
Nathan Intrator

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40 Guy Amit, Jonathan Lessick, Noam Gavriely, Nathan Intrator: Acoustic Indices of Cardiac Functionality. BIOSIGNALS (2) 2008: 77-83
39EEOmer Berkman, Nathan Intrator: Robust Inference in Bayesian Networks with Application to Gene Expression Temporal Data. MCS 2007: 479-489
38 Terry Windeatt, Matthew Prior, Niv Effron, Nathan Intrator: Ensemble-based Feature Selection Criteria. MLDM Posters 2007: 168-182
37EEKio Kim, Nicola Neretti, Nathan Intrator: Video Enhancement for Underwater Exploration Using Forward Looking Sonar. ACIVS 2006: 554-563
36EEOfer Pasternak, Nir A. Sochen, Nathan Intrator, Yaniv Assaf: Neuronal Fiber Delineation in Area of Edema from Diffusion Weighted MRI. NIPS 2005
35EETal Steinherz, Ehud Rivlin, Nathan Intrator, Predrag Neskovic: An Integration of Online and Pseudo-Online Information for Cursive Word Recognition. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 27(5): 669-683 (2005)
34EEShimon Cohen, Nathan Intrator: On Different Model Selection Criteria In A Forward And Backward Regression Hybrid Network. IJPRAI 18(5): 847-865 (2004)
33EEShimon Cohen, Nathan Intrator: Ensemble of hybrid networks with strong regularization. ESANN 2003: 337-342
32EEShimon Cohen, Nathan Intrator: A Study of Ensemble of Hybrid Networks with Strong Regularization. Multiple Classifier Systems 2003: 227-235
31EEShimon Edelman, Nathan Intrator: Towards structural systematicity in distributed, statically bound visual representations. Cognitive Science 27(1): 73-109 (2003)
30EEShimon Edelman, Nathan Intrator: Better limited systematicity in hand than structural descriptions in the bush: A reply to Hummel. Cognitive Science 27(2): 331-332 (2003)
29EEArmando Bazzani, Daniel Remondini, Nathan Intrator, Gastone C. Castellani: The Effect of Noise on a Class of Energy-Based Learning Rules. Neural Computation 15(7): 1621-1640 (2003)
28EEShimon Edelman, Nathan Intrator, Judah S. Jacobson: Unsupervised Learning of Visual Structure. Biologically Motivated Computer Vision 2002: 629-642
27EEShimon Cohen, Nathan Intrator: Forward and Backward Selection in Regression Hybrid Network. Multiple Classifier Systems 2002: 98-107
26EEShimon Cohen, Nathan Intrator: Automatic model selection in a hybrid perceptron/radial network. Information Fusion 3(4): 259-266 (2002)
25EEDaniel Remondini, Nathan Intrator, Gastone C. Castellani, F. Bersani, Leon N. Cooper: Optimal spontaneous activity in neural network modeling. Neurocomputing 44-46: 591-595 (2002)
24EEShimon Cohen, Nathan Intrator: A Hybrid Projection-based and Radial Basis Function Architecture: Initial Values and Global Optimisation. Pattern Anal. Appl. 5(2): 113-120 (2002)
23EEShimon Cohen, Nathan Intrator: Automatic Model Selection in a Hybrid Perceptron/Radial Network. Multiple Classifier Systems 2001: 440-454
22EEShimon Edelman, Benjamin P. Hiles, Hwajin Yang, Nathan Intrator: Probabilistic principles in unsupervised learning of visual structure: human data and a model. NIPS 2001: 19-26
21EEInna Stainvas, Nathan Intrator: Blurred Face Recognition via a Hybrid Network Architecture. ICPR 2000: 2805-2808
20EEShimon Cohen, Nathan Intrator: A Hybrid Projection Based and Radial Basis Function Architecture. Multiple Classifier Systems 2000: 147-156
19 Shimon Edelman, Nathan Intrator: A Productive, Systematic Framework for the Representation of Visual Structure. NIPS 2000: 10-16
18EETal Steinherz, Nathan Intrator, Ehud Rivlin: Skew Detection via Principal Components Analysis. ICDAR 1999: 153-156
17EETal Steinherz, Ehud Rivlin, Nathan Intrator: Offline cursive script word recognition - a survey. IJDAR 2(2-3): 90-110 (1999)
16 Ran Avnimelech, Nathan Intrator: Boosted Mixture Of Experts: An Ensemble Learning Scheme. Neural Computation 11(2): 483-497 (1999)
15 Ran Avnimelech, Nathan Intrator: Boosting Regression Estimators. Neural Computation 11(2): 499-520 (1999)
14EEYocheved Dotan, Nathan Intrator: Multimodality exploration by an unsupervised projection pursuit neural network. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 9(3): 464-472 (1998)
13 Brian S. Blais, Nathan Intrator, Harel Z. Shouval, Leon N. Cooper: Receptive Field Formation in Natural Scene Environments: Comparison of Single Cell Learning Rules. Neural Computation 10(7): 1797-1813 (1998)
12 Ariel Tankus, Hezy Yeshurun, Nathan Intrator: Face Detection by Direct Convexity Estimation. AVBPA 1997: 43-50
11 Brian S. Blais, Nathan Intrator, Harel Z. Shouval, Leon N. Cooper: Receptive Field Formation in Natural Scene Environments: Comparison of Single Cell Learning Rules. NIPS 1997
10EEAriel Tankus, Yehezkel Yeshurun, Nathan Intrator: Face detection by direct convexity estimation. Pattern Recognition Letters 18(9): 913-922 (1997)
9EEDavid Horn, Ury Naftaly, Nathan Intrator: Large Ensemble Averaging. Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade 1996: 133-139
8EENathan Intrator: Making a Low-dimensional Representation Suitable for Diverse Tasks. Connect. Sci. 8(2): 205-224 (1996)
7EEYuval Raviv, Nathan Intrator: Bootstrapping with Noise: An Effective Regularization Technique. Connect. Sci. 8(3): 355-372 (1996)
6EENathan Intrator, Daniel Reisfeld, Yehezkel Yeshurun: Face recognition using a hybrid supervised/unsupervised neural network. Pattern Recognition Letters 17(1): 67-76 (1996)
5EENathan Intrator: On the Use of Projection Pursuit Constraints for Training Neural Networks. NIPS 1992: 3-10
4EENathan Intrator, Leon N. Cooper: Objective function formulation of the BCM theory of visual cortical plasticity: Statistical connections, stability conditions. Neural Networks 5(1): 3-17 (1992)
3EENathan Intrator, Josh I. Gold, Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Shimon Edelman: 3D Object Recognition Using Unsupervised Feature Extraction. NIPS 1991: 460-467
2EENathan Intrator: Exploratory Feature Extraction in Speech Signals. NIPS 1990: 241-247
1EENathan Intrator: A Neural Network for Feature Extraction. NIPS 1989: 719-726

