
C. Cordell Green

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12 C. Cordell Green: Formality Helps Scalability and Robustness. ACM Comput. Surv. 28(4es): 5 (1996)
11 Allen Goldberg, C. Cordell Green, Wolfgang Polak, Richard Jüllig: Iteration in the software process. ISPW 1986: 105-108
10 C. Cordell Green: What Is Program Synthesis? J. Autom. Reasoning 1(1): 37-41 (1985)
9 Robert Balzer, Thomas E. Cheatham Jr., C. Cordell Green: Software technology in the 1990's: using a new paradigm. ISPW 1984: 3-9
8 Robert Balzer, Thomas E. Cheatham Jr., C. Cordell Green: Software Technology in the 1990's: Using a New Paradigm. IEEE Computer 16(11): 39-45 (1983)
7 C. Cordell Green, David R. Barstow: On Program Synthesis Knowledge. Artif. Intell. 10(3): 241-279 (1978)
6 Douglas W. Clark, C. Cordell Green: A Note on Shared List Structure in LISP. Inf. Process. Lett. 7(6): 312-314 (1978)
5 Douglas W. Clark, C. Cordell Green: An Empirical Study of List Structure in Lisp. Commun. ACM 20(2): 78-87 (1977)
4 C. Cordell Green: The Design of the PSI Program Synthesis System. ICSE 1976: 4-18
3 C. Cordell Green, David R. Barstow: Some Rules For The Automatic Synthesis Of Programs. IJCAI 1975: 232-239
2 C. Cordell Green: The Application of Theorem Proving to Question-Answering Systems Garland Publishing, New York 1969
1 C. Cordell Green: Application of Theorem Proving to Problem Solving. IJCAI 1969: 219-240

Coauthor Index

1Robert Balzer [8] [9]
2David R. Barstow [3] [7]
3Thomas E. Cheatham Jr. [8] [9]
4Douglas W. Clark [5] [6]
5Allen Goldberg [11]
6Richard Jüllig [11]
7Wolfgang Polak [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)