
Mihai Patrascu

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42EEErik D. Demaine, Dion Harmon, John Iacono, Daniel Kane, Mihai Patrascu: The geometry of binary search trees. SODA 2009: 496-505
41EEMihai Patrascu: Succincter. FOCS 2008: 305-313
40EEAlexandr Andoni, Dorian Croitoru, Mihai Patrascu: Hardness of Nearest Neighbor under L-infinity. FOCS 2008: 424-433
39EEMihai Patrascu: (Data) STRUCTURES. FOCS 2008: 434-443
38EETimothy M. Chan, Mihai Patrascu, Liam Roditty: Dynamic Connectivity: Connecting to Networks and Geometry. FOCS 2008: 95-104
37EEAlexandr Andoni, Ronald Fagin, Ravi Kumar, Mihai Patrascu, D. Sivakumar: Corrigendum to "efficient similarity search and classification via rank aggregation" by Ronald Fagin, Ravi Kumar and D. Sivakumar (proc. SIGMOD'03). SIGMOD Conference 2008: 1375-1376
36EEAmit Chakrabarti, T. S. Jayram, Mihai Patrascu: Tight lower bounds for selection in randomly ordered streams. SODA 2008: 720-729
35EEMihai Patrascu: Lower Bounds for Dynamic Connectivity. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
34EEMihai Patrascu: Predecessor Search. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
33EEIlya Baran, Erik D. Demaine, Mihai Patrascu: Subquadratic Algorithms for 3SUM. Algorithmica 50(4): 584-596 (2008)
32EETimothy M. Chan, Mihai Patrascu, Liam Roditty: Dynamic Connectivity: Connecting to Networks and Geometry CoRR abs/0808.1128: (2008)
31EEGianni Franceschini, S. Muthukrishnan, Mihai Patrascu: Radix Sorting with No Extra Space. ESA 2007: 194-205
30EEMihai Patrascu, Mikkel Thorup: Planning for Fast Connectivity Updates. FOCS 2007: 263-271
29EENicholas J. A. Harvey, Mihai Patrascu, Yonggang Wen, Sergey Yekhanin, Vincent W. S. Chan: Non-Adaptive Fault Diagnosis for All-Optical Networks via Combinatorial Group Testing on Graphs. INFOCOM 2007: 697-705
28EEMihai Patrascu, Mikkel Thorup: Randomization does not help searching predecessors. SODA 2007: 555-564
27EETimothy M. Chan, Mihai Patrascu: Voronoi diagrams in n·2osqrt(lg lg n) time. STOC 2007: 31-39
26EEMihai Patrascu: Lower bounds for 2-dimensional range counting. STOC 2007: 40-46
25EEErik D. Demaine, Mihai Patrascu: Tight bounds for dynamic convex hull queries (again). Symposium on Computational Geometry 2007: 354-363
24EEGianni Franceschini, S. Muthukrishnan, Mihai Patrascu: Radix Sorting With No Extra Space CoRR abs/0706.4107: (2007)
23EEErik D. Demaine, Dion Harmon, John Iacono, Mihai Patrascu: Dynamic Optimality - Almost. SIAM J. Comput. 37(1): 240-251 (2007)
22EEMihai Patrascu, Corina E. Tarnita: On dynamic bit-probe complexity. Theor. Comput. Sci. 380(1-2): 127-142 (2007)
21EEMihai Patrascu: Planar Point Location in Sublogarithmic Time. FOCS 2006: 325-332
20EEAlexandr Andoni, Piotr Indyk, Mihai Patrascu: On the Optimality of the Dimensionality Reduction Method. FOCS 2006: 449-458
19EEMihai Patrascu, Mikkel Thorup: Higher Lower Bounds for Near-Neighbor and Further Rich Problems. FOCS 2006: 646-654
18EEErik D. Demaine, Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide, Rasmus Pagh, Mihai Patrascu: De Dictionariis Dynamicis Pauco Spatio Utentibus (lat. On Dynamic Dictionaries Using Little Space). LATIN 2006: 349-361
17EEMicah Adler, Erik D. Demaine, Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Mihai Patrascu: Lower bounds for asymmetric communication channels and distributed source coding. SODA 2006: 251-260
16EEMette Berger, Esben Rune Hansen, Rasmus Pagh, Mihai Patrascu, Milan Ruzic, Peter Tiedemann: Deterministic load balancing and dictionaries in the parallel disk model. SPAA 2006: 299-307
15EEMihai Patrascu, Mikkel Thorup: Time-space trade-offs for predecessor search. STOC 2006: 232-240
14EEMihai Patrascu, Mikkel Thorup: Time-Space Trade-Offs for Predecessor Search CoRR abs/cs/0603043: (2006)
13EEMihai Patrascu, Erik D. Demaine: Logarithmic Lower Bounds in the Cell-Probe Model. SIAM J. Comput. 35(4): 932-963 (2006)
12EECorina E. Patrascu, Mihai Patrascu: On Dynamic Bit-Probe Complexity. ICALP 2005: 969-981
11EEMihai Patrascu, Stefano Stramigioli: Stick-slip Actuation of Electrostatic Stepper Micropositioners for Data Storage - the µWalker. ICMENS 2005: 81-86
10EEChristian Worm Mortensen, Rasmus Pagh, Mihai Patrascu: On dynamic range reporting in one dimension. STOC 2005: 104-111
9EEIlya Baran, Erik D. Demaine, Mihai Patrascu: Subquadratic Algorithms for 3SUM. WADS 2005: 409-421
8EEChristian Worm Mortensen, Rasmus Pagh, Mihai Patrascu: On Dynamic Range Reporting in One Dimension CoRR abs/cs/0502032: (2005)
7EEMihai Patrascu, Erik D. Demaine: Logarithmic Lower Bounds in the Cell-Probe Model CoRR abs/cs/0502041: (2005)
6EEErik D. Demaine, Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide, Rasmus Pagh, Mihai Patrascu: De Dictionariis Dynamicis Pauco Spatio Utentibus CoRR abs/cs/0512081: (2005)
5EECorina E. Patrascu, Mihai Patrascu: Computing Order Statistics in the Farey Sequence. ANTS 2004: 358-366
4EEErik D. Demaine, Dion Harmon, John Iacono, Mihai Patrascu: Dynamic Optimality -- Almost. FOCS 2004: 484-490
3EEMihai Patrascu, Erik D. Demaine: Tight bounds for the partial-sums problem. SODA 2004: 20-29
2EEErik D. Demaine, Thouis R. Jones, Mihai Patrascu: Interpolation search for non-independent data. SODA 2004: 529-530
1EEMihai Patrascu, Erik D. Demaine: Lower bounds for dynamic connectivity. STOC 2004: 546-553

