Pedro Encarnação, António Veloso (Eds.):
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, BIOSIGNALS 2008, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, January 28-31, 2008, Volume 2.
INSTICC - Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication 2008, ISBN 978-989-8111-18-0 BibTeX
Short Papers
- Peter Mondrup Rasmussen, Morten Mørup, Lars Kai Hansen, Sidse M. Arnfred:
Model Order Estimation for Independent Component Analysis of Epoched EEG Signals.
3-10 BibTeX
- Sara Assecondi, Peter Van Hese, Hans Hallez, Yves D'Asseler, Ignace Lemahieu, Anna M. Bianchi, Paul Boon:
Ballistocardiographic Artifact Removal from Simultaneous EEG/FMRI Recording by means of Canonical Correlation Analysis.
11-16 BibTeX
- Ehsan Chah, Barry R. Greene, Geraldine B. Boylan, Richard B. Reilly:
Investigation of Entropy and Complexity Measures for Detection of Seizures in the Neonate.
17-22 BibTeX
- Joran van Aart, Eelco R. G. Klaver, Christoph Bartneck, Loe M. G. Feijs, Peter J. F. Peters:
EEG Headset for Neurofeedback Therapy - Enabling Easy Use in the Home Environment.
23-30 BibTeX
- Fedja Hadzic, Tharam S. Dillon:
Rule Optimizing Technique Motivated by Human Concept Formation.
31-36 BibTeX
- Christopher M. Harris:
Biomimetics and Proportional Noise in Motor Control.
37-43 BibTeX
- Juan Camilo Moreno Sastoque, José Luis Pons Rovira, Eduardo Rocon de Lima, Yiannis Demiris:
A Hybrid Method based on Fuzzy Inference and Non-Linear Oscillators for Real-Time Control of Gait.
44-51 BibTeX
- Piotr Kaczmarek:
Biophysical Model of a Muscle Fatigue Process Involving Ca2+ Release Dynamics Upon the High Frequency Electrical Stimulation.
52-57 BibTeX
- Rodrigo R. Braga, Zhijun Yang, Felipe Maia Galvão França:
Implementing an Artificial Centipede CPG - Integrating Appendicular and Axial Movements of the Scolopendromorph Centipede.
58-62 BibTeX
- Christian A. Morillas, Francisco J. Pelayo, Juan Pedro Cobos, Alberto Prieto, Samuel F. Romero:
Bio-Inspired Image Processing for Vision Aids.
63-69 BibTeX
- António dos Anjos, Hamid Shahbazkia:
Bi-Level Image Thresholding - A Fast Method.
70-76 BibTeX
- Guy Amit, Jonathan Lessick, Noam Gavriely, Nathan Intrator:
Acoustic Indices of Cardiac Functionality.
77-83 BibTeX
- Mikko Koivuluoma, Laurentiu Barna, Teemu Koivistoinen, Tiit Kööbi, Alpo Värri:
Influences of Digital Band-Pass Filtering on the BCG Waveform.
84-89 BibTeX
- Miroslav Bursa, Michal Huptych, Lenka Lhotská:
Ant Colony Inspired Metaheuristics in Biological Signal Processing - Hybrid Ant Colony and Evolutionary Approach.
90-95 BibTeX
- Deepak S. Turaga, Olivier Verscheure, Daby M. Sow, Lisa Amini:
Adaptative Signal Sampling and Sample Quantization for Resource-Constrained Stream Processing.
96-103 BibTeX
- André Lourenço, Ana L. N. Fred:
Unveiling Intrinsic Similarity - Application to Temporal Analysis of ECG.
104-109 BibTeX
- Silvana Cunha Costa, Benedito G. Aguiar Neto, Joseana M. Fechine, Menaka Muppa:
Short-Term Cepstral Analysis Applied to Vocal Fold Edema Detection.
110-115 BibTeX
- Jin Feng, Farook Sattar, Moe Pwint:
Application of Walsh Transform Based Method on Tracheal Breath Sound Signal Segementation.
116-121 BibTeX
- Feng Jin, Farook Sattar, Moe Pwint:
Phase Segmentation of Noisy Respiratory Sound Signals using Genetic Approach.
122-127 BibTeX
- Douglas L. Jones, Michael E. Lockwood, Bruce C. Wheeler, Albert S. Feng:
Biologically Inspired Beamforming with Small Acoustic Arrays.
128-135 BibTeX
- Shinichi Sato:
Cardiac Beat Detector - A Novel Analogue Circuitry for the First Heart Sound Discrimination.
136-140 BibTeX
- Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Ken'ichi Fujimoto:
Dynamical Property of Periodic Oscillations Observed in a Coupled Neural Oscillator Network for Image Segmentation.
