
Brad Richards

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13EEBrad Richards: Representation of women in CS: how do we measure a program's success? SIGCSE 2009: 96-100
12EELaurie Murphy, Brad Richards, Renée McCauley, Briana B. Morrison, Suzanne Westbrook, Timothy V. Fossum: Women catch up: gender differences in learning programming concepts. SIGCSE 2006: 17-21
11EELaurie Murphy, Renée McCauley, Suzanne Westbrook, Timothy V. Fossum, Susan M. Haller, Briana B. Morrison, Brad Richards, Kate Sanders, Carol Zander, Ruth E. Anderson: A multi-institutional investigation of computer science seniors' knowledge of programming concepts. SIGCSE 2005: 510-514
10EEBrad Richards, Benjamin Stull: Teaching wireless networking with limited resources. SIGCSE 2004: 306-310
9EEJohn P. Dougherty, Tom Dececchi, Tony Clear, Brad Richards, Stephen Cooper, Tadeusz Wilusz: Information technology fluency in practice. SIGCSE Bulletin 35(2): 153-171 (2003)
8EEBrad Richards: Illustrating networking concepts with wireless handheld devices. ITiCSE 2002: 240
7EEBrad Richards, Nate Waisbrot: Illustrating networking concepts with wireless handheld devices. ITiCSE 2002: 29-33
6EEBrad Richards: Bugs as features: teaching network protocols through debugging. SIGCSE 2000: 256-259
5EESusan Hert, Brad Richards: Multiple-Robot Motion Planning = Parallel Processing + Geometry. Sensor Based Intelligent Robots 2000: 195-215
4EESatish Chandra, Brad Richards, James R. Larus: Teapot: A Domain-Specific Language for Writing Cache Coherence Protocols. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 25(3): 317-333 (1999)
3EESatish Chandra, James R. Larus, Michael Dahlin, Brad Richards, Randolph Y. Wang, Thomas E. Anderson: Experience with a Language for Writing Coherence Protocols. DSL 1997: 51-66
2 Satish Chandra, Brad Richards, James R. Larus: Teapot: Language Support for Writing Memory Coherence Protocols. PLDI 1996: 237-248
1 James R. Larus, Brad Richards, Guhan Viswanathan: LCM: Memory System Support for Parallel Language Implementation. ASPLOS 1994: 208-218

Coauthor Index

1Ruth E. Anderson [11]
2Thomas E. Anderson [3]
3Satish Chandra [2] [3] [4]
4Tony Clear [9]
5Stephen Cooper [9]
6Michael Dahlin [3]
7Tom Dececchi [9]
8John P. Dougherty [9]
9Timothy V. Fossum [11] [12]
10Susan M. Haller [11]
11Susan Hert [5]
12James R. Larus [1] [2] [3] [4]
13Renée McCauley [11] [12]
14Briana B. Morrison [11] [12]
15Laurie Murphy [11] [12]
16Kate Sanders [11]
17Benjamin Stull [10]
18Guhan Viswanathan [1]
19Nate Waisbrot [7]
20Randolph Y. Wang [3]
21Suzanne Westbrook [11] [12]
22Tadeusz Wilusz [9]
23Carol Zander [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)