
Mack W. Alford

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9 Stephanie White, Mack W. Alford, Julian Holtzman, C. Stephen Kuehl, Brian McCay, David Oliver, David Owens, Colin Tully, Allan Willey: Systems Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, State of Practice Working Group. IEEE Computer 26(11): 54-65 (1993)
8 Stephanie White, Mack W. Alford, Brian McCay, David Oliver, Colin Tully, Julian Holtzman, C. Stephen Kuehl, David Owens, Allan Willey: Trends in Computer-Based Systems Engineering. ICCD 1992: 12-15
7 Mack W. Alford, Jean-Pierre Ansart, Günter Hommel, Leslie Lamport, Barbara Liskov, Geoff P. Mullery, Fred B. Schneider: Distributed Systems: Methods and Tools for Specification, An Advanced Course, April 3-12, 1984 and April 16-25, 1985 Munich Springer 1985
6 Mack W. Alford: SREM at the Age of Eight; The Distributed Computing Design System. IEEE Computer 18(4): 36-46 (1985)
5 Mack W. Alford: A Graph Model Based Approach to Specifications. Advanced Course: Distributed Systems 1984: 131-201
4 Mack W. Alford, Leslie Lamport, Geoff P. Mullery: Basic Concepts. Advanced Course: Distributed Systems 1984: 7-43
3EEMack W. Alford: Derivation of Element-Relation-Attribute Data Base Requirements by Decomposition of System Functions. ER 1983: 69-70
2 Mack W. Alford: A Requirements Engineering Methodology for Real-Time Processing Requirements. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 3(1): 60-69 (1977)
1 Mack W. Alford: A Requirements Engineering Methodology for Real-Time Processing Requirements (Abstract). ICSE 1976: 69

Coauthor Index

1Jean-Pierre Ansart [7]
2Julian Holtzman [8] [9]
3Günter Hommel [7]
4C. Stephen Kuehl [8] [9]
5Leslie Lamport [4] [7]
6Barbara Liskov [7]
7Brian McCay [8] [9]
8Geoff P. Mullery [4] [7]
9David Oliver [8] [9]
10David Owens [8] [9]
11Fred B. Schneider [7]
12Colin Tully [8] [9]
13Stephanie White [8] [9]
14Allan Willey [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)