141-146 BibTeX
- Aniket A. Vartak, Cali M. Fidopiastis, Denise M. Nicholson, Wasfy B. Mikhael, Dylan Schmorrow:
Cognitive State Estimation for Adaptive Learning Systems using Wearable Physiological Sensors.
147-152 BibTeX
- Abdulhussain E. Mahdi:
A Vocal Tract Visualisation Tool for a Computer-Based Speech Training Aid for Hearing-Impaired Individuals.
153-158 BibTeX
- Lídia Cristina da Silva Teles, Maria Inês Pegoraro-Krook, Marcos Kenned Magalhães:
Phonetography Database for Eldery Women.
159-162 BibTeX
- Paulo Rogério Scalassara, Maria Eugenia Dajer, Carlos Dias Maciel, Jose Carlos Pereira:
Voice Signals Characterization through Entropy Measures.
163-170 BibTeX
- Day-Uei Li, Bruce Rae, David Renshaw, Robert Henderson, Eleanor Bonnist:
On-Chip Fluorescence Lifetime Extraction using Synchronous Gating Scheme - Theoretical Error Analysis and Practical Implementation.
171-176 BibTeX
- Francisco Javier Díaz Pernas, Miriam Antón-Rodríguez, Víctor Iván Serna-González, José Fernando Díez Higuera, Mario Martínez-Zarzuela:
Multiple Scale Neural Architecture for Recognising Coloured and Textured Scenes.
177-184 BibTeX
- F. J. Smith:
A New Algorithm for Navigation by Skylight based on Insect Vision.
185-190 BibTeX
- Raúl Cruz-Barbosa, Alfredo Vellido:
Two-Stage Clustering of a Human Brain Tumour Dataset using Manifold Learning Models.
191-196 BibTeX
- Marc Strickert, Nese Sreenivasulu, Thomas Villmann, Barbara Hammer:
Robust Centroid-Based Clustering using Derivatives of Pearson Correlation.
197-203 BibTeX
- Prashant Bansod, Uday B. Desai, Nitin Burkule:
Endocardial Segmentation in Contrast Echocardiography Video with Density Based Spatio-Temporal Clustering.
204-209 BibTeX
- David Feltell, Li Bai:
Level Set Brain Segmentation with Agent Clustering for Initialisation - Fast Level Set Based MRI Tissue Segmentation with Termite-Like Agent Clustering for Parameter Initialization.
210-217 BibTeX
- Anastasios C. Koutlas, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis:
A Region Based Methodology for Facial Expression Recognition.
218-223 BibTeX
- Concetto Spampinato, Massimiliano Nicotra, Armando Travaglianti:
Analysis of Focuses of Attention Distribution for a Novel Face Recognition System.
224-230 BibTeX
- Ken Yano, Koichi Harada:
A Novel Template Human Face Model with Texturing.
231-236 BibTeX
- Peter Dunker, Melanie Keller:
Illumination Normalization for Face Recognition - A Comparative Study of Conventional vs. Perception-inspired Algorithms.
237-243 BibTeX
- Maria Rizzi, Matteo D'Aloia, Beniamino Castagnolo:
A New Method for ICG Characteristic Point Detection.
244-249 BibTeX
- Shi Zhao, Yiding Wang, Hong Yang:
ECG Signal Denoising - Using Wavelet in Besov Spaces.
250-254 BibTeX
- Sebastian Zaunseder, W.-J. Fischer, Rüdiger Poll, Matthias Rabenau:
Wavelet-Based Real-Time ECG Processing for a Wearable Monitoring System.
255-260 BibTeX
- João Fernando Marar, Helder Coelho:
Multidimensional Polynomial Powers of Sigmoid (PPS) Wavelet Neural Networks.
261-268 BibTeX
- Nam Nguyen, Douglas Jones, Saunvit Pandya, Yingchen Yang, Nannan Chen, Craig Tucker, Chang Liu:
Biomimetic Flow Imaging with an Artificial Fish Lateral Line.
269-276 BibTeX
- Quan Xue, Séverine Degrelle, Juhui Wang, Isabelle Hue, Michel Guillomot:
A Hybrid Segmentation Framework using Level Set Method for Confocal Microscopy Images.
277-282 BibTeX
- Pablo de Heras Ciechomski, Robin Mange:
Realtime Neocortical Column Visualization.
283-288 BibTeX
- Herbert F. Jelinek, Audrey Karperien:
Microglia Modelling and Analysis using L-Systems Grammar.
289-294 BibTeX
- Samuel W. K. Chan:
Finding Approximate Language Patterns.
295-301 BibTeX
- Malin Åberg, Line Löken, Johan Wessberg:
An Evolutionary Approach to Multivariate Feature Selection for FMRI Pattern Analysis.
