
Richard J. Feiertag

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10EEPeter G. Neumann, Richard J. Feiertag: PSOS Revisited. ACSAC 2003: 208-216
9EERichard J. Feiertag, Stuart Staniford-Chen, Karl N. Levitt, Mark Heckman, Dave Peticolas, Rick Crawford, Lee Benzinger, Sue Rho, Stephen Wu: Intrusion detection inter-component adaptive negotiation. Computer Networks 34(4): 605-621 (2000)
8EERichard J. Feiertag, Stuart Staniford-Chen, Karl N. Levitt, Mark Heckman, Dave Peticolas, Rick Crawford, Lee Benzinger, Sue Rho, Stephen Wu: Intrusion Detection Inter-component Adaptive Negotiation. Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection 1999
7 E. John Sebes, Richard J. Feiertag: Implicit Discretionary Access Propagation: A new Interpretation of DAC. CSFW 1991: 183-187
6 N. L. Kelem, Richard J. Feiertag: A Separation Model for Virtual Machine Monitors. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1991: 78-86
5 Thomas A. Berson, Richard J. Feiertag, R. Kenneth Bauer: Processor-per-Domain Guard Architecture. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1983: 120
4EER. Kenneth Bauer, Thomas A. Berson, Richard J. Feiertag: A Key Distribution Protocol Using Event Markers ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 1(3): 249-255 (1983)
3 Richard J. Feiertag, Karl N. Levitt, Lawrence Robinson: Proving Multilevel Security of a System Design. SOSP 1977: 57-65
2 Peter G. Neumann, Richard J. Feiertag, Karl N. Levitt, Lawrence Robinson: Software Development and Proofs of Multi-Level Security. ICSE 1976: 421-428
1 Richard J. Feiertag, Elliott I. Organick: The MULTICS Input/Output System. SOSP 1971: 35-41

Coauthor Index

1R. Kenneth Bauer [4] [5]
2Lee Benzinger [8] [9]
3Thomas A. Berson [4] [5]
4Rick Crawford [8] [9]
5Mark Heckman [8] [9]
6N. L. Kelem [6]
7Karl N. Levitt [2] [3] [8] [9]
8Peter G. Neumann [2] [10]
9Elliott I. Organick [1]
10Dave Peticolas [8] [9]
11Sue Rho [8] [9]
12Lawrence Robinson [2] [3]
13E. John Sebes [7]
14Stuart Staniford-Chen (Stuart Staniford) [8] [9]
15Stephen Wu [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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