2009 |
82 | EE | Congle Zhang,
Gui-Rong Xue,
Yong Yu,
Hongyuan Zha:
Web-scale classification with naive bayes.
WWW 2009: 1083-1084 |
81 | EE | Jiang Bian,
Yandong Liu,
Ding Zhou,
Eugene Agichtein,
Hongyuan Zha:
Learning to recognize reliable users and content in social media with coupled mutual reinforcement.
WWW 2009: 51-60 |
80 | EE | Liangda Li,
Ke Zhou,
Gui-Rong Xue,
Hongyuan Zha,
Yong Yu:
Enhancing diversity, coverage and balance for summarization through structure learning.
WWW 2009: 71-80 |
2008 |
79 | EE | Jiang Bian,
Yandong Liu,
Eugene Agichtein,
Hongyuan Zha:
A few bad votes too many?: towards robust ranking in social media.
AIRWeb 2008: 53-60 |
78 | EE | Zhenyue Zhang,
Hongyuan Zha,
Min Zhang:
Spectral methods for semi-supervised manifold learning.
CVPR 2008 |
77 | EE | Keke Chen,
Ya Zhang,
Zhaohui Zheng,
Hongyuan Zha,
Gordon Sun:
Adapting ranking functions to user preference.
ICDE Workshops 2008: 580-587 |
76 | EE | Andrew Smith,
Xiaoming Huo,
Hongyuan Zha:
Convergence and Rate of Convergence of a Manifold-Based Dimension Reduction Algorithm.
NIPS 2008: 1529-1536 |
75 | EE | Ke Zhou,
Gui-Rong Xue,
Hongyuan Zha,
Yong Yu:
Learning to rank with ties.
SIGIR 2008: 275-282 |
74 | EE | Steven P. Crain,
Jian Huang,
Hongyuan Zha:
A scalable assistant librarian: hierarchical subject classification of books.
SIGIR 2008: 799-800 |
73 | EE | Xiangmin Jiao,
Hongyuan Zha:
Consistent computation of first- and second-order differential quantities for surface meshes.
Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2008: 159-170 |
72 | EE | Ding Zhou,
Shenghuo Zhu,
Kai Yu,
Xiaodan Song,
Belle L. Tseng,
Hongyuan Zha,
C. Lee Giles:
Learning multiple graphs for document recommendations.
WWW 2008: 141-150 |
71 | EE | Jiang Bian,
Yandong Liu,
Eugene Agichtein,
Hongyuan Zha:
Finding the right facts in the crowd: factoid question answering over social media.
WWW 2008: 467-476 |
70 | EE | Ding Zhou,
Jiang Bian,
Shuyi Zheng,
Hongyuan Zha,
C. Lee Giles:
Exploring social annotations for information retrieval.
WWW 2008: 715-724 |
2007 |
69 | EE | Hyunsoo Kim,
Haesun Park,
Hongyuan Zha:
Distance Preserving Dimension Reduction Using the QR Factorization or the Cholesky Factorization.
BIBE 2007: 263-269 |
68 | EE | Jaegul Choo,
Hyunsoo Kim,
Haesun Park,
Hongyuan Zha:
A Comparison of Unsupervised Dimension Reduction Algorithms for Classification.
BIBM 2007: 71-77 |
67 | EE | Ding Zhou,
Sergey A. Orshanskiy,
Hongyuan Zha,
C. Lee Giles:
Co-ranking Authors and Documents in a Heterogeneous Network.
ICDM 2007: 739-744 |
66 | EE | Ding Zhou,
Isaac G. Councill,
Hongyuan Zha,
C. Lee Giles:
Discovering Temporal Communities from Social Network Documents.
ICDM 2007: 745-750 |
65 | EE | Ding Zhou,
Levent Bolelli,
Jia Li,
C. Lee Giles,
Hongyuan Zha:
Learning User Clicks in Web Search.
IJCAI 2007: 1162-1167 |
64 | EE | Xiangmin Jiao,
Narasimha R. Bayyana,
Hongyuan Zha:
Optimizing Surface Triangulation Via Near Isometry with Reference Meshes.
International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2007: 334-341 |
63 | EE | Zhaohui Zheng,
Hongyuan Zha,
Tong Zhang,
Olivier Chapelle,
Keke Chen,
Gordon Sun:
A General Boosting Method and its Application to Learning Ranking Functions for Web Search.
