
S. S. Yau

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9EES. S. Yau, Jun Zhu: Intrusion ripple analysis in distributed information systems. FTDCS 1997: 28-33
8EES. S. Yau, Haiqing Ying: A clustering algorithm for object-oriented development of distributed computing system software. FTDCS 1995: 274-283
7 S. S. Yau, Y. S. Tang: Generation of Shortest Test Sequences for Detecting Individual Faults of Sequential Circuits. Comput. J. 22(2): 169-172 (1979)
6 S. S. Yau, H. S. Fung: Associative Processor Architecture - A Survey. ACM Comput. Surv. 9(1): 3-27 (1977)
5 S. S. Yau, R. C. Cheung, D. C. Cochrane: An Approach to Error-Resistant Software Design. ICSE 1976: 429-436
4EEL. W. Smith, S. S. Yau: Generational of regular expressions for automata by the integral of regular expressions. Comput. J. 15(3): 222-228 (1972)
3 Roger W. Ehrich, S. S. Yau: Two-Way Sequential Transductions and Stack Automata Information and Control 18(5): 404-446 (1971)
2EES. S. Yau, C. K. Tang: Universal logic circuits and their modular realizations. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1968: 297-305
1 Douglas C. Bossen, S. S. Yau: Redundant Residue Polynomial Codes Information and Control 13(6): 597-618 (1968)

Coauthor Index

1Douglas C. Bossen [1]
2R. C. Cheung [5]
3D. C. Cochrane [5]
4Roger W. Ehrich [3]
5H. S. Fung [6]
6L. W. Smith [4]
7C. K. Tang [2]
8Y. S. Tang [7]
9Haiqing Ying [8]
10Jun Zhu [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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