
Richard B. Reilly

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13 Ehsan Chah, Barry R. Greene, Geraldine B. Boylan, Richard B. Reilly: Investigation of Entropy and Complexity Measures for Detection of Seizures in the Neonate. BIOSIGNALS (2) 2008: 17-22
12EEPatricia Scanlon, Daniel P. W. Ellis, Richard B. Reilly: Using Broad Phonetic Group Experts for Improved Speech Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 15(3): 803-812 (2007)
11EENiall A. Fox, Ralph Gross, Jeffrey F. Cohn, Richard B. Reilly: Robust Biometric Person Identification Using Automatic Classifier Fusion of Speech, Mouth, and Face Experts. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 9(4): 701-714 (2007)
10EENiall A. Fox, Ralph Gross, Jeffrey F. Cohn, Richard B. Reilly: Robust Automatic Human Identification Using Face, Mouth, and Acoustic Information. AMFG 2005: 264-278
9EENiall A. Fox, Brian A. O'Mullane, Richard B. Reilly: VALID: A New Practical Audio-Visual Database, and Comparative Results. AVBPA 2005: 777-786
8EENiall A. Fox, Brian A. O'Mullane, Richard B. Reilly: Audio-Visual Speaker Identification via Adaptive Fusion Using Reliability Estimates of Both Modalities. AVBPA 2005: 787-796
7EEPhilip de Chazal, John Flynn, Richard B. Reilly: Automated Processing of Shoeprint Images Based on the Fourier Transform for Use in Forensic Science. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 27(3): 341-350 (2005)
6EENiall A. Fox, Richard B. Reilly: Robust multi-modal person identification with tolerance of facial expression. SMC (1) 2004: 580-585
5EENiall A. Fox, Richard B. Reilly: Audio-Visual Speaker Identification Based on the Use of Dynamic Audio and Visual Features. AVBPA 2003: 743-751
4 Christophe Huynh, Philip de Chazal, Donal McErlean, Richard B. Reilly, Tom J. Hannigan, Liam M. Fleury: Automatic classification of shoeprints for use in forensic science based on the Fourier transform. ICIP (3) 2003: 569-572
3EEPhilip de Chazal, Richard B. Reilly, Conor Heneghan: Automatic Sleep Apnoea Detection Using Measures of Amplitude and Heart Rate Variability from the Electrocardiogram. ICPR (1) 2002: 775-778
2 Peter Harper, Richard B. Reilly: Color Based Video Segmentation Using Level Sets. ICIP 2000
1EEPhilip de Chazal, Richard B. Reilly: A Comparison of the Use of Different Wavelet Coefficients for the Classification of the Electrocardiogram. ICPR 2000: 2255-2258

Coauthor Index

1Geraldine B. Boylan [13]
2Ehsan Chah [13]
3Philip de Chazal [1] [3] [4] [7]
4Jeffrey F. Cohn [10] [11]
5Daniel P. W. Ellis [12]
6Liam M. Fleury [4]
7John Flynn [7]
8Niall A. Fox [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11]
9Barry R. Greene [13]
10Ralph Gross [10] [11]
11Tom J. Hannigan [4]
12Peter Harper [2]
13Conor Heneghan [3]
14Christophe Huynh [4]
15Donal McErlean [4]
16Brian A. O'Mullane [8] [9]
17Patricia Scanlon [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)