
Y. Ma

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7EEY. Ma, Stewart Worrall, Ahmet M. Kondoz: Automatic video object segmentation using depth information and an active contour model. MMSP 2008: 910-914
6EEQ. Yu, W. Tang, Y. Ma, S. A. Gamble, X. M. Tu: Comparing multiple sensitivities and specificities with different diagnostic criteria: Applications to sexual abuse and sexual health research. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 53(1): 27-37 (2008)
5 T. Li, Y. Ma, Y. Qiu, P. Yue: Modelling personality, emotion and mood for a pedagogical agent. Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2007: 299-304
4EEPhani Chinchapatnam, Kawal S. Rhode, Andrew P. King, G. Gao, Y. Ma, T. Schaeffter, David J. Hawkes, Reza Razavi, Derek L. G. Hill, Simon R. Arridge, Maxime Sermesant: Anisotropic Wave Propagation and Apparent Conductivity Estimation in a Fast Electrophysiological Model: Application to XMR Interventional Imaging. MICCAI (1) 2007: 575-583
3EEY. Ma: Recursive Code-Timing Estimation for DS-CDMA Signals in a Time-Varying Environment Through a Stochastic Optimization Approach. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(4): 665-669 (2007)
2 R. Li, Y. Ma, Z. Zhang: Recognition of Oceanic Explosion Signals Based on Wavelet Packet Transform and Neural Network. WAA 2003: 341-346
1EEJ. P. Zhang, Y. Ma, P. Cheng: 4D Visualization of Construction Site Management. IV 2001: 382-

Coauthor Index

1Simon R. Arridge [4]
2P. Cheng [1]
3Phani Chinchapatnam [4]
4S. A. Gamble [6]
5G. Gao [4]
6David J. Hawkes [4]
7Derek L. G. Hill [4]
8Andrew P. King [4]
9Ahmet M. Kondoz [7]
10R. Li [2]
11T. Li [5]
12Y. Qiu [5]
13Reza Razavi [4]
14Kawal S. Rhode [4]
15T. Schaeffter [4]
16Maxime Sermesant [4]
17W. Tang [6]
18X. M. Tu [6]
19Stewart Worrall [7]
20Q. Yu [6]
21P. Yue [5]
22J. P. Zhang [1]
23Z. Zhang [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)