
Niels Wessel

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8 Hagen Malberg, Robert Bauernschmitt, Thomas Walther, Andreas Voss, Renaldo Faber, Holger Stepan, Niels Wessel: Analysis of Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Variability in Pregnancy - New Method for the Prediction of Preeclampsia. BIOSIGNALS (1) 2008: 47-55
7 Alexander Schirdewan, Andrej Gapelyuk, Robert Fischer, Lydia Koch, Henry Schütt, Udo Zacharzowsky, Rainer Dietz, Ludwig Thierfelder, Niels Wessel: Cardiac Magnetic Field Map Topology Quantified by Kullback-Leibler Entropy Identifies Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. BIOSIGNALS (2) 2008: 445-452
6 Robert Bauernschmitt, Beatrice Retzlaff, Niels Wessel, Hagen Malberg, Gernot Brockmann, Christian Uhl, Rüdiger Lange: Delayed Recovery of Cardiovascular Autonomic Function After Mitral Valve Surgery - Evidence for Direct Trauma? BIOSIGNALS (2) 2008: 504-507
5EENiels Wessel, Hagen Malberg, Robert Bauernschmitt, Jürgen Kurths: Nonlinear Methods of Cardiovascular Physics and their Clinical Applicability. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 17(10): 3325-3371 (2007)
4EERaúl Carvajal, Niels Wessel, Montserrat Vallverdú, Pere Caminal, Andreas Voss: Correlation dimension analysis of heart rate variability in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 78(2): 133-140 (2005)
3EENiels Wessel, Jörg Aßmus, Udo Schwarz, Jürgen Kurths, Frank Weidermann, Jan Konvicka, Steffen Nestmann, Raimund Neugebauer: Modeling thermal Displacements in Modular Tool Systems. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 14(6): 2125-2132 (2004)
2EENiels Wessel, Norbert Marwan, Udo Meyerfeldt, Alexander Schirdewan, Jürgen Kurths: Recurrence Quantification Analysis to Characterise the Heart Rate Variability before the Onset of Ventricular Tachycardia. ISMDA 2001: 295-301
1EENiels Wessel, Agnes Schumann, Alexander Schirdewan, Andreas Voss, Jürgen Kurths: Entropy Measures in Heart Rate Variability Data. ISMDA 2000: 78-87

Coauthor Index

1Jörg Aßmus [3]
2Robert Bauernschmitt [5] [6] [8]
3Gernot Brockmann [6]
4Pere Caminal [4]
5Raúl Carvajal [4]
6Rainer Dietz [7]
7Renaldo Faber [8]
8Robert Fischer [7]
9Andrej Gapelyuk [7]
10Lydia Koch [7]
11Jan Konvicka [3]
12Jürgen Kurths [1] [2] [3] [5]
13Rüdiger Lange [6]
14Hagen Malberg [5] [6] [8]
15Norbert Marwan [2]
16Udo Meyerfeldt [2]
17Steffen Nestmann [3]
18Raimund Neugebauer [3]
19Beatrice Retzlaff [6]
20Alexander Schirdewan [1] [2] [7]
21Agnes Schumann [1]
22Henry Schütt [7]
23Udo Schwarz [3]
24Holger Stepan [8]
25Ludwig Thierfelder [7]
26Christian Uhl [6]
27Montserrat Vallverdú [4]
28Andreas Voss [1] [4] [8]
29Thomas Walther [8]
30Frank Weidermann [3]
31Udo Zacharzowsky [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)