia, Claudio Zanoni: Implicit Culture-Based Personal Agents for Knowledge Management. AMKM 2003: 245-261
44EEEnrico Blanzieri, Paolo Giorgini: Implicit Culture for Information Agents. AgentLink 2003: 152-164
43EEManuel Kolp, Paolo Giorgini, John Mylopoulos: Organizational Patterns for Early Requirements Analysis. CAiSE 2003: 617-632
42EEHaralambos Mouratidis, Paolo Giorgini, Gordon A. Manson: Integrating Security and Systems Engineering: Towards the Modelling of Secure Information Systems. CAiSE 2003: 63-78
41EEPaolo Giorgini, Fabio Massacci, John Mylopoulos: Requirement Engineering Meets Security: A Case Study on Modelling Secure Electronic Transactions by VISA and Mastercard. ER 2003: 263-276
40EEPaolo Giorgini, Brian Henderson-Sellers: Preface to AOIS 2003. ER (Workshops) 2003: 167
39EEBrian Henderson-Sellers, Paolo Giorgini, Paolo Bresciani: Supporting Tropos Concepts in Agent OPEN. ESAW 2003: 328-345
38 Haralambos Mouratidis, Gordon A. Manson, Abdullah Gani, Paolo Giorgini: Analysing Security Requirements of Information Systems Using Tropos. ICEIS (3) 2003: 623-626
37EEHaralambos Mouratidis, Paolo Giorgini, Gordon A. Manson: An Ontology for Modelling Security: The Tropos Approach. KES 2003: 1387-1394
36EEPaolo Bresciani, Paolo Giorgini, Haralambos Mouratidis, Gordon A. Manson: Multi-agent Systems and Security Requirements Analysis. SELMAS 2003: 35-48
35 Brian Henderson-Sellers, Paolo Giorgini, Paolo Bresciani: Evaluating the Potential for Integrating the OPEN and Tropos Metamodels. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2003: 992-995
34 Enrico Blanzieri, Paolo Giorgini, Claudio Zanoni, Fausto Giunchiglia: A Multi-agent System for Knowledge Management based on the Implicit Culture Framework. Wissensmanagement 2003: 287-294
33 Aldo Franco Dragoni, Paolo Giorgini: Distributed Belief Revision. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 6(2): 115-143 (2003)
32EEPaolo Giorgini, John Mylopoulos, Eleonora Nicchiarelli, Roberto Sebastiani: Formal Reasoning Techniques for Goal Models. J. Data Semantics 1: 1-20 (2003)
31EEPaolo Giorgini: Agent-Oriented software engineering report on the 4th AOSE workshop (AOSE 2003). SIGMOD Record 32(4): 117-119 (2003)
30 Paolo Giorgini, Yves Lespérance, Gerd Wagner, Eric S. K. Yu: AOIS '02, Agent-Oriented Information Systems, Proceedings of the Fourth International Bi-Conference Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS-2002 at CAiSE*02) CEUR-WS.org 2002
29 Paolo Giorgini, Yves Lespérance, Gerd Wagner, Eric S. K. Yu: AOIS '02, Agent-Oriented Information Systems, Proceedings of the Fourth International Bi-Conference Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS-2002 at AAMAS*02) CEUR-WS.org 2002
28EEManuel Kolp, Paolo Giorgini, John Mylopoulos: Organizational multi-agent architectures: a mobile robot example. AAMAS 2002: 94-95
27EEPaolo Giorgini, Manuel Kolp, John Mylopoulos: Socio-Intentional Architectures for Multi-Agent Systems: the Mobile Robot Control case. AOIS@CAiSE 2002
26EEHaralambos Mouratidis, Paolo Giorgini, Ian R. Philp, Gordon A. Manson: Using Tropos Methodology to Model an Integrated Health Assessment System. AOIS@CAiSE 2002
25EEPaolo Giorgini, Manuel Kolp, John Mylopoulos: Multi-agent and Software Architectures: A Comparative Case Study. AOSE 2002: 101-112
