Volume 6,
Number 1,
Spring 1999
Selected Papers of the Eighth Nordic Workshop on Programming Environment Research (NWPER'98),
August 21-23,
Volume 6,
Number 2,
Summer 1999
Selected Papers of the Sixth Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT'98),
July 8-10,
Volume 6,
Number 3,
Fall 1999
Selected Papers of the Tenth Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory (NWPT'98),
October 14-16,
- Kaisa Sere:
Guest Editor's Foreword.
213-214 BibTeX
- Paolo Ciancarini, Andrea Omicini, Franco Zambonelli:
Coordination Technologies for Internet Agents.
215-240 BibTeX
- Magne Haveraaen, Helmer André Friis, Tor Arne Johansen:
Formal Software Engineering for Computational Modelling.
241-270 BibTeX
- Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Justin Pearson, Carsten Weise, Wang Yi:
Clock Difference Diagrams.
271-298 BibTeX
- Carl Johan Lillieroth, Satnam Singh:
Formal Verification of FPGA Cores.
299-319 BibTeX
- Elena Troubitsyna:
Reliability Assessment through Probabilistic Refinement.
320-342 BibTeX
- Tarmo Uustalu, Varmo Vene:
Mendler-Style Inductive Types, Categorically.
343- BibTeX
Volume 6,
Number 4,
Winter 1999
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:15:31 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)