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ICMENS 2005: Banff, Alberta, Canada

2005 International Conference on MEMS, NANO, and Smart Systems (ICMENS 2005), 24-27 July 2005, Banff, Alberta, Canada. IEEE Computer Society 2005, ISBN 0-7695-2398-6 BibTeX



M1: Plenary Speaker

M1A: Spintronics Symposium I

M1B: Symposium on Interfacial in Micro and Nano Systems I

M1C: Microfuidic Systems

M2A: Spintronics Symposium II

M2B: Symposium in Interfacial in Micro and Nano Systems II

M2C: MEMS Structure and Failure Analysis

M3: Plenary Speaker

M3A: Selected Topics in MEMS

M3B: Symposium on Interfacial Phenomena in Micro and Nano Systems III

M3C: Microfabrication Techniques

T1: Plenary Speaker


T1B: Space Technologies I

T1C: Microsystems and Micromachining

T1D: Symposium on Interfacial Phenomena in Micro and Nano Systems IV


T2B: Space Technologies II

T2C: Theory and Modeling on Multiple Scales

T2D: Symposium on Interfacial Phenomena in Micro and Nano Systems V

T3: Plenary Speaker


T3B: Space Missions

T3C: BioMEMS Applications

T3D: Symposium on Interfacial Phenomena in Micro and Nano Systems VI

T3E: Applications in Micro and Nano Technologies I

W1: Plenary Speaker

W1A: Mathematical Directions in Micro and Nanoscale Science I

W1B: Space Applications of MEMS, Nano and Smart Systems

W1C: Carbon Nanotubes

W2A: Mathematical Directions in Micro and Nanoscale Scienece II

W2B: Micro and Nano Structures

W2C: Applications in Micro and Nano Technologies II

W3: Plenary Speaker

W3A: MEMS Applications in Sensors and Actuators

W3B: Micro Resonators

W3C: Microsystems Dynamics

Copyright © Sat May 16 23:20:36 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)