
Antonio Ortega

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89EESang-Yong Lee, Antonio Ortega: A Novel Approach for Compression of Images Captured using Bayer Color Filter Arrays CoRR abs/0903.2272: (2009)
88EEHuisheng Wang, Antonio Ortega: Rate-Distortion Optimized Scheduling for Redundant Video Representations. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 18(2): 225-240 (2009)
87 Takenobu Tokunaga, Antonio Ortega: Large-Scale Knowledge Resources. Construction and Application, Third International Conference on Large-Scale Knowledge Resources, LKR 2008, Tokyo, Japan, March 3-5, 2008, Proceedings Springer 2008
86EEJae Hoon Kim, Antonio Ortega, Peng Yin, Purvin Pandit, Cristina Gomila: Motion compensation based on implicit block segmentation. ICIP 2008: 2452-2455
85EEPoLin Lai, Antonio Ortega, Purvin Pandit, Peng Yin, Cristina Gomila: Adaptive reference filtering for bidirectional disparity compensation with focus mismatches. ICIP 2008: 2456-2459
84EEGodwin Shen, Antonio Ortega: Comopact image representation using wavelet lifting along arbitrary trees. ICIP 2008: 2808-2811
83EEGodwin Shen, Antonio Ortega: Joint Routing and 2D Transform Optimization for Irregular Sensor Network Grids Using Wavelet Lifting. IPSN 2008: 183-194
82EEGene Cheung, Antonio Ortega, Takashi Sakamoto: Coding structure optimization for interactive multiview streaming in virtual world observation. MMSP 2008: 450-455
81EERoger Pique-Regi, Jordi Monso-Varona, Antonio Ortega, Robert C. Seeger, Timothy Triche, Shahab Asgharzadeh: Sparse representation and Bayesian detection of genome copy number alterations from microarray data. Bioinformatics 24(3): 309-318 (2008)
80EENgai-Man Cheung, Huisheng Wang, Antonio Ortega: Sampling-Based Correlation Estimation for Distributed Source Coding Under Rate and Complexity Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 17(11): 2122-2137 (2008)
79EEIvy H. Tseng, Antonio Ortega: Rate-Distortion Analysis and Bit Allocation Strategy for Motion Estimation at the Decoder using Maximum Likelihood Technique in Distributed Video Coding. ICIP (2) 2007: 21-24
78EEIn Suk Chong, Antonio Ortega: Power Efficient Motion Estimation using Multiple Imprecise Metric Computations. ICME 2007: 2046-2049
77EEJ. H. Kim, PoLin Lai, J. Lopez, Antonio Ortega, Y. Su, Peng Yin, Cristina Gomila: New Coding Tools for Illumination and Focus Mismatch Compensation in Multiview Video Coding. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 17(11): 1519-1535 (2007)
76EEHye-Yeon Cheong, In Suk Chong, Antonio Ortega: Computation Error Tolerance in Motion Estimation Algorithms. ICIP 2006: 3289-3292
75EENgai-Man Cheung, Antonio Ortega: A Model-Based Approach to Correlation Estimation Inwavelet-Based Distributed Source Coding with Application to Hyperspectral Imagery. ICIP 2006: 613-616
74EEAlexandre G. Ciancio, Sundeep Pattem, Antonio Ortega, Bhaskar Krishnamachari: Energy-efficient data representation and routing for wireless sensor networks based on a distributed wavelet compression algorithm. IPSN 2006: 309-316
73EEHua Xie, Victor Andreu, Antonio Ortega: Quantization-based probabilistic feature modeling for kernel design in content-based image retrieval. Multimedia Information Retrieval 2006: 23-32
72EENgai-Man Cheung, Caimu Tang, Antonio Ortega, Cauligi S. Raghavendra: Efficient wavelet-based predictive Slepian-Wolf coding for hyperspectral imagery. Signal Processing 86(11): 3180-3195 (2006)
