
Richard J. Waldinger

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48EERichard J. Waldinger: Whatever Happened to Deductive Question Answering? LPAR 2007: 15-16
47 Richard J. Waldinger, Douglas E. Appelt, Jennifer L. Dungan, John Fry, Jerry R. Hobbs, David J. Israel, Peter Jarvis, David L. Martin, Susanne Riehemann, Mark E. Stickel, Mabry Tyson: Deductive Question Answering from Multiple Resources. New Directions in Question Answering 2004: 253-262
46EERichard J. Waldinger, Peter Jarvis, Jennifer L. Dungan: Program Synthesis for Multi-agent Question Answering. Verification: Theory and Practice 2003: 747-761
45EEKenneth Baclawski, Mieczyslaw M. Kokar, Richard J. Waldinger, Paul A. Kogut: Consistency Checking of Semantic Web Ontologies. International Semantic Web Conference 2002: 454-459
44EEGrit Denker, Jerry R. Hobbs, David L. Martin, Srini Narayanan, Richard J. Waldinger: Accessing Information and Services on the DAML-Enabled Web. SemWeb 2001
43 Vinay K. Chaudhri, Mark E. Stickel, Jérôme Thoméré, Richard J. Waldinger: Using Prior Knowledge: Problems and Solutions. AAAI/IAAI 2000: 436-442
42EERichard J. Waldinger: Web Agents Cooperating Deductively. FAABS 2000: 250-262
41EEBarbara Starr, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Adam Farquhar, Richard J. Waldinger: Knowledge-Intensive Query Processing. KRDB 1998: 18.1-18.6
40 Zohar Manna, Massimo Paltrinieri, Richard J. Waldinger: A Temporal Plan Theory. WOCFAI 1995: 253-261
39 Mark E. Stickel, Richard J. Waldinger, Michael R. Lowry, Thomas Pressburger, Ian Underwood: Deductive Composition of Astronomical Software from Subroutine Libraries. CADE 1994: 341-355
38 Hugh McGuire, Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: Annotation-Based Deduction in Temporal Logic. ICTL 1994: 430-444
37 Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: The Special-Relation Rules are Incomplete. CADE 1992: 492-506
36EEZohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: Fundamentals of Deductive Program Synthesis. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 18(8): 674-704 (1992)
35EERichard J. Waldinger, Mark E. Stickel: Proving Properties of Rule-Based Systems. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 2(1): 121-144 (1992)
34 Gerd Große, Richard J. Waldinger: Towards a Theory of Simultaneous Actions. EWSP 1991: 78-87
33 Richard J. Waldinger: Tutorial on Program-Synthetic Deduction. CADE 1990: 684
32EEXiaolei Qian, Richard J. Waldinger: A Transaction Logic for Database Specification. SIGMOD Conference 1988: 243-250
31 Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: The Deductive Synthesis of Imperative LISP Programs. AAAI 1987: 155-160
30 Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: How to Clear a Block: A Theory of Plans. J. Autom. Reasoning 3(4): 343-377 (1987)
29 Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: The Origin of a Binary-Search Paradigm. Sci. Comput. Program. 9(1): 37-83 (1987)
28 Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: How to Clear a Block: Plan Formation in Situational Logic. CADE 1986: 622-640
27 Bengt Jonsson, Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: Towards Deductive Synthesis of Dataflow Networks LICS 1986: 26-37
26 Yonathan Malachi, Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: TABLOG: A New Approach To Logic Programming. Logic Programming: Functions, Relations, and Equations 1986: 365-394
25 Yonathan Malachi, Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: Tablog: Functional and Relational Programming in One Framework. IEEE Software 3(1): 75-76 (1986)
24EEZohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: Special relations in automated deduction. J. ACM 33(1): 1-59 (1986)
23 Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: Deduction with Relation Matching. FSTTCS 1985: 212-224
22 Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: Special Relations in Automated Deduction. ICALP 1985: 413-423
21 Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: The Origin of the Binary-Search Paradigm. IJCAI 1985: 222-224
20 Yonathan Malachi, Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: TABLOG: The Deductive-Tableau Programming Language. LISP and Functional Programming 1984: 323-330
19 Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: Problematic Features of Programming Languages: A Situational-Calculus Approach. Acta Inf. 16: 371-426 (1981)
18EEZohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: A Deductive Approach to Program Synthesis. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 2(1): 90-121 (1980)
17 Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: Synthesis: Dreams - Programs. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 5(4): 294-328 (1979)
16 Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: The Synthesis of Structure Changing Programs. ICSE 1978: 175-187
15 Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: Is "Sometime" Sometimes Better Than "Always"? (Intermittent Assertions in Proving Program Correctness). Commun. ACM 21(2): 159-172 (1978)
14 Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: The Logic of Computer Programming. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 4(3): 199-229 (1978)
13 Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: The Automatic Synthesis of Systems of Recursive Programs. IJCAI 1977: 405-411
12EEEarl D. Sacerdoti, Richard E. Fikes, René Reboh, Daniel Sagalowicz, Richard J. Waldinger, B. Michael Wilber: QLISP: a language for the interactive development of complex systems. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1976: 349-356
11 Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: Is 'Sometime' Sometimes Better Than 'Always'? Intermittent Assertions in Proving Program Correctness. ICSE 1976: 32-39
10 Richard J. Waldinger, Zohar Manna: Knowledge and Reasoning in Program Synthesis. IJCAI 1975: 288-295
9 Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: Knowledge and Reasoning in Program Synthesis. Artif. Intell. 6(2): 175-208 (1975)
8 Irene Greif, Richard J. Waldinger: A more mechanical approach to program verification. Symposium on Programming 1974: 109-119
7 Richard J. Waldinger, Karl N. Levitt: Reasoning about Programs. Artif. Intell. 5(3): 235-316 (1974)
6 Richard C. T. Lee, Chin-Liang Chang, Richard J. Waldinger: An Improved Program-Synthesizing Algorithm and Its Correctness. Commun. ACM 17(4): 211-217 (1974)
5 Richard J. Waldinger, Karl N. Levitt: Reasoning About Programs. POPL 1973: 169-182
4 Bernard Elspas, Karl N. Levitt, Richard J. Waldinger, Abraham Waksman: An Assessment of Techniques for Proving Program Correctness. ACM Comput. Surv. 4(2): 97-147 (1972)
3 Johns F. Rulifson, Richard J. Waldinger, Jan A. Derksen: A Language for Writing Problem-Solving Programs. IFIP Congress (1) 1971: 201-205
2 Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger: Toward Automatic Program Synthesis. Commun. ACM 14(3): 151-165 (1971)
1 Richard J. Waldinger, Richard C. T. Lee: PROW: A Step Toward Automatic Program Writing. IJCAI 1969: 241-252