24EEPaolo Giorgini, John Mylopoulos, Eleonora Nicchiarelli, Roberto Sebastiani: Reasoning with Goal Models. ER 2002: 167-181
23EEManuel Kolp, Paolo Giorgini, John Mylopoulos: Information systems development through social structures. SEKE 2002: 183-190
22EEJohn Mylopoulos, Manuel Kolp, Paolo Giorgini: Agent-Oriented Software Development. SETN 2002: 3-17
21 Enrico Blanzieri, Paolo Giorgini, Fausto Giunchiglia, Claudio Zanoni: A Multi-agent System for Knowledge Management based on the Implicit Culture Framework. WOA 2002: 56-63
20 Maddalena Garzetti, Paolo Giorgini, John Mylopoulos, Fabrizio Sannicolò: Applying Tropos Methodology to a real case study: Complexity and Criticality Analysis. WOA 2002: 7-13
19EEAldo Franco Dragoni, Paolo Giorgini, Luciano Serafini: Mental States Recognition from Communication. J. Log. Comput. 12(1): 119-136 (2002)
18 Carlo Batini, Fausto Giunchiglia, Paolo Giorgini, Massimo Mecella: Cooperative Information Systems, 9th International Conference, CoopIS 2001, Trento, Italy, September 5-7, 2001, Proceedings Springer 2001
17EEPaolo Bresciani, Anna Perini, Paolo Giorgini, Fausto Giunchiglia, John Mylopoulos: Modeling Early Requirements in Tropos: A Transformation Based Approach. AOSE 2001: 151-168
16EEManuel Kolp, Paolo Giorgini, John Mylopoulos: A Goal-Based Organizational Perspective on Multi-agent Architectures. ATAL 2001: 128-140
15EEPaolo Bresciani, Anna Perini, Paolo Giorgini, Fausto Giunchiglia, John Mylopoulos: A knowledge level software engineering methodology for agent oriented programming. Agents 2001: 648-655
14 Enrico Blanzieri, Paolo Giorgini, Paolo Massa, Sabrina Recla: Information Access in Implicit Culture Framework. CIKM 2001: 565-567
13EEEnrico Blanzieri, Paolo Giorgini, Paolo Massa, Sabrina Recla: Implicit Culture for Multi-agent Interaction Support. CoopIS 2001: 27-39
12EEAriel Fuxman, Paolo Giorgini, Manuel Kolp, John Mylopoulos: Information systems as social structures. FOIS 2001: 10-21
11 Paolo Giorgini, Anna Perini, John Mylopoulos, Fausto Giunchiglia, Paolo Bresciani: Agent- Oriented Software Development: A Case Study. SEKE 2001: 283-290
10 Anna Perini, Paolo Bresciani, Paolo Giorgini, Fausto Giunchiglia, John Mylopoulos: Towards an Agent Oriented Approach to Software Engineering. WOA 2001: 74-79
9EEAldo Franco Dragoni, Paolo Giorgini, Luciano Serafini: Updating Mental States from Communication. ATAL 2000: 15-30
8EEAldo Franco Dragoni, Paolo Giorgini, Luciano Serafini: Updating mental states from informative communication. Agents 2000: 231-232
7EEJohn Mylopoulos, Ariel Fuxman, Paolo Giorgini: From Entities and Relationships to Social Actors and Dependencies. ER 2000: 27-36
6 Aldo Franco Dragoni, Paolo Giorgini, Maurizio Panti: A Self-Diagnosing Distributed Monitoring System for Nuclear Power Plants. IEA/AIE (Vol. 1) 1998: 786-795
5 Aldo Franco Dragoni, Paolo Giorgini: Sensor Data Validation for Nuclear Power Plants through Bayesian Conditioning and Dempster's Rule of Combination. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 17(2-3): (1998)
4EEAldo Franco Dragoni, Paolo Giorgini, Paolo Puliti: Distributed Knowledge Revision/Integration. CIKM 1997: 121-127