71EENaveen Srinivasamurthy, Antonio Ortega, Shrikanth Narayanan: Efficient scalable encoding for distributed speech recognition. Speech Communication 48(8): 888-902 (2006)
70EERoger Pique-Regi, Antonio Ortega, Shahab Asgharzadeh: Sequential Diagonal Linear Discriminant Analysis (SeqDLDA) for Microarray Classification and Gene Identification. CSB Workshops 2005: 112-116
69EECaimu Tang, Ngai-Man Cheung, Antonio Ortega, Cauligi S. Raghavendra: Efficient Inter-Band Prediction and Wavelet Based Compression for Hyperspectral Imagery: A Distributed Source Coding Approach. DCC 2005: 437-446
68EEHyukjune Chung, Antonio Ortega: Analysis and Testing for Error Tolerant Motion Estimation. DFT 2005: 514-522
67EEIn Suk Chong, Antonio Ortega: Hardware Testing For Error Tolerant Multimedia Compression based on Linear Transforms. DFT 2005: 523-534
66EEJae Hoon Kim, Jonathan Garcia, Antonio Ortega: Dependent bit allocation in multiview video coding. ICIP (2) 2005: 293-296
65EENgai-Man Cheung, Huisheng Wang, Antonio Ortega: Correlation estimation for distributed source coding under information exchange constraints. ICIP (2) 2005: 682-685
64EEYoon Hak Kim, Antonio Ortega: Quantizer design and distributed encoding algorithm for source localization in sensor networks. IPSN 2005: 231-238
63 Huisheng Wang, Antonio Ortega: Scalable predictive coding by nested quantization with layered side information. ICIP 2004: 1755-1758
62EEHyukjune Chung, Antonio Ortega: Efficient memory management control for H.264. ICIP 2004: 777-780
61EEHua Xie, Antonio Ortega: An user preference information based kernel for SVM active learning in content-based image retrieval. Multimedia Information Retrieval 2004: 1-6
60EEKrisda Lengwehasatit, Antonio Ortega: Scalable variable complexity approximate forward DCT. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 14(11): 1236-1248 (2004)
59 Hyukjune Chung, David Romacho, Antonio Ortega: Fast long-term motion estimation for H.264 using multiresolution search. ICIP (1) 2003: 905-908
58 Kemal Demirciler, Antonio Ortega: Image coding based on multiple projections and multistage vector quantization. ICIP (2) 2003: 287-290
57 Baltasar Beferull-Lozano, Antonio Ortega, Hua Xie: Rotation-invariant features based on steerable transforms with an application to distributed image classification. ICIP (3) 2003: 521-524
56 Julián Cabrera, José Ignacio Ronda, Antonio Ortega, Narciso N. García: Stochastic rate-control of interframe video coders for VBR channels. ICIP (3) 2003: 813-816
55EEReza Rejaie, Antonio Ortega: PALS: peer-to-peer adaptive layered streaming. NOSSDAV 2003: 153-161
54EELavanya Vasudevan, Antonio Ortega, Urbashi Mitra: Application-specific compression for time delay estimation in sensor networks. SenSys 2003: 243-254
53 Baltasar Beferull-Lozano, Antonio Ortega: Efficient quantization for overcomplete expansions in RN. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(1): 129-150 (2003)
52EERaghavendra Singh, Antonio Ortega: Consistent Estimation of Erased Data in a DPCM Based Multiple Description Coding System. VLSI Signal Processing 34(1-2): 9-28 (2003)
51EENaveen Srinivasamurthy, Antonio Ortega: Reduced Complexity Quantization Under Classification Constraints. DCC 2002: 402-411
50EEAntonio Ortega, Rafael M. Gasca, Miguel Toro, Jesús Torres: A Semiquantitative Approach to Study Semiqualitative Systems. IBERAMIA 2002: 303-312
