
Jerome A. Feldman

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35EEJerome A. Feldman: On intelligence as memory. Artif. Intell. 169(2): 181-183 (2005)
34 Jerome A. Feldman, David Bailey: Layered Hybrid Connectionist Models for Cognitive Science. Hybrid Neural Systems 1998: 14-27
33EEJerome A. Feldman: Real Language Learning. ICGI 1998: 114-125
32 Jerome A. Feldman, George Lakoff, David Bailey, Srini Narayanan, Terry Regier, Andreas Stolcke: L0 - The First Five Years of an Automated Language Acquisition Project. Artif. Intell. Rev. 10(1-2): 103-129 (1996)
31EEJerome A. Feldman: Structured connectionist models and language learning. Artif. Intell. Rev. 7(5): 301-312 (1993)
30 Jerome A. Feldman, Chu-Cheow Lim, Thomas Rauber: The Shared-Memory Language pSather on a Distributed-Memory Multiprocessor. SIGPLAN Workshop 1992: 17-20
29 Sara Porat, Jerome A. Feldman: Learning Automata from Ordered Examples. Machine Learning 7: 109-138 (1991)
28 Jerome A. Feldman: An Essay Concerning Robotic Understanding. AI Magazine 11(3): 12-13 (1990)
27EESara Porat, Jerome A. Feldman: Learning Automata from Ordered Examples. COLT 1988: 386-396
26 Jerome A. Feldman, Mark A. Fanty, Nigel H. Goddard, Kenton J. Lynne: Computing with Structured Connectionist Networks. Commun. ACM 31(2): 170-187 (1988)
25 Jerome A. Feldman, Mark A. Fanty, Nigel H. Goddard: Computing with Structured Neural Networks. IEEE Computer 21(3): 91-103 (1988)
24 Lokendra Shastri, Jerome A. Feldman: Evidential Reasoning in Semantic Networks: A Formal Theory. IJCAI 1985: 465-474
23EEJerome A. Feldman: Connectionist models and parallelism in high level vision. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 31(2): 178-200 (1985)
22 Carla Schlatter Ellis, Jerome A. Feldman, James E. Heliotis: Language Constructs and Support Systems for Distributed Computing. PODC 1982: 1-9
21 Keith A. Lantz, Klaus D. Gradischnig, Jerome A. Feldman, Richard F. Rashid: Rochester's Intelligent Gateway. IEEE Computer 15(10): 54-68 (1982)
20 Jerome A. Feldman, Anil Nigam: A Model and Proof Technique for Message-Based Systems. SIAM J. Comput. 9(4): 768-784 (1980)
19 Jerome A. Feldman: High Level Programming for Distributed Computing. Commun. ACM 22(6): 353-368 (1979)
18 Jerome A. Feldman, William R. Sutherland: Rejuvenating Experimental Computer Science - A Report to the National Science Foundation and Others. Commun. ACM 22(9): 497-502 (1979)
17EEJerome A. Feldman, James R. Low, Paul Rovner: Programming Distributed Systems. ACM Annual Conference (1) 1978: 310-316
16 Azriel Rosenfeld, Jerome A. Feldman, Laveen N. Kanal, Patrick H. Winston: AI and Pattern Recognition. IJCAI 1977: 993
15 Jerome A. Feldman, Paul C. Shields: Total Complexity and the Inference of Best Programs. Mathematical Systems Theory 10: 181-191 (1977)
14 J. Eugene Ball, Jerome A. Feldman, James R. Low, Richard F. Rashid, Paul Rovner: RIG, Rochester's Intelligent Gateway: System Overview (Abstract). ICSE 1976: 132
13 J. Eugene Ball, Jerome A. Feldman, James R. Low, Richard F. Rashid, Paul Rovner: RIG, Rochester's Intelligent Gateway: System Overview. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 2(4): 321-328 (1976)
12 Jerome A. Feldman, Yoram Yakimovsky: Decision Theory and Artificial Intelligence: I. A Semantics-Based Region Analyzer. Artif. Intell. 5(4): 349-371 (1974)
11 Yoram Yakimovsky, Jerome A. Feldman: A Semantics-Based Decision Theory Region Analyser. IJCAI 1973: 580-588
10 Jerome A. Feldman, James R. Low: Comment on Brent's Scatter Storage Algorithm. Commun. ACM 16(11): 703 (1973)
9 Jerome A. Feldman: Some Decidability Results on Grammatical Inference and Complexity Information and Control 20(3): 244-262 (1972)
8 Jay M. Tenenbaum, Alan C. Kay, Thomas O. Binford, Gilbert Falk, Jerome A. Feldman, G. Grape, R. Paul, Karl K. Pingle, Irwin Sobel, Robert F. Sproull: A Laboratory for Hand-Eye Research. IFIP Congress (1) 1971: 206-210
7 Jerome A. Feldman, Robert F. Sproull: System Support for the Stanford Hand-Eye System. IJCAI 1971: 185-189
6 Jerome A. Feldman, Karl K. Pingle, Thomas O. Binford, Gilbert Falk, A. Hay, R. Paul, Robert F. Sproull, Jay M. Tenenbaum: The Use of Vision and Manipulation to Solve the "Instant Insanity" Puzzle. IJCAI 1971: 359-364
5 Jerome A. Feldman, C. M. Feldman, Gilbert Falk, C. Grape, J. Pearlman, Irwin Sobel, Jay M. Tenenbaum: The Stanford Hand-Eye Project. IJCAI 1969: 521-526
4EEJerome A. Feldman, Paul Rovner: An ALGOL-based associative language. Commun. ACM 12(8): 439-449 (1969)
3 Paul Rovner, Jerome A. Feldman: The LEAP language and data structure. IFIP Congress (1) 1968: 579-585
2EEJerome A. Feldman, David Gries: Translator writing systems. Commun. ACM 11(2): 77-113 (1968)
1EEJerome A. Feldman: A formal semantics for computer languages and its application in a compiler-compiler. Commun. ACM 9(1): 3-9 (1966)

Coauthor Index

1David Bailey [32] [34]
2J. Eugene Ball [13] [14]
3Thomas O. Binford [6] [8]
4Carla Schlatter Ellis [22]
5Gilbert Falk [5] [6] [8]
6Mark A. Fanty [25] [26]
7C. M. Feldman [5]
8Nigel H. Goddard [25] [26]
9Klaus D. Gradischnig [21]
10C. Grape [5]
11G. Grape [8]
12David Gries [2]
13A. Hay [6]
14James E. Heliotis [22]
15Laveen N. Kanal [16]
16Alan C. Kay [8]
17George Lakoff [32]
18Keith A. Lantz [21]
19Chu-Cheow Lim [30]
20James R. Low [10] [13] [14] [17]
21Kenton J. Lynne [26]
22Srini Narayanan [32]
23Anil Nigam [20]
24R. Paul [6] [8]
25J. Pearlman [5]
26Karl K. Pingle [6] [8]
27Sara Porat [27] [29]
28Richard F. Rashid [13] [14] [21]
29Thomas Rauber [30]
30Terry Regier [32]
31Azriel Rosenfeld [16]
32Paul Rovner [3] [4] [13] [14] [17]
33Lokendra Shastri [24]
34Paul C. Shields [15]
35Irwin Sobel [5] [8]
36Robert F. Sproull [6] [7] [8]
37Andreas Stolcke [32]
38William R. Sutherland [18]
39Jay M. Tenenbaum [5] [6] [8]
40Patrick Henry Winston (Patrick H. Winston) [16]
41Yoram Yakimovsky [11] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)