302-307 BibTeX
- Rudolph L. Mappus IV, David Minnen, Charles Lee Isbell Jr.:
Dimensionality Reduction for Improved Source Separation in FMRI Data.
308-313 BibTeX
- Genki Murayama, Shohei Kato, Hidenori Itoh, Tsutomu Kunitachi:
An Evaluation of the Relaxation Effect of Music Based on the Relationships between the Condition of Pulse and Music Tempo using the EEG and HRV Based Indicators.
314-319 BibTeX
- A. M. A. Nassef, C. H. Ting, Mahdi Mahfouf, Derek A. Linkens, Peter Nickel, G. Robert J. Hockey, Adam C. Roberts:
A New Framework for Real-Time Adaptive Fuzzy Monitoring and Control for Humans Under Psychophysiological Stress.
320-325 BibTeX
- Sameh A. Salem, Nancy M. Salem, Asoke K. Nandi:
Development of a Partial Supervision Strategy to Augment a Nearest Neighbour Clustering Algorithm for Biomedical Data Classification.
326-333 BibTeX
- Hong Guo, Qing Zhang, Asoke K. Nandi:
Breast Cancer Detection using Genetic Programming.
334-341 BibTeX
- Tingting Mu, Asoke K. Nandi:
Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis using Different Kernel-Based Classifiers.
342-348 BibTeX
- Valeriu Vrabie, Cyril Gobinet, Michel Herbin, Michel Manfait:
Comparative Study of Blind Source Separation Methods for Raman Spectra - Application on Numerical Dewaxing of Cutaneous Biopsies.
349-354 BibTeX
- Eduardo Rocon de Lima, Andrés Felipe Ruiz Olaya, Juan Camilo Moreno Sastoque, José Luis Pons Rovira, J. A. Miranda, Antonio Barrientos Cruz:
Tremor Characterization - Algorithms for the Study of Tremor Time Series.
355-360 BibTeX
- Mayumi Oyama-Higa, Tiejun Miao:
Possibility of Mental Health Self-Checks using Divergence Properties of Pulse Waves.
361-370 BibTeX
- Vasco Vinhas, Antonio Gomes:
Mouse Control through Electromyography - Using Biosignals Towards New User Interface Paradigms.
371-376 BibTeX
- A. Herzog, L. Reicke, Matthias Kröger, C. Sohn, Holger Maul:
Enhanced Analysis of Uterine Activty using Surface Electromyography.
377-384 BibTeX
- Hamid Medjahed, Dan Istrate, Jérôme Boudy, Jean-Louis Baldinger, Bernadette Dorizzi, Imad Belfeki, Vinicius Martins, François Steenkeste, Rodrigo Varejão Andreão:
A Multimodal Platform for Database Recording and Elderly People Monitoring.
385-392 BibTeX
- Susana Palma, Hugo Silva, Hugo Gamboa, Pedro Mil-Homens:
Standing Jump Loft Time Measurement - An Acceleration based Method.
393-396 BibTeX
- Luca Maggi, Luca Piccini, Sergio Parini, Giuseppe Andreoni, Guido Panfili:
Biosignal Acquisition Device - A Novel Topology for Wearable Signal Acquisition Devices.
397-402 BibTeX
- Alois Schlögl, Carmen Vidaurre, Ernst Hofer, Thomas Wiener, Clemens Brunner, Reinhold Scherer, Franco Chiarugi:
BIOSIG - Standardization and Quality Control in Biomedical Signal Processing Using the BioSig Project.
403-409 BibTeX
- Ihsen Ben Hnia Gazzah, Chokri Souani, Kamel Besbes:
DSP Implementation and Performances Evaluation of JPEG2000 Wavelet Filters.
410-415 BibTeX
- Václav Kremen, Lenka Lhotská:
Evaluation of Novel Algorithm for Search of Signal Complexes to Describe Complex Fractionated Atrial Electrogram.
416-419 BibTeX
- Chen Sheng, Li Li, Ying Jun:
Automated Detection of Supporting Device Positioning in Radiography.
420-424 BibTeX
- Norbert Marwan, Jürgen Kurths, Peter Saparin, Jesper S. Thomsen:
Measuring Changes of 3D Structures in High-Resolution CT Images of Trabecular Bone.
425-430 BibTeX
- Eva Birkmann, Susanne Aileen Funke, Detlev Riesner, Dieter Willbold:
Single Particle Detection - A Diagnostic Tool for Particle Associated Diseases like Alzheimer’s Disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease.
431-436 BibTeX
- Sergio Valsecchi, Luigi Padeletti, Giovanni Battista Perego, Federica Censi, Pietro Bartolini, Jan J. Schreuder:
Spectral and Cross-Spectral Analysis of Conductance Catheter Signals - New Indexes for Quantification of Mechanical Dyssinchrony.
