
Ramesh C. Tekumalla

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13EERamesh C. Tekumalla: An On-Chip Diagnosis Methodology for Embedded Cores with Replaceable Modules. VLSI Design 2006: 824-827
12EERamesh C. Tekumalla: On Reducing Aliasing Effects and Improving Diagnosis of Logic BIST Failures. ITC 2003: 737-744
11EERamesh C. Tekumalla, Scott Davidson: On Identifying Indistinguishable Path Delay Faults and Improving Diagnosis. ITC 2002: 993-1002
10EERamesh C. Tekumalla, Srikanth Venkataraman, Jayabrata Ghosh-Dastidar: On Diagnosing Path Delay Faults in an At-Speed Environment. VTS 2001: 28-33
9EERamesh C. Tekumalla, Premachandran R. Menon: Identification of primitive faults in combinational and sequentialcircuits. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 20(12): 1426-1442 (2001)
8EERamesh C. Tekumalla: On Test Set Generation for Efficient Path Delay Fault Diagnosis. VTS 2000: 343-348
7EERamesh C. Tekumalla, Premachandran R. Menon: On Redundant Path Delay Faults in Synchronous Sequential Circuits. IEEE Trans. Computers 49(3): 277-282 (2000)
6 Ramesh C. Tekumalla, Premachandran R. Menon: Robust testability of primitive faults using test points. ITC 1999: 260-268
5EERamesh C. Tekumalla, Premachandran R. Menon: On primitive fault test generation in non-scan sequential circuits. ICCAD 1998: 275-282
4EERamesh C. Tekumalla, Premachandran R. Menon: Test generation for primitive path delay faults in combinational circuits. ICCAD 1997: 636-641
3 Ramesh C. Tekumalla, Premachandran R. Menon: Synthesis of Delay Verifiable Sequential Circuits using Partial Enhanced Scan. ICCD 1997: 648-653
2 Ramesh C. Tekumalla, Premachandran R. Menon: Delay Testing with Clock Control: An Alternative to Enhanced Scan. ITC 1997: 454-462
1EERamesh C. Tekumalla, Premachandran R. Menon: Identifying Redundant Path Delay Faults in Sequential Circuits. VLSI Design 1996: 406-411

Coauthor Index

1Scott Davidson [11]
2Jayabrata Ghosh-Dastidar [10]
3Premachandran R. Menon [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9]
4Srikanth Venkataraman [10]

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