
Hartwig Holzapfel

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7EEPhilipp W. L. Große, Hartwig Holzapfel, Alex Waibel: Confidence based multimodal fusion for person identification. ACM Multimedia 2008: 885-888
6EEHartwig Holzapfel, Daniel Neubig, Alex Waibel: A dialogue approach to learning object descriptions and semantic categories. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(11): 1004-1013 (2008)
5EERainer Stiefelhagen, Hazim Kemal Ekenel, Christian Fügen, Petra Gieselmann, Hartwig Holzapfel, Florian Kraft, Kai Nickel, Michael Voit, Alex Waibel: Enabling Multimodal Human-Robot Interaction for the Karlsruhe Humanoid Robot. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 23(5): 840-851 (2007)
4EEHartwig Holzapfel, Thomas Schaaf, Hazim Kemal Ekenel, Christoph Schaa, Alex Waibel: A Robot Learns to Know People - First Contacts of a Robot. KI 2006: 302-316
3EEFlorian Metze, Petra Gieselmann, Hartwig Holzapfel, Tobias Kluge, Ivica Rogina, Alex Waibel, Matthias Wölfel, James L. Crowley, Patrick Reignier, Dominique Vaufreydaz, François Bérard, Bérangère Cohen, Joëlle Coutaz, Sylvie Rouillard, Victoria Arranz, Manu Bertrán, Horacio Rodriguez: The "FAME" Interactive Space. MLMI 2005: 126-137
2EEHartwig Holzapfel, Kai Nickel, Rainer Stiefelhagen: Implementation and evaluation of a constraint-based multimodal fusion system for speech and 3D pointing gestures. ICMI 2004: 175-182
1EEHartwig Holzapfel, Christian Fügen, Matthias Denecke, Alex Waibel: Integrating Emotional Cues into a Framework for Dialogue Management. ICMI 2002: 141-148

Coauthor Index

1Victoria Arranz [3]
2François Bérard [3]
3Manu Bertrán [3]
4Bérangère Cohen [3]
5Joëlle Coutaz [3]
6James L. Crowley [3]
7Matthias Denecke [1]
8Hazim Kemal Ekenel [4] [5]
9Christian Fügen [1] [5]
10Petra Gieselmann [3] [5]
11Philipp W. L. Große [7]
12Tobias Kluge [3]
13Florian Kraft [5]
14Florian Metze [3]
15Daniel Neubig [6]
16Kai Nickel [2] [5]
17Patrick Reignier [3]
18Horacio Rodriguez [3]
19Ivica Rogina [3]
20Sylvie Rouillard [3]
21Christoph Schaa [4]
22Thomas Schaaf [4]
23Rainer Stiefelhagen [2] [5]
24Dominique Vaufreydaz [3]
25Michael Voit [5]
26Alex Waibel [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
27Matthias Wölfel [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)