3 Aldo Franco Dragoni, Paolo Giorgini, Marco Baffetti: Distributed Belief Revision vs. Belief Revision in a Multi-Agent Environment: First Results of a Simulation Experiment. MAAMAW 1997: 45-62
2 Aldo Franco Dragoni, Paolo Giorgini: Belief Revision Through the Belief-Function Formalism in a Multi-Agent Environment. ATAL 1996: 103-115
1 Aldo Franco Dragoni, Paolo Giorgini: Learning Agents' Reliability Through Bayesian Conditioning: A Simulation Experiment. ECAI Workshop LDAIS / ICMAS Workshop LIOME 1996: 151-167

Coauthor Index

1Sameh Abdel-Naby [78]
2Raian Ali [99] [100] [101]
3Yudistira Asnar [82] [83] [92] [94] [95] [96] [102]
4Marco Baffetti [3]
5Carlo Batini [18]
6Aliaksandr Birukou [70] [86] [90] [91]
7Enrico Blanzieri [13] [14] [21] [34] [44] [45] [52] [70] [86] [90] [91]
8Roberto Bonato [92]
9Paolo Bresciani [10] [11] [15] [17] [35] [36] [39] [48] [72]
10Volha Bryl [62] [75] [81] [83] [84] [93]
11Ricardo Choren [58] [59] [65] [87]
12Paolo Ciancarini [96]
13Vincenzo D'Andrea [90] [91]
14Fabiano Dalpiaz [99] [100] [101]
15Stéphane Dehousse [66] [79]
16Aldo Franco Dragoni [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [19] [33]
17Hugo Estrada [98]
18Stefano Fante [62] [84]
19Stéphane Faulkner [66] [71] [79]
20Ariel Fuxman [7] [12]
21Abdullah Gani [38]
22Alessandro F. Garcia (Alessandro Garcia) [58] [59] [65] [87]
23Maddalena Garzetti [20] [69]
24Chiara Ghidini [77]
25Holger Giese [58]
26Fausto Giunchiglia [10] [11] [15] [17] [18] [21] [34] [45] [48]
27Brian Henderson-Sellers [35] [39] [40] [55] [72]
28Wiebe van der Hoek [77]
29Tom Holvoet [58] [59] [65] [87]
30Natallia Kokash [90] [91]
31Manuel Kolp [12] [16] [22] [23] [25] [27] [28] [43] [66] [71] [76] [79]
32Yves Lespérance [29] [30]
33Graham C. Low (Graham Cedric Low, Graham Low) [72]
34Carlos José Pereira de Lucena [58] [59] [65] [87]
35Gordon A. Manson [26] [36] [37] [38] [42] [46] [50] [57]
36Paolo Massa [13] [14]
37Fabio Massacci [41] [49] [51] [60] [61] [63] [64] [67] [74] [80] [94]
38Massimo Mecella [18]
39Valentino Meduri [92]
40Alessio Modena [91]
41Rocco Moretti [96]
42Claudio Moser [52]
43Haralambos Mouratidis [26] [36] [37] [38] [42] [46] [50] [57] [66] [68] [71] [73] [79] [88] [89]
44Jörg P. Müller [47] [54]
45John Mylopoulos [7] [10] [11] [12] [15] [16] [17] [20] [22] [23] [24] [25] [27] [28] [32] [41] [43] [48] [49] [51] [53] [56] [60] [61] [63] [64] [74] [76] [80] [81] [85] [93] [97] [98]
46Eleonora Nicchiarelli [24] [32]
47James Odell [47] [54]
48Maurizio Panti [6]
49Oscar Pastor [85] [98]
50Loris Penserini [97]
51Anna Perini [10] [11] [15] [17] [48] [56] [97]
52Ian R. Philp [26]
53Paolo Puliti [4]
54Alicia Martínez Rebollar (Alicia Martínez) [85] [98]
55Sabrina Recla [13] [14]
56Carlo Riccucci [92]
57Stefano Rizzi [69]
58Alexander Romanovsky (Alexander B. Romanovsky) [58] [59] [65] [87]
59Fabrizio Sannicolò [20]
60Marcello Sarini [52]
61Roberto Sebastiani [24] [32] [53]
62Maurizio Sebastianis [96]
63Luciano Serafini [8] [9] [19]
64Alberto Siena [60]
65Angelo Susi [56] [97]
66Gerd Wagner [29] [30]
67Michael Weiss [68] [73]
68Danny Weyns [58]
69Michael Winikoff [55] [72]
70Eric S. K. Yu [29] [30]
71Nicola Zannone [49] [51] [60] [61] [63] [64] [67] [74] [80] [94] [95] [96]
72Claudio Zanoni [21] [34] [45]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)