Coauthor Index

1Douglas E. Appelt [47]
2Kenneth Baclawski [45]
3Chin-Liang Chang [6]
4Vinay K. Chaudhri [41] [43]
5Grit Denker [44]
6Jan A. Derksen [3]
7Jennifer L. Dungan [46] [47]
8Bernard Elspas [4]
9Adam Farquhar [41]
10Richard E. Fikes [12]
11John Fry [47]
12Irene Greif [8]
13Gerd Große [34]
14Jerry R. Hobbs [44] [47]
15David J. Israel [47]
16Peter Jarvis [46] [47]
17Bengt Jonsson [27]
18Paul A. Kogut [45]
19Mieczyslaw M. Kokar [45]
20Richard C. T. Lee (Richard Chia-Tung Lee) [1] [6]
21Karl N. Levitt [4] [5] [7]
22Michael R. Lowry [39]
23Yonathan Malachi [20] [25] [26]
24Zohar Manna [2] [9] [10] [11] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [36] [37] [38] [40]
25David L. Martin [44] [47]
26Hugh McGuire [38]
27Srini Narayanan [44]
28Massimo Paltrinieri [40]
29Thomas Pressburger [39]
30Xiaolei Qian [32]
31René Reboh [12]
32Susanne Riehemann [47]
33Johns F. Rulifson [3]
34Earl D. Sacerdoti [12]
35Daniel Sagalowicz [12]
36Barbara Starr [41]
37Mark E. Stickel [35] [39] [43] [47]
38Jérôme Thoméré [43]
39Mabry Tyson [47]
40Ian Underwood [39]
41Abraham Waksman [4]
42B. Michael Wilber [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)