49 Hyukjune Chung, Antonio Ortega, Yutaka Horiguchi: Low complexity motion estimation algorithm by multiresolution search for long-term memory motion compensation. ICIP (2) 2002: 261-264
48 Phoom Sagetong, Antonio Ortega: Rate-distortion model and analytical bit allocation for wavelet-based region of interest coding. ICIP (3) 2002: 97-100
47 Hua Xie, Antonio Ortega: Entropy- and complexity-constrained classified quantizer design for distributed image classification. IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing 2002: 77-80
46 Hyukjune Chung, Antonio Ortega, Alexander A. Sawchuk: Low-complexity motion estimation for long-term memory motion compensation. VCIP 2002: 475-485
45 Julián Cabrera, José Ignacio Ronda, Antonio Ortega: Stochastic rate-control of video coders for wireless channels. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 12(6): 496-510 (2002)
44EEBaltasar Beferull-Lozano, Antonio Ortega: Construction of Low Complexity Regular Quantizers for Overcomplete Expansions in RN. Data Compression Conference 2001: 193-
43EEJulián Cabrera, José Ignacio Ronda, Antonio Ortega: Stochastic rate-control of video coders for wireless channels. ICIP (1) 2001: 950-953
42EEPhunsak Thiennviboon, Antonio Ortega, Keith M. Chugg: Simplified grid message-passing algorithm with application to digital image halftoning. ICIP (2) 2001: 1061-1064
41EESang-Yong Lee, Antonio Ortega: A novel approach of image compression in digital cameras with a Bayer color filter array. ICIP (3) 2001: 482-485
40EEWenqing Jiang, Antonio Ortega: A Novel Packet Loss Recovery Technique For Multimedia Communication. ICME 2001
39EEHironori Komi, Antonio Ortega: Analysis of Cache Efficiency in 2D Wavelet Transform. ICME 2001
38EEPhoom Sagetong, Antonio Ortega: Analytical Model-Based Bit Allocation Forwavelet Coding With Applications To Multiple Description Coding And Region Of Interest Coding. ICME 2001
37EEJim Chou, Kannan Ramchandran, Antonio Ortega: High Capacity Audio Data Hiding For Noisy Channels. ITCC 2001: 108-
36 Hua Xie, Antonio Ortega: Feature representation and compression for content-based retrieval. VCIP 2001: 111-122
35 Naveen Srinivasamurthy, Antonio Ortega: Joint compression-classification with quantizer/classifier dimension mismatch. VCIP 2001: 123-134
34 Wendi Pan, Antonio Ortega, Ibrahim N. Hajj-Ahmad, Roberto Sannino: Proxy-based approaches for IDCT acceleration. VCIP 2001: 625-636
33 Krisda Lengwehasatit, Antonio Ortega: Probabilistic partial-distance fast matching algorithms for motion estimation. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 11(2): 139-152 (2001)
32 Wenqing Jiang, Antonio Ortega: Lifting factorization-based discrete wavelet transform architecture design. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 11(5): 651-657 (2001)
31EEAntonio Ortega, Abeer Alwan: Guest Editors' Introduction. VLSI Signal Processing 27(1-2): 5-6 (2001)
30EEWendi Pan, Antonio Ortega: Complexity-Scalable Transform Coding Using Variable Complexity Algorithms. Data Compression Conference 2000: 263-272
29 Krisda Lengwehasatit, Antonio Ortega: Computationally Scalable Partial Distance Based Fast Search Motion Estimation. ICIP 2000
28 Raghavendra Singh, Antonio Ortega: Lookahead Search for Lossy Context-Based Adaptive Entropy Coding. ICIP 2000
27 Krisda Lengwehasatit, Antonio Ortega: Rate-Complexity-Distortion Optimization for Quadtree-Based DCT Coding. ICIP 2000