NIPS 2007 |
62 | EE | Yang Song,
Jian Huang,
Ding Zhou,
Hongyuan Zha,
C. Lee Giles:
IKNN: Informative K-Nearest Neighbor Pattern Classification.
PKDD 2007: 248-264 |
61 | EE | Jen-Chih Huang,
Xiangmin Jiao,
Richard M. Fujimoto,
Hongyuan Zha:
DAG-guided parallel asynchronous variational integrators with super-elements.
SCSC 2007: 691-697 |
60 | EE | Xin Yang,
Sebastien Michea,
Hongyuan Zha:
Conical Dimension as an Intrinsic Dimension Estimator and its Applications.
SDM 2007 |
59 | EE | Hyunsoo Kim,
Haesun Park,
Hongyuan Zha:
Distance Preserving Dimension Reduction for Manifold Learning.
SDM 2007 |
58 | EE | Jian Huang,
Seyda Ertekin,
Yang Song,
Hongyuan Zha,
C. Lee Giles:
Efficient Multiclass Boosting Classification with Active Learning.
SDM 2007 |
57 | EE | Bingjun Sun,
Prasenjit Mitra,
C. Lee Giles,
John Yen,
Hongyuan Zha:
Topic segmentation with shared topic detection and alignment of multiple documents.
SIGIR 2007: 199-206 |
56 | EE | Zhaohui Zheng,
Keke Chen,
Gordon Sun,
Hongyuan Zha:
A regression framework for learning ranking functions using relative relevance judgments.
SIGIR 2007: 287-294 |
55 | EE | Christophe Croux,
Efstratios Gallopoulos,
Stefan Van Aelst,
Hongyuan Zha:
Machine Learning and Robust Data Mining.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 52(1): 151-154 (2007) |
54 | EE | Hongyuan Zha,
Zhenyue Zhang:
Continuum Isomap for manifold learnings.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 52(1): 184-200 (2007) |
2006 |
53 | EE | Ding Zhou,
Xiang Ji,
Hongyuan Zha,
C. Lee Giles:
Topic evolution and social interactions: how authors effect research.
CIKM 2006: 248-257 |
52 | EE | Hongyuan Zha,
Zhaohui Zheng,
Haoying Fu,
Gordon Sun:
Incorporating query difference for learning retrieval functions in world wide web search.
CIKM 2006: 307-316 |
51 | EE | Bingjun Sun,
Ding Zhou,
Hongyuan Zha,
John Yen:
Multi-task text segmentation and alignment based on weighted mutual information.
CIKM 2006: 846-847 |
50 | EE | Yang Song,
Ding Zhou,
Jian Huang,
Isaac G. Councill,
Hongyuan Zha,
C. Lee Giles:
Boosting the Feature Space: Text Classification for Unstructured Data on the Web.
ICDM 2006: 1064-1069 |
49 | EE | Xin Yang,
Haoying Fu,
Hongyuan Zha,
Jesse L. Barlow:
Semi-supervised nonlinear dimensionality reduction.
ICML 2006: 1065-1072 |
48 | EE | Chris H. Q. Ding,
Ding Zhou,
Xiaofeng He,
Hongyuan Zha:
R1-PCA: rotational invariant L1-norm principal component analysis for robust subspace factorization.
ICML 2006: 281-288 |
47 | EE | Hongyuan Zha,
Zhaohui Zheng,
Haoying Fu,
Gordon Sun:
Incorporating query difference for learning retrieval functions in information retrieval.
SIGIR 2006: 721-722 |
46 | EE | Ding Zhou,
Eren Manavoglu,
Jia Li,
C. Lee Giles,
Hongyuan Zha:
Probabilistic models for discovering e-communities.
WWW 2006: 173-182 |
45 | EE | Jesse L. Barlow,
Haesun Park,
Patrick J. F. Groenen,
Hongyuan Zha:
2nd Special issue on matrix computations and statistics.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 50(1): 1-4 (2006) |
44 | EE | Jia Li,
Hongyuan Zha:
Two-way Poisson mixture models for simultaneous document classification and word clustering.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 50(1): 163-180 (2006) |
43 | EE | Ya Zhang,
Chao-Hsien Chu,
Yixin Chen,
Hongyuan Zha,
Xiang Ji:
Splice site prediction using support vector machines with a Bayes kernel.
