
Daniel Alexander Ford

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21EEJames H. Kaufman, Joanna L. Conant, Daniel Alexander Ford, Wakana Kirihata, Barbara Jones, Judith V. Douglas: Assessing the Accuracy of Spatiotemporal Epidemiological Models. BioSecure 2008: 143-154
20EEJames H. Kaufman, Stefan Edlund, Daniel Alexander Ford, Calvin Powers: The Social Contract Core. Electronic Commerce Research 5(1): 141-165 (2005)
19 Stefan Edlund, Daniel Alexander Ford, Vikas Krishna, Sunitha Kambhampati: Extending Groupware for OLAP: Where Did My Time Go? ICEIS (1) 2003: 47-54
18EEJames H. Kaufman, Stefan Edlund, Daniel Alexander Ford, Calvin Powers: The social contract core. WWW 2002: 210-220
17EEJames H. Kaufman, Joann Ruvolo, Daniel Alexander Ford: Tempus fight and the need for an e-social contract. Agents 2001: 174-175
16 Daniel Alexander Ford, Joann Ruvolo, Stefan Edlund, Jussi Myllymaki, James H. Kaufman, Jared Jackson, Martin Gerlach: Tempus Fugit: A System for Making Semantic Connections. CIKM 2001: 520-522
15EEShang-Hua Teng, Qi Lu, Matthias Eichstaedt, Daniel Alexander Ford, Tobin J. Lehman: Collaborative Web Crawling: Information Gathering/Processing over Internet. HICSS 1999
14 Reiner Kraft, Gabi Zodik, Daniel Alexander Ford, Ron Y. Pinter, Dirk Nicol, Qi Lu, Matthias Eichstaedt: jCentral: Search the Web for Java. WebNet 1999: 626-631
13EEQi Lu, Matthias Eichstaedt, Daniel Alexander Ford: Efficient Profile Matching for Large Scale Webcasting. Computer Networks 30(1-7): 443-455 (1998)
12 Peter Wyckoff, Stephen W. McLaughry, Tobin J. Lehman, Daniel Alexander Ford: T Spaces. IBM Systems Journal 37(3): 454-474 (1998)
11 Daniel Alexander Ford, Robert J. T. Morris, Alan E. Bell: Redundant Arrays of Independent Libraries (RAIL): The StarFish Tertiary Storage System. Parallel Computing 24(1): 45-64 (1998)
10EEDaniel Alexander Ford: Dismountable Media Management in Tertiary Storage Systems. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 9(2): 350-351 (1997)
9 Daniel Alexander Ford, Robert J. T. Morris, Alan E. Bell: Redundant Arrays of Independent Libraries (RAIL): A Tertiary Storage System. COMPCON 1996: 280-285
8EEDaniel Alexander Ford, Jussi Myllymaki: A Log-Structured Organization for Tertiary Storage. ICDE 1996: 20-27
7 Daniel Alexander Ford, Stavros Christodoulakis: File Organizations for Optical Disks. Information Retrieval: Data Structures & Algorithms 1992: 83-101
6EEDaniel Alexander Ford, Stavros Christodoulakis: Optimizing Random Retrievals from CLV format Optical Disks. VLDB 1991: 413-422
5EEDaniel Alexander Ford, Stavros Christodoulakis: Optimal Placement of High-Probability Randomly Retrieved Blocks on CLV Optical Discs. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 9(1): 1-30 (1991)
4EEStavros Christodoulakis, Daniel Alexander Ford: File Organizations and Access Methods for CLV Optical Disks. SIGIR 1989: 152-159
3EEStavros Christodoulakis, Daniel Alexander Ford: Retrieval Performance Versus Disc Space Utilization on WORM Optical Discs. SIGMOD Conference 1989: 306-314
2EEStavros Christodoulakis, Daniel Alexander Ford: Performance Analysis and Fundamental Performance Trade Offs for CLV Optical Disks. SIGMOD Conference 1988: 286-294
1EEStavros Christodoulakis, K. Elliott, Daniel Alexander Ford, K. Hatzilemonias, E. Ledoux, M. Leitch, R. Ng: Optical Mass Storage Systems and their Performance. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 11(1): 14-25 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Alan E. Bell [9] [11]
2Stavros Christodoulakis [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
3Joanna L. Conant [21]
4Judith V. Douglas [21]
5Stefan Edlund [16] [18] [19] [20]
6Matthias Eichstaedt [13] [14] [15]
7K. Elliott [1]
8Martin Gerlach [16]
9K. Hatzilemonias [1]
10Jared Jackson [16]
11Barbara Jones [21]
12Sunitha Kambhampati [19]
13James H. Kaufman [16] [17] [18] [20] [21]
14Wakana Kirihata [21]
15Reiner Kraft [14]
16Vikas Krishna [19]
17E. Ledoux [1]
18Tobin J. Lehman [12] [15]
19M. Leitch [1]
20Qi Lu [13] [14] [15]
21Stephen W. McLaughry [12]
22Robert J. T. Morris [9] [11]
23Jussi Myllymaki [8] [16]
24R. Ng [1]
25Dirk Nicol [14]
26Ron Y. Pinter [14]
27Calvin Powers [18] [20]
28Joann Ruvolo [16] [17]
29Shang-Hua Teng [15]
30Peter Wyckoff [12]
31Gabi Zodik [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)