
Yinglei Lai

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10EEYinglei Lai: Genome-wide co-expression based prediction of differential expressions. Bioinformatics 24(5): 666-673 (2008)
9EEYinglei Lai, Bao-ling Adam, Robert Podolsky, Jin-Xiong She: A mixture model approach to the tests of concordance and discordance between two large-scale experiments with two-sample groups. Bioinformatics 23(10): 1243-1250 (2007)
8EEDong Hua, Yinglei Lai: An ensemble approach to microarray data-based gene prioritization after missing value imputation. Bioinformatics 23(6): 747-754 (2007)
7EEYinglei Lai: Conservative adjustment of permutation p-values when the number of permutations is limited. IJBRA 3(4): 536-546 (2007)
6EEYinglei Lai: A statistical method for estimating the proportion of differentially expressed genes. Computational Biology and Chemistry 30(3): 193-202 (2006)
5EEYinglei Lai: On the identification of differentially expressed genes: Improving the generalized F-statistics for Affymetrix microarray gene expression data. Computational Biology and Chemistry 30(5): 321-326 (2006)
4EEYinglei Lai, Hongyu Zhao: A statistical method to detect chromosomal regions with DNA copy number alterations using SNP-array-based CGH data. Computational Biology and Chemistry 29(1): 47-54 (2005)
3EEYinglei Lai, Hongyu Zhao: Erratum to "A statistical method to detect chromosomal regions with DNA copy number alterations using SNP-array-based CGH data": [Comput. Biol. Chem. 29(2005) 47-54] Computational Biology and Chemistry 29(3): 258 (2005)
2EEYinglei Lai, Baolin Wu, Liang Chen, Hongyu Zhao: A statistical method for identifying differential gene-gene co-expression patterns. Bioinformatics 20(17): 3146-3155 (2004)
1 Yinglei Lai, Deepali Shinde, Norman Arnheim, Fengzhu Sun: The Mutation Process of Microsatellites During the Polymerase Chain Reaction. Journal of Computational Biology 10(2): 143-156 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Bao-ling Adam [9]
2Norman Arnheim [1]
3Liang Chen [2]
4Dong Hua [8]
5Robert Podolsky [9]
6Jin-Xiong She [9]
7Deepali Shinde [1]
8Fengzhu Sun [1]
9Baolin Wu [2]
10Hongyu Zhao [2] [3] [4]

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