Expert Syst. Appl. 30(1): 73-81 (2006) |
2005 |
42 | EE | Haoying Fu,
Hongyuan Zha,
Jesse L. Barlow:
Efficient Block Noise Removal Based on Nonlinear Manifolds.
ICCV 2005: 549-556 |
41 | EE | Ding Zhou,
Jia Li,
Hongyuan Zha:
A new Mallows distance based metric for comparing clusterings.
ICML 2005: 1028-1035 |
40 | EE | Ya Zhang,
Hongyuan Zha,
Chao-Hsien Chu:
A Time-Series Biclustering Algorithm for Revealing Co-Regulated Genes.
ITCC (1) 2005: 32-37 |
39 | EE | Hui Han,
Hongyuan Zha,
C. Lee Giles:
Name disambiguation in author citations using a K-way spectral clustering method.
JCDL 2005: 334-343 |
38 | EE | Zhenyue Zhang,
Hongyuan Zha:
A Domain Decomposition Method for Fast Manifold Learning.
NIPS 2005 |
37 | EE | Hui Han,
Eren Manavoglu,
Hongyuan Zha,
Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis,
C. Lee Giles,
Xiangmin Zhang:
Rule-based word clustering for document metadata extraction.
SAC 2005: 1049-1053 |
36 | EE | Hui Han,
Wei Xu,
Hongyuan Zha,
C. Lee Giles:
A hierarchical naive Bayes mixture model for name disambiguation in author citations.
SAC 2005: 1065-1069 |
2004 |
35 | EE | Gordon Rios,
Hongyuan Zha:
Exploring Support Vector Machines and Random Forests for Spam Detection.
CEAS 2004 |
34 | EE | Jin Hyeong Park,
Zhenyue Zhang,
Hongyuan Zha,
Rangachar Kasturi:
Local Smoothing for Manifold Learning.
CVPR (2) 2004: 452-459 |
33 | EE | Jin Hyeong Park,
Hongyuan Zha,
Rangachar Kasturi:
Spectral Clustering for Robust Motion Segmentation.
ECCV (4) 2004: 390-401 |
32 | EE | Jin Hyeong Park,
Xiang Ji,
Hongyuan Zha,
Rangachar Kasturi:
Support Vector Clustering Combined with Spectral Graph Partitioning.
ICPR (4) 2004: 581-584 |
31 | EE | Hui Han,
C. Lee Giles,
Hongyuan Zha,
Cheng Li,
Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis:
Two supervised learning approaches for name disambiguation in author citations.
JCDL 2004: 296-305 |
30 | EE | Jing Wang,
Zhenyue Zhang,
Hongyuan Zha:
Adaptive Manifold Learning.
NIPS 2004 |
29 | EE | Bing Li,
Hongyuan Zha,
F. Chiaromonte:
Linear Contour Learning: A Method for Supervised Dimension Reduction.
UAI 2004: 346-356 |
28 | EE | Zhenyue Zhang,
Hongyuan Zha:
Principal Manifolds and Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction via Tangent Space Alignment.
SIAM J. Scientific Computing 26(1): 313-338 (2004) |
27 | EE | Ya Zhang,
Chao-Hsien Chu,
Xiang Ji,
Hongyuan Zha:
Correlating summarization of multi-source news with k-way graph bi-clustering.
SIGKDD Explorations 6(2): 34-42 (2004) |
2003 |
26 | | Hongyuan Zha,
Zhenyue Zhang:
Isometric Embedding and Continuum ISOMAP.
ICML 2003: 864-871 |
25 | EE | Zhenyue Zhang,
Hongyuan Zha:
Nonlinear Dimension Reduction via Local Tangent Space Alignment.
IDEAL 2003: 477-481 |
24 | EE | Hui Han,
C. Lee Giles,
Eren Manavoglu,
Hongyuan Zha,
Zhenyue Zhang,
Edward A. Fox:
Automatic Document Metadata Extraction Using Support Vector Machines.
JCDL 2003: 37-48 |
23 | EE | Xiang Ji,
Hongyuan Zha:
Extracting Shared Topics of Multiple Documents.
PAKDD 2003: 100-110 |
22 | | Xiang Ji,
Hongyuan Zha:
Correlating Summarization of A Pair of Multilingual Documents.
RIDE 2003: 39-46 |
21 | EE | Chris H. Q. Ding,
Xiaofeng He,
Parry Husbands,
Hongyuan Zha,
Horst D. Simon:
PageRank: HITS and a Unified Framework for Link Analysis.
