
Chang Liu

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49 Nam Nguyen, Douglas Jones, Saunvit Pandya, Yingchen Yang, Nannan Chen, Craig Tucker, Chang Liu: Biomimetic Flow Imaging with an Artificial Fish Lateral Line. BIOSIGNALS (2) 2008: 269-276
48EEHaofen Wang, Thanh Tran, Chang Liu: CE2: towards a large scale hybrid search engine with integrated ranking support. CIKM 2008: 1323-1324
47EEChang Liu, Pong C. Yuen: Boosting EigenActions: A new algorithm for human action categorization. FG 2008: 1-6
46EEChang Liu: Exploring and measuring dependency trees for informationretrieval. SIGIR 2008: 892
45EEChang Liu, Yonghong Zeng, Samir Attallah: Max-To-Mean Ratio Detection for Cognitive Radio. VTC Spring 2008: 1959-1963
44EEChang Liu, Hwee Tou Ng: Learning Predictive Structures for Semantic Role Labeling of NomBank. ACL 2007
43EEChang Liu, Hui Wang, Sally I. McClean, Jun Liu, Shengli Wu: Syntactic Information Retrieval. GrC 2007: 703-707
42EERuhua Huang, Chang Liu: An Investigation and Analysis of e-Services in Major Subject Based Information Gateways in the World. I3E (2) 2007: 209-217
41EEDanqing Wu, Chang Liu, Guangyu Zou, Jing Hua, Otto Muzik: Conformal Contour Mapping for Neurosurgery Outcome Evaluation. ISBI 2007: 21-24
40EELinda B. Sherrell, Chang Liu, William M. Pottenger, Paul Gross: NSF-DGE GK-12 teaching fellowships: changing student perceptions about computer science. SIGCSE 2007: 474-475
39EEChang Liu, Lu Ruan: A new survivable mapping problem in IP-over-WDM networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 25(S-3): 25-34 (2007)
38EEHong Song, Haibo Shi, Chunjie Zhao, Chang Liu: The networked manufacture application service platform for the equipment manufacturing industry base in north-east China. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 20(2&3): 211-221 (2007)
37 Hui Wang, Chang Liu: Neighbourhood Counting Metric for Sequences. AMT 2006: 243-248
36EEChang Liu, En Ye, Debra J. Richardson: Software Library Usage Pattern Extraction Using a Software Model Checker. ASE 2006: 301-304
35EEMinghui Wu, Honglun Hou, Chang Liu, Jing Ying: COTS-based System's Obsolescence Risk Evaluation. CSCWD 2006: 240-244
34EEKazuhiko Sumi, Chang Liu, Takashi Matsuyama: Study on Synthetic Face Database for Performance Evaluation. ICB 2006: 598-604
33EEChang Liu, En Ye, Debra J. Richardson: LtRules: an automated software library usage rule extraction tool. ICSE 2006: 823-826
32EEChang Liu, Jing Hua, Lixin Wang, Ruwei Dai: An Integrative Neural Network with Feedback Control for Classification. IJCNN 2006: 1546-1553
31EEXiao-fei Shi, Ji-dong Suo, Chang Liu, Li Li: A Novel Kurtosis-Dependent Parameterized Independent Component Analysis Algorithm. ISNN (1) 2006: 1127-1132
30EERoger Ferguson, Chang Liu, Mary Last, Joe Mertz: Service-learning projects: opportunities and challenges. SIGCSE 2006: 127-128
29EEChang Liu: Software project demonstrations as not only an assessment tool but also a learning tool. SIGCSE 2006: 423-427
28EEChang Liu, Zachary Sloane: Developing a Core Vocabulary for a Mandarin Chinese AAC System Using Word Frequency Data. Int. J. Comput. Proc. Oriental Lang. 19(4): 285-300 (2006)
27EELu Ruan, Fangcheng Tang, Chang Liu: Dynamic establishment of restorable connections using p. Optical Switching and Networking 3(3-4): 191-201 (2006)
26EEChang Liu, James Ward: Advantages of 3D Methods for Face Recognition Research in Humans. AMFG 2005: 244-254
25 Lu Ruan, Chang Liu: A heuristic algorithm for survivable mapping in IP-over-WDM networks. Communications and Computer Networks 2005: 164-170
24EEXiaodong Li, Chang Liu: Towards a Reliable and Efficient Distributed Storage System. HICSS 2005
23EEHoong Chuin Lau, Lei Zhang, Chang Liu: Solving Generalized Open Constraint Optimization Problem Using Two-level Multi-agent Framework. IAT 2005: 558-564
22EEChang Liu: Enriching software engineering courses with service-learning projects and the open-source approach. ICSE 2005: 613-614
21EEKevin Bryan, Lisa Cingiser DiPippo, Victor Fay Wolfe, Matthew Murphy, Jiangyin Zhang, Douglas Niehaus, David Fleeman, David W. Juedes, Chang Liu, Lonnie R. Welch, Christopher D. Gill: Integrated CORBA Scheduling and Resource Management for Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems. IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium 2005: 375-384
20EEAlexander Thomasian, Chang Liu: Performance Comparison of Mirrored Disk Scheduling Methods with a Shared Non-Volatile Cache. Distributed and Parallel Databases 18(3): 253-281 (2005)
19EEAlexander Thomasian, Chang Liu: Comment on "Issues and Challenges in the Performance Analysis of Real Disk Arrays'. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 16(11): 1103-1104 (2005)
18EEJi Wu, Xiao-xia Jia, Chang Liu, Hai-yan Yang, Chao Liu, Mao-zhong Jin: A Statistical Model to Locate Faults at Input Level. ASE 2004: 274-277
17EEJi Wu, Hai-yan Yang, Xiao-xia Jia, Chang Liu, Chao Liu, Mao-zhong Jin: Application of Maximum Entropy Principle to Software Failure Prediction. COMPSAC 2004: 180-185
16 Chang Liu, Lu Ruan: Finding Good Candidate Cycles for Efficient p-Cycle Network Design. ICCCN 2004: 321-326
15 Chang Liu, Wayne Huang: A Global Perspective of Business Usage of Web Technology. ICEB 2004: 376-381
14EEDavid Fleeman, Matthew Gillen, Andrew Lenharth, M. Delaney, Lonnie R. Welch, David W. Juedes, Chang Liu: Quality-Based Adaptive Resource Management Architecture (QARMA): A CORBA Resource Management Service. IPDPS 2004
13EEAlexander Thomasian, Chunqi Han, Gang Fu, Chang Liu: A Performance Evaluation Tool for RAID Disk Arrays. QEST 2004: 8-17
12EELu Ruan, H. Luo, Chang Liu: A dynamic routing algorithm with load balancing heuristics for restorable connections in WDM networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 22(9): 1823-1829 (2004)
11EEJune Lu, Chun-Sheng Yu, Chang Liu, Catherina Yi-Fang Ku: Wireless trust: conceptual and operational definition. IJMC 2(1): 38-50 (2004)
10EEJune Lu, Linda A. Hayes, Chun-Sheng Yu, Chang Liu: Conceptual and operational definition of system complexity in the domain of Wireless Internet via Mobile Technology. IJMC 1(4): 360-371 (2003)
9EEChang Liu, Debra J. Richardson: Using RAIC for Dependable On-line Upgrading of Distributed Systems. COMPSAC 2002: 1006-1011
8EEAlexander Thomasian, Chang Liu: Some new disk scheduling policies and their performance. SIGMETRICS 2002: 266-267
7EEAlexander Thomasian, Chang Liu: Disk scheduling policies with lookahead. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 30(2): 31-40 (2002)
6EEChang Liu, Debra J. Richardson: Automated Security Checking and Patching Using TestTalk. ASE 2000: 261-264
5EEChang Liu: Platform-independent and tool-neutral test descriptions for automated software testing. ICSE 2000: 713-715
4EEChang Liu, Debra J. Richardson: Using application states in software testing (poster). ICSE 2000: 776
3 Chang Liu, Gary Armstrong, Daniel Lee, June Lu: Web survey design with active server pages: a new research method. IRMA Conference 2000: 1188-1189
2EEChang Liu, Kirk P. Arnett, Chuck Litecky: Design Quality of Websites for Electronic Commerce: Fortune 1000 Webmasters' Evaluation. Electronic Markets 10(2): (2000)
1EEChang Liu, Debra J. Richardson: Towards Discovery, Specification, and Verification of Component Usage. ASE 1999: 331-334

