Wayne A. Davis, Kellogg S. Booth, Alain Fournier (Eds.):
Proceedings of the Graphics Interface 1998 Conference, June 18-20, 1998, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society 1998, ISBN 0-9695338-7-X BibTeX
Meshing Techniques
Invited Speaker
Invited Speaker
- Colin Ware:
Perception & Data Visualization: The Foundations of Experimental Semiotics.
92-98 BibTeX
Volume Visualization
- Kevin Chun-Ho Wong, Tommy Yu-Hang Siu, Pheng-Ann Heng, Hanqiu Sun:
Interactive Volume Cutting.
99-106 BibTeX
- Insung Ihm, Sanghun Park:
Wavelet-Based 3D Compression Scheme for Very Large Volume Data.
107-116 BibTeX
- James Patten, Kwan-Liu Mah:
A Graph Based Interface for Representing Volume Visualization Results.
117-124 BibTeX
- Robert W. Sumner, James F. O'Brien, Jessica K. Hodgins:
Animating Sand, Mud & Snow.
125-132 BibTeX
- Patrick Fournier, Arash Habibi, Pierre Poulin:
Simulating the Flow of Liquid Droplets.
133-142 BibTeX
- Mathieu Desbrun, Marie-Paule Gascuel:
Active Implicit Surface for Animation.
143-150 BibTeX
- Nick Torkos, Michiel van de Panne:
Footprint-based Quadruped Motion Synthesis.
151-160 BibTeX
Invited Speaker
Human-Computer Interaction
Invited Speaker
Image-based Techniques
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:14:00 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)