
Edwin Rijpkema

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11EEBiniam Gebremichael, Frits W. Vaandrager, Miaomiao Zhang, Kees Goossens, Edwin Rijpkema, Andrei Radulescu: Deadlock Prevention in the Æthereal Protocol. CHARME 2005: 345-348
10EEKees Goossens, John Dielissen, Om Prakash Gangwal, Santiago González Pestana, Andrei Radulescu, Edwin Rijpkema: A Design Flow for Application-Specific Networks on Chip with Guaranteed Performance to Accelerate SOC Design and Verification. DATE 2005: 1182-1187
9EEAndrei Radulescu, John Dielissen, Santiago González Pestana, Om Prakash Gangwal, Edwin Rijpkema, Paul Wielage, Kees G. W. Goossens: An efficient on-chip NI offering guaranteed services, shared-memory abstraction, and flexible network configuration. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 24(1): 4-17 (2005)
8EESantiago González Pestana, Edwin Rijpkema, Andrei Radulescu, Kees G. W. Goossens, Om Prakash Gangwal: Cost-Performance Trade-Offs in Networks on Chip: A Simulation-Based Approach. DATE 2004: 764-769
7EEAndrei Radulescu, John Dielissen, Kees G. W. Goossens, Edwin Rijpkema, Paul Wielage: An Efficient On-Chip Network Interface Offering Guaranteed Services, Shared-Memory Abstraction, and Flexible Network Configuration. DATE 2004: 878-883
6EEEdwin Rijpkema, Kees G. W. Goossens, Andrei Radulescu, John Dielissen, Jef L. van Meerbergen, Paul Wielage, E. Waterlander: Trade Offs in the Design of a Router with Both Guaranteed and Best-Effort Services for Networks on Chip. DATE 2003: 10350-10355
5EEEd F. Deprettere, Edwin Rijpkema, Bart Kienhuis: Translating Imperative Affine Nested Loop Programs into Process Networks. Embedded Processor Design Challenges 2002: 89-111
4EEEd F. Deprettere, Edwin Rijpkema, Paul Lieverse, Bart Kienhuis: High Level Modeling for Parallel Executions of Nested Loop Algorithms. ASAP 2000: 79-91
3EEBart Kienhuis, Edwin Rijpkema, Ed F. Deprettere: Compaan: deriving process networks from Matlab for embedded signal processing architectures. CODES 2000: 13-17
2 Edwin Rijpkema, Ed F. Deprettere, Bart Kienhuis: Deriving Process Networks from Nested Loop Algorithms. Parallel Processing Letters 10(2/3): 165-176 (2000)
1EEEdwin Rijpkema, Gerben J. Hekstra, Ed F. Deprettere, Jun Ma: A strategy for determining a Jacobi specific dataflow processor. ASAP 1997: 53-

Coauthor Index

1Ed F. Deprettere [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
2John Dielissen [6] [7] [9] [10]
3Om Prakash Gangwal [8] [9] [10]
4Biniam Gebremichael [11]
5Kees G. W. Goossens (Kees Goossens) [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
6Gerben J. Hekstra [1]
7Bart Kienhuis [2] [3] [4] [5]
8Paul Lieverse [4]
9Jun Ma [1]
10Jef L. van Meerbergen [6]
11Santiago González Pestana [8] [9] [10]
12Andrei Radulescu [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
13Frits W. Vaandrager [11]
14E. Waterlander [6]
15Paul Wielage [6] [7] [9]
16Miaomiao Zhang [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)