
Michel Herbin

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12EED. Sebiskveradze, Cyril Gobinet, E. Ly, Michel Manfait, P. Jeannesson, Michel Herbin, O. Piot, Valeriu Vrabie: Effects of digital dewaxing methods on K-means-clusterized IR images collected on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples of skin carcinoma. BIBE 2008: 1-6
11EEMohamed Chenafa, Dan Istrate, Valeriu Vrabie, Michel Herbin: Biometric System Based on Voice Recognition Using Multiclassifiers. BIOID 2008: 206-215
10 Mohamed Chenafa, Dan Istrate, Valeriu Vrabie, Michel Herbin: Speaker Recognition using Decision Fusion. BIOSIGNALS (1) 2008: 267-272
9 Valeriu Vrabie, Cyril Gobinet, Michel Herbin, Michel Manfait: Comparative Study of Blind Source Separation Methods for Raman Spectra - Application on Numerical Dewaxing of Cutaneous Biopsies. BIOSIGNALS (2) 2008: 349-354
8EEMihai Ciuc, Valeriu Vrabie, Michel Herbin, Constantin Vertan, Philippe Vautrot: Adaptive-neighborhood best mean rank vector filter for impulsive noise removal. ICIP 2008: 813-816
7 Cyril De Runz, Eric Desjardin, Frederic Piantoni, Michel Herbin: Management of multi-modal data using the Fuzzy Hough Transform: Application to archaeological simulation. RCIS 2007: 351-356
6EEJason Mahdjoub, Zahia Guessoum, Fabien Michel, Michel Herbin: A Multi-agent Approach for the Edge Detection in Image Processings. EUMAS 2006
5EEFrédéric Blanchard, Michel Herbin, Laurent Lucas: A new pixel-oriented visualization technique through color image. Information Visualization 4(3): 257-265 (2005)
4EEN. Bonnet, J. Cutrona, Michel Herbin: A 'no-threshold' histogram-based image segmentation method. Pattern Recognition 35(10): 2319-2322 (2002)
3EEMichel Herbin, N. Bonnet, Philippe Vautrot: Estimation of the number of clusters and influence zones. Pattern Recognition Letters 22(14): 1557-1568 (2001)
2EEMichel Herbin, N. Bonnet, Philippe Vautrot: A clustering method based on the estimation of the probability density function and on the skeleton by influence zones. Application to image processing. Pattern Recognition Letters 17(11): 1141-1150 (1996)
1EEMichel Herbin, Alain Venot, J. Y. Devaux, E. Walter, J. F. Lebruchec, L. Dubertret, J. C. Roucayrol: Automated registration of dissimilar images: Application to medical imagery. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 47(1): 77-88 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Frédéric Blanchard [5]
2N. Bonnet [2] [3] [4]
3Mohamed Chenafa [10] [11]
4Mihai Ciuc [8]
5J. Cutrona [4]
6Eric Desjardin [7]
7J. Y. Devaux [1]
8L. Dubertret [1]
9Cyril Gobinet [9] [12]
10Zahia Guessoum [6]
11Dan Istrate [10] [11]
12P. Jeannesson [12]
13J. F. Lebruchec [1]
14Laurent Lucas [5]
15E. Ly [12]
16Jason Mahdjoub [6]
17Michel Manfait [9] [12]
18Fabien Michel [6]
19Frederic Piantoni [7]
20O. Piot [12]
21J. C. Roucayrol [1]
22Cyril De Runz [7]
23D. Sebiskveradze [12]
24Philippe Vautrot [2] [3] [8]
25Alain Venot [1]
26Constantin Vertan [8]
27Valeriu Vrabie [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
28E. Walter [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)