26 Naveen Srinivasamurthy, Antonio Ortega, Qifeng Zhu, Abeer A. Alwan: Towards Efficient and Scalable Speech Compression Schemes for Robust Speech Recognition Applications. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (I) 2000: 249-252
25 Wenqing Jiang, Antonio Ortega: Multiple Description Speech Coding for Robust Communication over Lossy Packet Networks. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (I) 2000: 444-447
24 Woontack Woo, Antonio Ortega: Overlapped block disparity compensation with adaptive windows for stereo image coding. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 10(2): 194-200 (2000)
23EEChristos Chrysafis, Antonio Ortega: Line-based, reduced memory, wavelet image compression. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 9(3): 378-389 (2000)
22EEKrisda Lengwehasatit, Antonio Ortega: Complexity-Distortion Tradeoffs in Vector Matching Based on Probabilistic Partial Distance Techniques. Data Compression Conference 1999: 394-403
21 Youngjun Yoo, Young Gap Kwon, Antonio Ortega: Embedded Image-Domain Compression Using Context Models. ICIP (1) 1999: 477-481
20 Woontack Woo, Antonio Ortega, Yuichi Iwadate: Stereo Image Coding Using Hierarchical Mrf Model and Selective Overlapped Block Disparity Compensation. ICIP (2) 1999: 467-471
19 Wenqing Jiang, Antonio Ortega: Efficient Discrete Wavelet Transform Architectures Based on Filterbank Factorizations. ICIP (2) 1999: 749-753
18 Christos Chrysafis, Antonio Ortega: An Algorithm for Low Memory Wavelet Image Compression. ICIP (3) 1999: 354-358
17EEYoungjun Yoo, Antonio Ortega, Bin Yu: Image subband coding using context-based classification and adaptive quantization. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 8(12): 1702-1715 (1999)
16EEChristos Chrysafis, Antonio Ortega: Line Based, Reduced Memory, Wavelet Image Compression. Data Compression Conference 1998: 398-407
15 Keith M. Chugg, Xiaopeng Chen, Antonio Ortega, Cheng-Wei Chang: An Iterative Algorithm for Two-Dimensional Digital Least Metric Problems with Applications to Digital Image Compression. ICIP (2) 1998: 722-726
14 Krisda Lengwehasatit, Antonio Ortega: DCT Computation based on Variable Complexity Fast Approximations. ICIP (3) 1998: 95-99
13EEJussi Kangasharju, Young Gap Kwon, Antonio Ortega: Design and Implementation of a Soft Caching Proxy. Computer Networks 30(22-23): 2113-2121 (1998)
12 Christos Chrysafis, Antonio Ortega: Efficient Context-Based Entropy Coding Lossy Wavelet Image Compression. Data Compression Conference 1997: 241-250
11EEWenqing Jiang, Antonio Ortega: Forward/Backward Adaptive Context Selection with Applications to Motion Vector Field Encoding. ICIP (2) 1997: 168-171
10EESergio D. Servetto, Kannan Ramchandran, Klara Nahrstedt, Antonio Ortega: Optimal Segmentation of a VBR Source for its Parallel Transmission over Multiple ATM Connections. ICIP (2) 1997: 5-8
9EEClaudio Weidmann, Martin Vetterli, Antonio Ortega, Fabio Carignano: Soft Caching: Image Caching in a Rate-Distortion Framework. ICIP (2) 1997: 696-699
8 Chi-Yuan Hsu, Antonio Ortega, Amy R. Reibman: Joint Selection of Source and Channel Rate for VBR Video Transmission Under ATM Policing Constraints. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 15(6): 1016-1028 (1997)
7EEAntonio Ortega, Martin Vetterli: Adaptive scalar quantization without side information. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 6(5): 665-676 (1997)