SDM 2003 |
20 | EE | Xiang Ji,
Hongyuan Zha:
Domain-independent text segmentation using anisotropic diffusion and dynamic programming.
SIGIR 2003: 322-329 |
19 | EE | Hui Han,
Eren Manavoglu,
C. Lee Giles,
Hongyuan Zha:
Rule-based word clustering for text classification.
SIGIR 2003: 445-446 |
18 | EE | Xiang Ji,
Hongyuan Zha:
Multidimensional scaling based sensor positioning algorithms in wireless sensor networks.
SenSys 2003: 328-329 |
2002 |
17 | EE | Jia Li,
Hongyuan Zha:
Simultaneous Classification and Feature Clustering Using Discriminant Vector Quantization with Applications to Microarray Data Analysis.
CSB 2002: 246-255 |
16 | EE | Chris H. Q. Ding,
Xiaofeng He,
Hongyuan Zha,
Horst D. Simon:
Adaptive dimension reduction for clustering high dimensional data.
ICDM 2002: 147-154 |
15 | EE | Chris H. Q. Ding,
Xiaofeng He,
Hongyuan Zha,
Horst D. Simon:
Unsupervised Learning: Self-aggregation in Scaled Principal Component Space.
PKDD 2002: 112-124 |
14 | EE | Hongyuan Zha:
Generic summarization and keyphrase extraction using mutual reinforcement principle and sentence clustering.
SIGIR 2002: 113-120 |
13 | EE | Chris H. Q. Ding,
Xiaofeng He,
Parry Husbands,
Hongyuan Zha,
Horst D. Simon:
PageRank, HITS and a unified framework for link analysis.
SIGIR 2002: 353-354 |
12 | EE | Hongyuan Zha,
Xiang Ji:
Correlating multilingual documents via bipartite graph modeling.
SIGIR 2002: 443-444 |
11 | EE | Zhenyue Zhang,
Hongyuan Zha:
Principal Manifolds and Nonlinear Dimension Reduction via Local Tangent Space Alignment
CoRR cs.LG/0212008: (2002) |
10 | EE | Jesse L. Barlow,
Michael W. Berry,
Axel Ruhe,
Hongyuan Zha:
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 41(1): 1-2 (2002) |
9 | EE | Xiaofeng He,
Hongyuan Zha,
Chris H. Q. Ding,
Horst D. Simon:
Web document clustering using hyperlink structures.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 41(1): 19-45 (2002) |
2001 |
8 | | Hongyuan Zha,
Xiaofeng He,
Chris H. Q. Ding,
Ming Gu,
Horst D. Simon:
Bipartite Graph Partitioning and Data Clustering.
CIKM 2001: 25-32 |
7 | EE | Chris H. Q. Ding,
Xiaofeng He,
Hongyuan Zha,
Ming Gu,
Horst D. Simon:
A Min-max Cut Algorithm for Graph Partitioning and Data Clustering.
ICDM 2001: 107-114 |
6 | EE | Xiaofeng He,
Chris H. Q. Ding,
Hongyuan Zha,
Horst D. Simon:
Automatic Topic Identification Using Webpage Clustering.
ICDM 2001: 195-202 |
5 | EE | Chris H. Q. Ding,
Xiaofeng He,
Hongyuan Zha:
A spectral method to separate disconnected and nearly-disconnected web graph components.
KDD 2001: 275-280 |
4 | EE | Hongyuan Zha,
Xiaofeng He,
Chris H. Q. Ding,
Ming Gu,
Horst D. Simon:
Spectral Relaxation for K-means Clustering.
NIPS 2001: 1057-1064 |
3 | EE | Hongyuan Zha,
Xiaofeng He,
Chris H. Q. Ding,
Ming Gu,
Horst D. Simon:
Bipartite graph partitioning and data clustering
CoRR cs.IR/0108018: (2001) |
1998 |
2 | | Hongyuan Zha,
Osni Marques,
Horst D. Simon:
Large-Scale SVD and Subspace-Based Methods for Information Retrieval.
IRREGULAR 1998: 29-42 |
1996 |
1 | | Shang-Sheng Tung,
Hongyuan Zha,
Thomas F. Keefe:
Indexing Management for Distributed Linear Hash Files.
DEXA Workshop 1996: 106-114 |