
Gilles Sicard

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15EEJ. Fragoso, Gilles Sicard, Marc Renaudin: Estimation rapide du couple énergie/délai des circuits asynchrones QDI. Technique et Science Informatiques 26(5): 535-565 (2007)
14EEG. Fraidy Bouesse, Gilles Sicard, Marc Renaudin: Path Swapping Method to Improve DPA Resistance of Quasi Delay Insensitive Asynchronous Circuits. CHES 2006: 384-398
13EELivier Lizzarraga, Salvador Mir, Gilles Sicard, Ahcène Bounceur: Study of a BIST Technique for CMOS Active Pixel Sensors. VLSI-SoC 2006: 326-331
12EEDavid Rios-Arambula, Aurélien Buhrig, Gilles Sicard, Marc Renaudin: On the Use of Feedback Systems to Dynamically Control the Supply Voltage of Low-Power Circuits. J. Low Power Electronics 2(1): 45-55 (2006)
11EEMarco Pintore, Christophe Wechman, Gilles Sicard, Maurice Chastrette, Nicolas Amaury, Jacques R. Chrétien: Comparing the Information Content of Two Large Olfactory Databases. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 46(1): 32-38 (2006)
10EEEmmanuel Allier, Julien Goulier, Gilles Sicard, A. Dezzani, Eric André, Marc Renaudin: A 120nm low power asynchronous ADC. ISLPED 2005: 60-65
9EEG. Fraidy Bouesse, Marc Renaudin, Gilles Sicard: Improving DPA Resistance of Quasi Delay Insensitive Circuits Using Randomly Time-shifted Acknowledgment Signals. VLSI-SoC 2005: 11-24
8EEKamel Slimani, Yann Rémond, Gilles Sicard, Marc Renaudin: TAST Profiler and Low Energy Asynchronous Design Methodology. PATMOS 2004: 268-277
7EEDhanistha Panyasak, Gilles Sicard, Marc Renaudin: A current shaping methodology for lowering em disturbances in asynchronous circuits. Microelectronics Journal 35(6): 531-540 (2004)
6EEEmmanuel Allier, Gilles Sicard, Laurent Fesquet, Marc Renaudin: A New Class of Asynchronous A/D Converters Based on Time Quantization. ASYNC 2003: 196-205
5EEJoão Leonardo Fragoso, Gilles Sicard, Marc Renaudin: Power/Area Tradeoffs in 1-of-M Parallel-Prefix Asynchronous Adders. PATMOS 2003: 171-180
4EEPhilippe Maurine, Jean-Baptiste Rigaud, G. Fraidy Bouesse, Gilles Sicard, Marc Renaudin: Statistic Implementation of QDI Asynchronous Primitives. PATMOS 2003: 181-191
3EEJoão Leonardo Fragoso, Gilles Sicard, Marc Renaudin: Automatic Generation of 1-of-M QDI Asynchronous Adders. SBCCI 2003: 149-154
2EEEmmanuel Allier, Laurent Fesquet, Marc Renaudin, Gilles Sicard: Low-Power Asynchronous A/D Conversion. PATMOS 2002: 81-91
1EEGilles Sicard, Gérard Bouvier, Vincent Fristot, Alan Lelah: A Light Adaptive 4000 Pixels Analog Silicon Retina for Edge Extraction and Motion Detection. MVA 1998: 392-395

Coauthor Index

1Emmanuel Allier [2] [6] [10]
2Nicolas Amaury [11]
3Eric André [10]
4G. Fraidy Bouesse [4] [9] [14]
5Ahcène Bounceur [13]
6Gérard Bouvier [1]
7Aurélien Buhrig [12]
8Maurice Chastrette [11]
9Jacques R. Chrétien [11]
10A. Dezzani [10]
11Laurent Fesquet [2] [6]
12J. Fragoso [15]
13João Leonardo Fragoso [3] [5]
14Vincent Fristot [1]
15Julien Goulier [10]
16Alan Lelah [1]
17Livier Lizzarraga [13]
18Philippe Maurine [4]
19Salvador Mir [13]
20Dhanistha Panyasak [7]
21Marco Pintore [11]
22Yann Rémond [8]
23Marc Renaudin [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [14] [15]
24Jean-Baptiste Rigaud [4]
25David Rios-Arambula [12]
26Kamel Slimani [8]
27Christophe Wechman [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)