
Hongyu Zhao

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29EEHongqi Gong, Lihua Li, Hongyu Zhao: Automatic Labeling System of Words in Text Materials for College English Tests. ISIP 2008: 209-213
28EEJiguo Cao, Hongyu Zhao: Estimating dynamic models for gene regulation networks. Bioinformatics 24(14): 1619-1624 (2008)
27EELiang Chen, Tiejun Tong, Hongyu Zhao: Considering dependence among genes and markers for false discovery control in eQTL mapping. Bioinformatics 24(18): 2015-2022 (2008)
26EEDebayan Datta, Hongyu Zhao: Statistical methods to infer cooperative binding among transcription factors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Bioinformatics 24(4): 545-552 (2008)
25EEWeichuan Yu, Junfeng Liu, Chris Colangelo, Erol Gulcicek, Hongyu Zhao: A new protocol of analyzing isotope-coded affinity tag data from high-resolution LC-MS spectrometry. Computational Biology and Chemistry 31(3): 215-221 (2007)
24EEValentin Dinu, Hongyu Zhao, Perry L. Miller: Integrating domain knowledge with statistical and data mining methods for high-density genomic SNP disease association analysis. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 40(6): 750-760 (2007)
23EEHerbert Pang, Aiping Lin, Matthew Holford, Bradley E. Enerson, Bin Lu, Michael P. Lawton, Eugenia Floyd, Hongyu Zhao: Pathway analysis using random forests classification and regression. Bioinformatics 22(16): 2028-2036 (2006)
22EEWeichuan Yu, Baolin Wu, Ning Lin, Kathy Stone, Kenneth Williams, Hongyu Zhao: Detecting and aligning peaks in mass spectrometry data with applications to MALDI. Computational Biology and Chemistry 30(1): 27-38 (2006)
21EEWeichuan Yu, Xiaoye Li, Junfeng Liu, Baolin Wu, Kenneth R. Williams, Hongyu Zhao: Multiple Peak Alignment in Sequential Data Analysis: A Scale-Space-Based Approach. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 3(3): 208-219 (2006)
20EEWeichuan Yu, Xiaoye Li, Hongyu Zhao: Aligning Peaks Across Multiple Mass Spectrometry Data Sets Using A Scale-Space Based Approach. CSB Workshops 2005: 126-127
19EENan Lin, Hongyu Zhao: Are scale-free networks robust to measurement errors? BMC Bioinformatics 6: 119 (2005)
18EEKui Zhang, Fengzhu Sun, Hongyu Zhao: HAPLORE: a program for haplotype reconstruction in general pedigrees without recombination. Bioinformatics 21(1): 90-103 (2005)
17EEYin Liu, Nianjun Liu, Hongyu Zhao: Inferring protein-protein interactions through high-throughput interaction data from diverse organisms. Bioinformatics 21(15): 3279-3285 (2005)
16EETao Huang, Baolin Wu, Paul Lizardi, Hongyu Zhao: Detection of DNA copy number alterations using penalized least squares regression. Bioinformatics 21(20): 3811-3817 (2005)
15EELiang Chen, Hongyu Zhao: Negative correlation between compositional symmetries and local recombination rates. Bioinformatics 21(21): 3951-3958 (2005)
14EEZhong Guan, Hongyu Zhao: A semiparametric approach for marker gene selection based on gene expression data. Bioinformatics 21(4): 529-536 (2005)
13EEMatthew Holford, Naixin Li, Prakash M. Nadkarni, Hongyu Zhao: VitaPad: visualization tools for the analysis of pathway data. Bioinformatics 21(8): 1596-1602 (2005)
12EEYinglei Lai, Hongyu Zhao: A statistical method to detect chromosomal regions with DNA copy number alterations using SNP-array-based CGH data. Computational Biology and Chemistry 29(1): 47-54 (2005)
11EEYinglei Lai, Hongyu Zhao: Erratum to "A statistical method to detect chromosomal regions with DNA copy number alterations using SNP-array-based CGH data": [Comput. Biol. Chem. 29(2005) 47-54] Computational Biology and Chemistry 29(3): 258 (2005)
