
Catherine Bidard

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6EEJoe Chalfoun, Catherine Bidard, Delphine Keller, Yann Perrot, Gerard Piolain: Flexible Modeling of a Long Reach Articulated Carrier: Geometric and Elastic Error Calibration. CIRA 2007: 321-326
5EEAlexandre Janot, Catherine Bidard, Florian Gosselin, Maxime Gautier, Delphine Keller, Yann Perrot: Modeling and Identification of a 3 DOF Haptic Interface. ICRA 2007: 4949-4955
4EEJoe Chalfoun, Catherine Bidard, Delphine Keller, Yann Perrot, Gerard Piolain: Design and flexible modeling of a long reach articulated carrier for inspection. IROS 2007: 4013-4019
3 Florian Gosselin, Catherine Bidard, Julien Brisset: Design of a High Fidelity Haptic Device for Telesurgery. ICRA 2005: 205-210
2EEFlorian Gosselin, Jean-Pierre Martins, Catherine Bidard, Claude Andriot, Julien Brisset: Design of a New Parallel Haptic Device for Desktop Applications. WHC 2005: 189-194
1 Alain Micaelli, Catherine Bidard, Claude Andriot: Decoupling Control Based on Virtual Mechanisms for Telemanipulation. ICRA 1998: 1924-1931

Coauthor Index

1Claude Andriot [1] [2]
2Julien Brisset [2] [3]
3Joe Chalfoun [4] [6]
4Maxime Gautier [5]
5Florian Gosselin [2] [3] [5]
6Alexandre Janot [5]
7Delphine Keller [4] [5] [6]
8Jean-Pierre Martins [2]
9Alain Micaelli [1]
10Yann Perrot [4] [5] [6]
11Gerard Piolain [4] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)