Coauthor Index

1Gary Armstrong [3]
2Kirk P. Arnett [2]
3Samir Attallah [45]
4Kevin Bryan [21]
5Nannan Chen [49]
6Ruwei Dai [32]
7M. Delaney [14]
8Lisa Cingiser DiPippo [21]
9Roger Ferguson [30]
10David Fleeman [14] [21]
11Gang Fu [13]
12Christopher D. Gill [21]
13Matthew Gillen [14]
14Paul Gross [40]
15Chunqi Han [13]
16Linda A. Hayes [10]
17Honglun Hou [35]
18Jing Hua [32] [41]
19Ruhua Huang [42]
20Wayne Huang [15]
21Xiao-xia Jia [17] [18]
22Mao-zhong Jin [17] [18]
23Douglas Jones [49]
24David W. Juedes [14] [21]
25Catherina Yi-Fang Ku [11]
26Mary Last [30]
27Hoong Chuin Lau [23]
28Daniel Lee [3]
29Andrew Lenharth [14]
30Li Li [31]
31Xiaodong Li [24]
32Charles R. Litecky (Chuck Litecky) [2]
33Chao Liu [17] [18]
34Jun Liu [43]
35June Lu [3] [10] [11]
36H. Luo [12]
37Takashi Matsuyama [34]
38Sally I. McClean [43]
39Joe Mertz [30]
40Matthew Murphy [21]
41Otto Muzik [41]
42Hwee Tou Ng [44]
43Nam Nguyen [49]
44Douglas Niehaus [21]
45Saunvit Pandya [49]
46William M. Pottenger [40]
47Debra J. Richardson [1] [4] [6] [9] [33] [36]
48Lu Ruan [12] [16] [25] [27] [39]
49Linda B. Sherrell [40]
50Haibo Shi [38]
51Xiao-fei Shi [31]
52Zachary Sloane [28]
53Hong Song [38]
54Kazuhiko Sumi [34]
55Ji-dong Suo [31]
56Fangcheng Tang [27]
57Alexander Thomasian [7] [8] [13] [19] [20]
58Thanh Tran (Duc Thanh Tran) [48]
59Craig Tucker [49]
60Haofen Wang [48]
61Hui Wang [37] [43]
62Lixin Wang [32]
63James Ward [26]
64Lonnie R. Welch [14] [21]
65Victor Fay Wolfe [21]
66Danqing Wu [41]
67Ji Wu [17] [18]
68Minghui Wu [35]
69Shengli Wu [43]
70Hai-yan Yang [17] [18]
71Yingchen Yang [49]
72En Ye [33] [36]
73Jing Ying [35]
74Chun-Sheng Yu [10] [11]
75Pong C. Yuen [47]
76Yonghong Zeng [45]
77Jiangyin Zhang [21]
78Lei Zhang [23]
79Chunjie Zhao [38]
80Guangyu Zou [41]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)