
Frédéric Cao

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17 Anatole Chessel, Ronan Fablet, Charles Kervrann, Frédéric Cao: Otolith Image Analysis by Computer Vision. BIOSIGNALS (2) 2008: 490-497
16EERonan Fablet, Sylvain Pujolle, Anatole Chessel, Abdessalam Benzinou, Frédéric Cao: 2D Image-based reconstruction of shape deformation of biological structures using a level-set representation. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 111(3): 295-306 (2008)
15EEThomas Veit, Frédéric Cao, Patrick Bouthemy: Space-time A Contrario Clustering for Detecting Coherent Motions. ICRA 2007: 33-39
14EEFrédéric Cao, Patrick Bouthemy: A General Principled Method for Image Similarity Validation. Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval 2006: 57-70
13EEAnatole Chessel, Frédéric Cao, Ronan Fablet: Interpolating Orientation Fields: An Axiomatic Approach. ECCV (4) 2006: 241-254
12EEAnatole Chessel, Ronan Fablet, Frédéric Cao, Charles Kervrann: Orientation Interpolation and Applications. ICIP 2006: 1561-1564
11EERonan Fablet, Sylvain Pujolle, Anatole Chessel, Abdessalam Benzinou, Frédéric Cao: Variational Level-Set Reconstruction of Accretionary Morphogenesis from Images. ICIP 2006: 221-224
10EEThomas Veit, Frédéric Cao, Patrick Bouthemy: An a contrario Decision Framework for Region-Based Motion Detection. International Journal of Computer Vision 68(2): 163-178 (2006)
9EEPablo Musé, Frédéric Sur, Frédéric Cao, Yann Gousseau, Jean-Michel Morel: An A Contrario Decision Method for Shape Element Recognition. International Journal of Computer Vision 69(3): 295-315 (2006)
8EEFrédéric Cao, Ronan Fablet: Automatic morphological detection of otolith nucleus. Pattern Recognition Letters 27(6): 658-666 (2006)
7EEThomas Veit, Frédéric Cao, Patrick Bouthemy: A maximality principle applied to a contrario motion detection. ICIP (1) 2005: 1061-1064
6EENicolas Papadakis, Étienne Mémin, Frédéric Cao: A Variational Approach for Object Contour Tracking. VLSM 2005: 259-270
5EEThomas Veit, Frédéric Cao, Patrick Bouthemy: Probabilistic Parameter-Free Motion Detection. CVPR (1) 2004: 715-721
4EEFrédéric Cao, Ronan Fablet: Automatic Morphological Detection of Otolith Nucleus. ICPR (3) 2004: 606-609
3EEFrédéric Cao: Good continuations in digital image level lines. ICCV 2003: 440-447
2 Pablo Musé, Frédéric Sur, Frédéric Cao, Yann Gousseau: Unsupervised thresholds for shape matching. ICIP (2) 2003: 647-650
1EEFrédéric Cao: Morphological Scale Space and Mathematical Morphology. Scale-Space 1999: 164-174

Coauthor Index

1Abdessalam Benzinou [11] [16]
2Patrick Bouthemy [5] [7] [10] [14] [15]
3Anatole Chessel [11] [12] [13] [16] [17]
4Ronan Fablet [4] [8] [11] [12] [13] [16] [17]
5Yann Gousseau [2] [9]
6Charles Kervrann [12] [17]
7Étienne Mémin [6]
8Jean-Michel Morel [9]
9Pablo Musé [2] [9]
10Nicolas Papadakis [6]
11Sylvain Pujolle [11] [16]
12Frédéric Sur [2] [9]
13Thomas Veit [5] [7] [10] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)