
James H. Kaufman

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13EEJames H. Kaufman, Joanna L. Conant, Daniel Alexander Ford, Wakana Kirihata, Barbara Jones, Judith V. Douglas: Assessing the Accuracy of Spatiotemporal Epidemiological Models. BioSecure 2008: 143-154
12EEBarbara A. Eckman, Craig A. Bennett, James H. Kaufman, Jeffrey W. Tenner: Varieties of interoperability in the transformation of the health-care information infrastructure. IBM Systems Journal 46(1): 19-42 (2007)
11EEGlenn Deen, Matthew Hammer, John Bethencourt, Iris Eiron, John Thomas, James H. Kaufman: Running Quake II on a grid. IBM Systems Journal 45(1): 21-44 (2006)
10EEJames H. Kaufman, Stefan Edlund, Daniel Alexander Ford, Calvin Powers: The Social Contract Core. Electronic Commerce Research 5(1): 141-165 (2005)
9EEGlenn Deen, Tobin J. Lehman, James H. Kaufman: The Almaden OptimalGrid Project. Active Middleware Services 2003: 14-21
8EETobin J. Lehman, James H. Kaufman: OptimalGrid: Middleware for Automatic Deployment of Distributed FEM Problems on an Internet-Based Computing Grid. CLUSTER 2003: 164-171
7EEJussi Myllymaki, James H. Kaufman: DynaMark: A Benchmark for Dynamic Spatial Indexing. Mobile Data Management 2003: 92-105
6EEJussi Myllymaki, James H. Kaufman: High-performance spatial indexing for location-based services. WWW 2003: 112-117
5EEJussi Myllymaki, James H. Kaufman: Mobile Data Management (Part 3) - DynaMark: Benchmarking Dynamic Spatial Indexing for Location-Based Services. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 4(12): (2003)
4EEJames H. Kaufman, Stefan Edlund, Daniel Alexander Ford, Calvin Powers: The social contract core. WWW 2002: 210-220
3EEJussi Myllymaki, James H. Kaufman: LOCUS: A Testbed for Dynamic Spatial Indexing. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 25(2): 48-55 (2002)
2EEJames H. Kaufman, Joann Ruvolo, Daniel Alexander Ford: Tempus fight and the need for an e-social contract. Agents 2001: 174-175
1 Daniel Alexander Ford, Joann Ruvolo, Stefan Edlund, Jussi Myllymaki, James H. Kaufman, Jared Jackson, Martin Gerlach: Tempus Fugit: A System for Making Semantic Connections. CIKM 2001: 520-522

Coauthor Index

1Craig A. Bennett [12]
2John Bethencourt [11]
3Joanna L. Conant [13]
4Glenn Deen [9] [11]
5Judith V. Douglas [13]
6Barbara A. Eckman [12]
7Stefan Edlund [1] [4] [10]
8Iris Eiron [11]
9Daniel Alexander Ford [1] [2] [4] [10] [13]
10Martin Gerlach [1]
11Matthew Hammer [11]
12Jared Jackson [1]
13Barbara Jones [13]
14Wakana Kirihata [13]
15Tobin J. Lehman [8] [9]
16Jussi Myllymaki [1] [3] [5] [6] [7]
17Calvin Powers [4] [10]
18Joann Ruvolo [1] [2]
19Jeffrey W. Tenner [12]
20John Thomas [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)