
Wilfred C. Jamison

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6EEVaijayanthimala K. Anand, Wilfred C. Jamison: A middleware performance characterization of Linux using IBM WebSphere Application Server. IBM Systems Journal 44(2): 353-368 (2005)
5EEWilfred C. Jamison, Doug Lea: TRUCE: Agent Coordination Through Concurrent Interpretation of Role-Based Protocols. COORDINATION 1999: 384-398
4EEWilfred C. Jamison, Doug Lea: Concurrent Role-Based Interpretation of Protocol Scripts: An Approach for Agent Coordination. WETICE 1998: 132-137
3EERobert Tolksdorf, Paolo Ciancarini, Mark Ginsburg, Jakob Hummes, Wilfred C. Jamison: Working Group Report on Coordination Architectures for Distributed Web Applications. WETICE 1998: 150-153
2 Wilfred C. Jamison: Approaching Interoperability for Heterogeneous Multiagent Systems Using High Oder Agencies. CIA 1997: 222-234
1 Wilfred C. Jamison: ACACIA: An Agency Based Collaboration Framework for Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems. DAI 1996: 76-91

Coauthor Index

1Vaijayanthimala K. Anand [6]
2Paolo Ciancarini [3]
3Mark Ginsburg [3]
4Jakob Hummes [3]
5Doug Lea [4] [5]
6Robert Tolksdorf [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)