
François Bérard

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12EEStanislaw Borkowski, James L. Crowley, Julien Letessier, François Bérard: User-Centric Design of a Vision System for Interactive Applications. ICVS 2006: 9
11EEFlorian Metze, Petra Gieselmann, Hartwig Holzapfel, Tobias Kluge, Ivica Rogina, Alex Waibel, Matthias Wölfel, James L. Crowley, Patrick Reignier, Dominique Vaufreydaz, François Bérard, Bérangère Cohen, Joëlle Coutaz, Sylvie Rouillard, Victoria Arranz, Manu Bertrán, Horacio Rodriguez: The "FAME" Interactive Space. MLMI 2005: 126-137
10EEAlexandre Demeure, Sylvie Rouillard, François Bérard, Gaëlle Calvary: Requis et pistes pour les futures boîtes à outils d'interaction graphiques. IHM 2004: 211-214
9EEJulien Letessier, François Bérard: Visual tracking of bare fingers for interactive surfaces. UIST 2004: 119-122
8EEJames L. Crowley, Joëlle Coutaz, François Bérard: Things That See. Commun. ACM 43(3): 54-64 (2000)
7EENuria Oliver, Alex Pentland, François Bérard: LAFTER: a real-time face and lips tracker with facial expression recognition. Pattern Recognition 33(8): 1369-1382 (2000)
6 Joëlle Coutaz, François Bérard, E. Carraux, James L. Crowley: Early Experience with the Mediaspace CoMedi. EHCI 1998: 57-72
5EENuria Oliver, Alex Pentland, François Bérard: LAFTER: Lips and Face Real-Time Tracker. CVPR 1997: 123-129
4EEJames L. Crowley, François Bérard: Multi-Modal Tracking of Faces for Video Communications. CVPR 1997: 640-645
3 Joëlle Coutaz, James L. Crowley, François Bérard: Eigen-Space Coding as a Means to Support Privacy in Computer Mediated Communication. INTERACT 1997: 532-538
2 François Bérard, Joëlle Coutaz, James L. Crowley: Robust Computer Vision for Computer Mediated Communication. INTERACT 1997: 581-582
1EEJoëlle Coutaz, François Bérard, James L. Crowley: Coordination of Perceptual Processes for Computer Mediated Communication. FG 1996: 106-115

Coauthor Index

1Victoria Arranz [11]
2Manu Bertrán [11]
3Stanislaw Borkowski [12]
4Gaëlle Calvary (Gaelle Calvary) [10]
5E. Carraux [6]
6Bérangère Cohen [11]
7Joëlle Coutaz [1] [2] [3] [6] [8] [11]
8James L. Crowley [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [8] [11] [12]
9Alexandre Demeure [10]
10Petra Gieselmann [11]
11Hartwig Holzapfel [11]
12Tobias Kluge [11]
13Julien Letessier [9] [12]
14Florian Metze [11]
15Nuria Oliver [5] [7]
16Alex Pentland (Sandy Pentland) [5] [7]
17Patrick Reignier [11]
18Horacio Rodriguez [11]
19Ivica Rogina [11]
20Sylvie Rouillard [10] [11]
21Dominique Vaufreydaz [11]
22Alex Waibel [11]
23Matthias Wölfel [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)