6 Antonio Ortega: Optimal Bit Allocation Under Multiple Rate Constraints. Data Compression Conference 1996: 349-358
5 Antonio Ortega, Martin Vetterli: Adaptive Quantization without Side Information. ICIP (3) 1994: 856-860
4 Antonio Ortega, Z. Zhang, Martin Vetterli: A Framework for Optimization of a Multiresolution Remote Image Retrieval System. INFOCOM 1994: 672-679
3EEAntonio Ortega, Kannan Ramchandran, Martin Vetterli: Optimal trellis-based buffered compression and fast approximations. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 3(1): 26-40 (1994)
2EEKannan Ramchandran, Antonio Ortega, Martin Vetterli: Bit allocation for dependent quantization with applications to multiresolution and MPEG video coders. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 3(5): 533-545 (1994)
1 Kannan Ramchandran, Antonio Ortega, K. Metin Uz, Martin Vetterli: Multiresolution Broadcast for Digital HDTV Using Joint Source/Channel Coding. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 11(1): 6-23 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Abeer Alwan [31]
2Abeer A. Alwan [26]
3Victor Andreu [73]
4Shahab Asgharzadeh [70] [81]
5Baltasar Beferull-Lozano [44] [53] [57]
6Julián Cabrera [43] [45] [56]
7Fabio Carignano [9]
8Cheng-Wei Chang [15]
9Xiaopeng Chen [15]
10Hye-Yeon Cheong [76]
11Gene Cheung [82]
12Ngai-Man Cheung [65] [69] [72] [75] [80]
13In Suk Chong [67] [76] [78]
14Jim Chou [37]
15Christos Chrysafis [12] [16] [18] [23]
16Keith M. Chugg [15] [42]
17Hyukjune Chung [46] [49] [59] [62] [68]
18Alexandre G. Ciancio [74]
19Kemal Demirciler [58]
20Jonathan Garcia [66]
21Narciso N. García [56]
22Rafael M. Gasca (Rafael Martinez Gasca) [50]
23Cristina Gomila [77] [85] [86]
24Ibrahim N. Hajj-Ahmad [34]
25Yutaka Horiguchi [49]
26Chi-Yuan Hsu [8]
27Yuichi Iwadate [20]
28Wenqing Jiang [11] [19] [25] [32] [40]
29Jussi Kangasharju [13]
30J. H. Kim [77]
31Jae Hoon Kim [66] [86]
32Yoon Hak Kim [64]
33Hironori Komi [39]
34Bhaskar Krishnamachari [74]
35Young Gap Kwon [13] [21]
36PoLin Lai [77] [85]
37Sang-Yong Lee [41] [89]
38Krisda Lengwehasatit [14] [22] [27] [29] [33] [60]
39J. Lopez [77]
40Urbashi Mitra [54]
41Jordi Monso-Varona [81]
42Klara Nahrstedt [10]
43Shrikanth Narayanan [71]
44W. David Pan (Wendi Pan) [30] [34]
45Purvin Pandit [85] [86]
46Sundeep Pattem [74]
47Roger Pique-Regi [70] [81]
48Cauligi S. Raghavendra (C. S. Raghavendra) [69] [72]
49Kannan Ramchandran [1] [2] [3] [10] [37]
50Amy R. Reibman [8]
51Reza Rejaie [55]
52David Romacho [59]
53José Ignacio Ronda [43] [45] [56]
54Phoom Sagetong [38] [48]
55Takashi Sakamoto [82]
56Roberto Sannino [34]
57Alexander A. Sawchuk [46]
58Robert C. Seeger [81]
59Sergio D. Servetto [10]
60Godwin Shen [83] [84]
61Raghavendra Singh [28] [52]
62Naveen Srinivasamurthy [26] [35] [51] [71]
63Y. Su [77]
64Caimu Tang [69] [72]
65Phunsak Thiennviboon [42]
66Takenobu Tokunaga [87]
67Miguel Toro [50]
68Timothy Triche [81]
69Ivy H. Tseng [79]
70K. Metin Uz [1]
71Jesus Torres Valderrama (Jesús Torres) [50]
72Lavanya Vasudevan [54]
73Martin Vetterli [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [9]
74Huisheng Wang [63] [65] [80] [88]
75Claudio Weidmann [9]
76Woontack Woo [20] [24]
77Hua Xie [36] [47] [57] [61] [73]
78Peng Yin [77] [85] [86]
79Youngjun Yoo [17] [21]
80Bin Yu [17]
81Z. Zhang [4]
82Qifeng Zhu [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)