10EELiang Chen, Hongyu Zhao: Integrating mRNA Decay Information into Co-Regulation Study. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 20(4): 434-438 (2005)
9EEMichael V. Osier, Hongyu Zhao, Kei-Hoi Cheung: Handling multiple testing while interpreting microarrays with the Gene Ontology Database. BMC Bioinformatics 5: 124 (2004)
8EENan Lin, Baolin Wu, Ronald Jansen, Mark Gerstein, Hongyu Zhao: Information assessment on predicting protein-protein interactions. BMC Bioinformatics 5: 154 (2004)
7EEYin Liu, Hongyu Zhao: A computational approach for ordering signal transduction pathway components from genomics and proteomics Data. BMC Bioinformatics 5: 158 (2004)
6EEYinglei Lai, Baolin Wu, Liang Chen, Hongyu Zhao: A statistical method for identifying differential gene-gene co-expression patterns. Bioinformatics 20(17): 3146-3155 (2004)
5 Wenming Zhao, Jing Wang, Ximiao He, Xiaobing Huang, Yongzhi Jiao, Mingtao Dai, Shulin Wei, Jian Fu, Ye Chen, Xiaoyu Ren, Yong Zhang, Peixiang Ni, Jianguo Zhang, Songgang Li, Jian Wang, Gane Ka-Shu Wong, Hongyu Zhao, Jun Yu, Huanming Yang, Jun Wang: BGI-RIS: an integrated information resource and comparative analysis workbench for rice genomics. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Database-Issue): 377-382 (2004)
4EEDeyun Pan, Ning Sun, Kei-Hoi Cheung, Zhong Guan, Ligeng Ma, Matthew Holford, Xingwang Deng, Hongyu Zhao: PathMAPA: a tool for displaying gene expression and performing statistical tests on metabolic pathways at multiple levels for Arabidopsis. BMC Bioinformatics 4: 56 (2003)
3 Baolin Wu, Tom Abbott, David Fishman, Walter McMurray, Gil Mor, Kathryn Stone, David Ward, Kenneth Williams, Hongyu Zhao: Comparison of statistical methods for classification of ovarian cancer using mass spectrometry data. Bioinformatics 19(13): 1636-1643 (2003)
2EEShuanglin Zhang, Kui Zhang, Jinming Li, Hongyu Zhao: On a Family-Based Haplotype Pattern Mining Method for Linkage Disequilibrium Mapping. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2002: 100-111
1 Hongyu Zhao, Feng Liang: On Relationship Inference Using Gamete Identity by Descent Data. Journal of Computational Biology 8(2): 191-200 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Tom Abbott [3]
2Jiguo Cao [28]
3Liang Chen [6] [10] [15] [27]
4Ye Chen [5]
5Kei-Hoi Cheung [4] [9]
6Chris Colangelo [25]
7Mingtao Dai [5]
8Debayan Datta [26]
9Xingwang Deng [4]
10Valentin Dinu [24]
11Bradley E. Enerson [23]
12David Fishman [3]
13Eugenia Floyd [23]
14Jian Fu [5]
15Mark Gerstein [8]
16Hongqi Gong [29]
17Zhong Guan [4] [14]
18Erol Gulcicek [25]
19Ximiao He [5]
20Matthew Holford [4] [13] [23]
21Tao Huang [16]
22Xiaobing Huang [5]
23Ronald Jansen [8]
24Yongzhi Jiao [5]
25Yinglei Lai [6] [11] [12]
26Michael P. Lawton [23]
27Jinming Li [2]
28Lihua Li [29]
29Naixin Li [13]
30Songgang Li [5]
31Xiaoye Li [20] [21]
32Feng Liang [1]
33Aiping Lin [23]
34Nan Lin [8] [19]
35Ning Lin [22]
36Junfeng Liu [21] [25]
37Nianjun Liu [17]
38Yin Liu [7] [17]
39Paul Lizardi [16]
40Bin Lu [23]
41Ligeng Ma [4]
42Walter McMurray [3]
43Perry L. Miller [24]
44Gil Mor [3]
45Prakash M. Nadkarni [13]
46Peixiang Ni [5]
47Michael V. Osier [9]
48Deyun Pan [4]
49Herbert Pang [23]
50Xiaoyu Ren [5]
51Kathryn Stone [3]
52Kathy Stone [22]
53Fengzhu Sun [18]
54Ning Sun [4]
55Tiejun Tong [27]
56Jian Wang [5]
57Jing Wang [5]
58Jun Wang [5]
59David Ward [3]
60Shulin Wei [5]
61Kenneth Williams [3] [22]
62Kenneth R. Williams [21]
63Gane Ka-Shu Wong [5]
64Baolin Wu [3] [6] [8] [16] [21] [22]
65Huanming Yang [5]
66Jun Yu [5]
67Weichuan Yu [20] [21] [22] [25]
68Jianguo Zhang [5]
69Kui Zhang [2] [18]
70Shuanglin Zhang [2]
71Yong Zhang [5]
72Wenming Zhao [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)