Coauthor Index

1Micah Adler [17]
2Alexandr Andoni [20] [37] [40]
3Ilya Baran [9] [33]
4Mette Berger [16]
5Amit Chakrabarti [36]
6Timothy M. Chan [27] [32] [38]
7Vincent W. S. Chan [29]
8Dorian Croitoru [40]
9Erik D. Demaine [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [9] [13] [17] [18] [23] [25] [33] [42]
10Ronald Fagin [37]
11Gianni Franceschini [24] [31]
12Esben Rune Hansen [16]
13Dion Harmon [4] [23] [42]
14Nicholas J. A. Harvey [17] [29]
15Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide [6] [18]
16John Iacono [4] [23] [42]
17Piotr Indyk [20]
18T. S. Jayram (Jayram S. Thathachar) [36]
19Thouis R. Jones [2]
20Daniel Kane [42]
21Ravi Kumar (S. Ravi Kumar) [37]
22Christian Worm Mortensen [8] [10]
23S. Muthukrishnan (S. Muthu Muthukrishnan) [24] [31]
24Rasmus Pagh [6] [8] [10] [16] [18]
25Corina E. Patrascu [5] [12]
26Liam Roditty [32] [38]
27Milan Ruzic [16]
28D. Sivakumar [37]
29Stefano Stramigioli [11]
30Corina E. Tarnita [22]
31Mikkel Thorup [14] [15] [19] [28] [30]
32Peter Tiedemann [16]
33Yonggang Wen [29]
34Sergey Yekhanin [29]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)