Coauthor Index

1Guy Amit [40]
2Yaniv Assaf [36]
3Ran Avnimelech [15] [16]
4Armando Bazzani [29]
5Omer Berkman [39]
6F. Bersani [25]
7Brian S. Blais [11] [13]
8Heinrich H. Bülthoff [3]
9Gastone C. Castellani [25] [29]
10Shimon Cohen [20] [23] [24] [26] [27] [32] [33] [34]
11Leon N. Cooper [4] [11] [13] [25]
12Yocheved Dotan [14]
13Shimon Edelman [3] [19] [22] [28] [30] [31]
14Niv Effron [38]
15Noam Gavriely [40]
16Josh I. Gold [3]
17Benjamin P. Hiles [22]
18David Horn [9]
19Judah S. Jacobson [28]
20Kio Kim [37]
21Jonathan Lessick [40]
22Ury Naftaly [9]
23Nicola Neretti [37]
24Predrag Neskovic [35]
25Ofer Pasternak [36]
26Matthew Prior [38]
27Yuval Raviv [7]
28Daniel Reisfeld [6]
29Daniel Remondini [25] [29]
30Ehud Rivlin [17] [18] [35]
31Harel Z. Shouval [11] [13]
32Nir A. Sochen [36]
33Inna Stainvas [21]
34Tal Steinherz [17] [18] [35]
35Ariel Tankus [10] [12]
36Terry Windeatt [38]
37Hwajin Yang [22]
38Hezy Yeshurun [12]
39Yehezkel Yeshurun [6] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)