437-444 BibTeX
- Alexander Schirdewan, Andrej Gapelyuk, Robert Fischer, Lydia Koch, Henry Schütt, Udo Zacharzowsky, Rainer Dietz, Ludwig Thierfelder, Niels Wessel:
Cardiac Magnetic Field Map Topology Quantified by Kullback-Leibler Entropy Identifies Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.
445-452 BibTeX
- Jorge Corsino, Carlos M. Travieso, Jesús B. Alonso, Miguel A. Ferrer:
Improving an Automatic Arrhythmias Recogniser Based in ECG Signals.
453-457 BibTeX
- Silvia Muceli, Danilo Pani, Luigi Raffo:
Non-Invasive Real-Time Fetal ECG Extraction - A Block-on-Line DSP Implementation based on the JADE Algorithm.
458-463 BibTeX
- Nikola Stojanovic:
On the Futility of Interpreting Over-Representation of Motifs in Genomic Sequences as Functional Signals.
464-471 BibTeX
- Harry C. Shaw, Sayed Hussein:
A DNA-Inspired Encryption Methodology for Secure, Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANET).
472-477 BibTeX
- Josef Schreiber, Eduard Sojka, Lacezar Licev, Petra Sknourilová, David Skoloudík, Jan Gaura:
A New Method for Detection of Brain Stem in Transcranial Ultrasound Images.
478-483 BibTeX
- Eric Brassart, Cyril Drocourt, Jacques Rochette, Michel Slama, Carole Amant:
Automatic Detection of In Vitro Capillary Tube Network in a Matrigel Analysis.
484-489 BibTeX
- Anatole Chessel, Ronan Fablet, Charles Kervrann, Frédéric Cao:
Otolith Image Analysis by Computer Vision.
490-497 BibTeX
- Teddy M. Cheng, Andrey V. Savkin, Branko G. Celler, Steven W. Su, Lu Wang:
Nonlinear Modelling and Control of Heart Rate Response to Treadmill Walking Exercise.
498-503 BibTeX
- Robert Bauernschmitt, Beatrice Retzlaff, Niels Wessel, Hagen Malberg, Gernot Brockmann, Christian Uhl, Rüdiger Lange:
Delayed Recovery of Cardiovascular Autonomic Function After Mitral Valve Surgery - Evidence for Direct Trauma?
504-507 BibTeX
- Ashraf Atalla, Aleksandar Jeremic:
An Inverse Model for Localization of Low-Diffusivity Regions in the Heart using ECG/MCG Sensor Arrays.
508-512 BibTeX
- Valiantsin Hardzeyeu, Frank Klefenz:
A Bio-Inspired Contrast Adaptation Model and its Application for Automatic Lane Marks Detection.
513-520 BibTeX
- Cástor Mariño, Manuel G. Penedo, Simón Pena Placer, F. González:
Crest Line and Correlation Filter Based Location of the Macula in Digital Retinal Images.
521-527 BibTeX
- Pedro Tomás, João Martins, Leonel Sousa:
Towards a Unified Model for the Retina - Static vs Dynamic Integrate and Fire Models.
528-533 BibTeX
- Pawel Prociow, Andrzej Wolczowski, Tito G. B. Amaral, Octávio Páscoa Dias, Joaquim Filipe:
Identification of Hand Movements based on MMG and EMG Signals.
534-539 BibTeX
- Rubén Blasco Marín, Roberto Casas, Álvaro Marco, Victorián Coarasa, Yolanda Garrido, Jorge L. Falcó:
Fall Detector Based on Neural Networks.
540-545 BibTeX
- Jyothi Bhaskarr Amarnadh, Hugo Gamboa, Ana L. N. Fred:
User Tuned Feature Selection in Keystroke Dynamics.
546-550 BibTeX
- Federica Censi, Giovanni Calcagnini, Pietro Bartolini, Chiara Ricci, Renato Pietro Ricci, Massimo Santini:
Principal Component Analysis of the P-Wave - Quantification of Not-Dipolar Components of Atrial Depolarization.
551-557 BibTeX
- Minoru Nakayama, Keiko Yamamoto, Fumio Kobayashi:
Effectiveness for a Sleepiness Test of Pupil Size Estimation During Blink.
558-564 BibTeX
- Andrew Wood, Sarah Loughran, Rodney Croft, Con Stough, Bruce Thompson:
Do Mobile Phones Affect Sleep? - Investigating Effects of Mobile Phone Exposure on Human Sleep EEG.
565-569 BibTeX
- André Paim Lemos, Carlos Julio Tierra-Criollo, Walmir M. Caminhas:
Screening of Obstructive Sleep Apnea by RR Interval Time Series using a Time Series Novelty Detection Technique.
570-575 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 22:59:35 2009
by Michael Ley (