
Kelly A. Lyons

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19EEHenry M. Kim, Kelly A. Lyons, Mary Ann Cunningham: Towards a Framework for Evaluating Immersive Business Models: Evaluating Service Innovations in Second Life. HICSS 2008: 110
18 Kelly A. Lyons, Christian Couturier: Proceedings of the 2007 conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, October 22-25, 2007, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada IBM 2007
17EEKelly A. Lyons: Workshops of CASCON 2007. CASCON 2007: 356-365
16EEPranam Kolari, Timothy W. Finin, Yelena Yesha, Kelly A. Lyons, Jen Hawkins, Stephen G. Perelgut: Policy Management of Enterprise Systems: A Requirements Study. POLICY 2006: 231-234
15EEDenilson Barbosa, Alberto O. Mendelzon, John Keenleyside, Kelly A. Lyons: ToXgene: a template-based data generator for XML. SIGMOD Conference 2002: 616
14EEDenilson Barbosa, Alberto O. Mendelzon, John Keenleyside, Kelly A. Lyons: ToXgene: An extensible template-based data generator for XML. WebDB 2002: 49-54
13 Daniel C. Zilio, Sam Lightstone, Kelly A. Lyons, Guy M. Lohman: Self-Managing Technology in IBM DB2 Universal Database. CIKM 2001: 541-543
12EEKelly A. Lyons, Henk Meijer, David Rappaport: Algorithms for Cluster Busting in Anchored Graph Drawing. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 2(1): (1998)
11 Stephen G. Perelgut, Gabriel M. Silberman, Kelly A. Lyons, Karen Bennet: Overview: The Centre for Advanced Studies. IBM Systems Journal 36(4): 474-488 (1997)
10 Johnny W. Wong, Kelly A. Lyons, David Evans, Rolf J. Velthuys, Gregor von Bochmann, Eric Dubois, Nicolas D. Georganas, Gerald W. Neufeld, M. Tamer Özsu, Jeff Brinskelle, Abdelhakim Hafid, Norman C. Hutchinson, Paul Iglinski, Brigitte Kerhervé, Louise Lamont, Dwight J. Makaroff, Duane Szafron: Enabling Technology for Distributed Multimedia Applications. IBM Systems Journal 36(4): 489-507 (1997)
9 Michael A. Bauer, Karen Bennet, W. Morven Gentleman, J. Howard Johnson, Kelly A. Lyons, Jacob Slonim: Proceedings of the 1996 conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, November 12-14, 1996, Toronto, Ontario, Canada IBM 1996
8EERolf J. Velthuys, Kelly A. Lyons, Ian Parsons: Multireception service for a multimedia news application. ICCCN 1995: 194
7 John E. Botsford, Ann Gawman, W. Morven Gentleman, Evelyn Kidd, Kelly A. Lyons, Jacob Slonim, J. Howard Johnson: Proceedings of the 1994 Conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, October 31 - November 3, 1994, Toronto, Ontario, Canada IBM 1994
6 Kelly A. Lyons, David Rappaport: An efficient algorithm for identifying objects using robot probes. The Visual Computer 10(8): 452-458 (1994)
5EEKelly A. Lyons, Henk Meijer, David Rappaport: Properties of the voronoi diagram cluster buster. CASCON 1993: 1148-1163
4EEGopi K. Attaluri, Dexter P. Bradshaw, Patrick J. Finnigan, Nigel Hinds, Michael H. Kalantar, Kelly A. Lyons, Andrew D. Marshall, Jan K. Pachl, Hong Tran: Operation jump start: a CORDS integration prototype using DCE. CASCON 1993: 621-636
3EEKelly A. Lyons: Cluster busting in anchored graph drawing. CASCON 1992: 327-337
2EEKelly A. Lyons: Cluster busting in anchored graph drawing. CASCON 1992: 7-17
1EEPatrick J. Finnigan, Kelly A. Lyons: Narratives of space and time: visualization for distributed applications. CASCON 1991: 363-391

Coauthor Index

1Gopi K. Attaluri [4]
2Denilson Barbosa [14] [15]
3Michael A. Bauer [9]
4Karen Bennet [9] [11]
5Gregor von Bochmann [10]
6John E. Botsford [7]
7Dexter P. Bradshaw [4]
8Jeff Brinskelle [10]
9Christian Couturier [18]
10Mary Ann Cunningham [19]
11Eric Dubois [10]
12David Evans [10]
13Timothy W. Finin (Tim Finin) [16]
14Patrick J. Finnigan [1] [4]
15Ann Gawman [7]
16W. Morven Gentleman [7] [9]
17Nicolas D. Georganas [10]
18Abdelhakim Hafid [10]
19Jen Hawkins [16]
20Nigel Hinds [4]
21Norman C. Hutchinson [10]
22Paul Iglinski [10]
23J. Howard Johnson [7] [9]
24Michael H. Kalantar [4]
25John Keenleyside [14] [15]
26Brigitte Kerhervé [10]
27Evelyn Kidd [7]
28Henry M. Kim [19]
29Pranam Kolari [16]
30Louise Lamont [10]
31Sam Lightstone [13]
32Guy M. Lohman [13]
33Dwight J. Makaroff [10]
34Andrew D. Marshall [4]
35Henk Meijer [5] [12]
36Alberto O. Mendelzon [14] [15]
37Gerald W. Neufeld [10]
38M. Tamer Özsu [10]
39Jan K. Pachl [4]
40Ian Parsons [8]
41Stephen G. Perelgut [11] [16]
42David Rappaport [5] [6] [12]
43Gabriel M. Silberman [11]
44Jacob Slonim [7] [9]
45Duane Szafron [10]
46Hong Tran [4]
47Rolf J. Velthuys [8] [10]
48Johnny W. Wong [10]
49Yelena Yesha [16]
50Daniel C. Zilio [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)