
Joe Tebelskis

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4EEJoe Tebelskis, Alex Waibel: Performance Through Consistency: MS-TDNN's for Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition. NIPS 1992: 696-703
3EEAlex Waibel, Ajay N. Jain, Arthur E. McNair, Joe Tebelskis, Louise Osterholtz, Hiroaki Saito, Otto Schmidbauer, Tilo Sloboda, Monika Woszczyna: JANUS: Speech-to-Speech Translation Using Connectionist and Non-Connectionist Techniques. NIPS 1991: 183-190
2EEJoe Tebelskis, Alex Waibel, Bojan Petek, Otto Schmidbauer: Continuous Speech Recognition by Linked Predictive Neural Networks. NIPS 1990: 199-205
1EEMark Derthick, Joe Tebelskis: 'Ensemble' Boltzmann Units have Collective Computational Properties like those of Hopfield and Tank Neurons. NIPS 1987: 223-232

Coauthor Index

1Mark Derthick [1]
2Ajay N. Jain [3]
3Arthur E. McNair [3]
4Louise Osterholtz [3]
5Bojan Petek [2]
6Hiroaki Saito (Hiroaki Saitoh) [3]
7Otto Schmidbauer [2] [3]
8Tilo Sloboda [3]
9Alex Waibel [2] [3] [4]
10Monika Woszczyna [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)