
Timothy V. Fossum

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10EEStephen Cooper, Timothy V. Fossum, Harriet G. Taylor: Exploring NSF funding opportunities. SIGCSE 2008: 197-198
9EEM. M. Voyles, Susan M. Haller, Timothy V. Fossum: Teacher responses to student gender differences. ITiCSE 2007: 226-230
8EELaurie Murphy, Brad Richards, Renée McCauley, Briana B. Morrison, Suzanne Westbrook, Timothy V. Fossum: Women catch up: gender differences in learning programming concepts. SIGCSE 2006: 17-21
7EETimothy V. Fossum, Susan M. Haller: A new quantitative assessment tool for computer science programs. ITiCSE 2005: 153-157
6EETimothy V. Fossum: Classes as first class objects in an environment-passing interpreter. ITiCSE 2005: 261-265
5EELaurie Murphy, Renée McCauley, Suzanne Westbrook, Timothy V. Fossum, Susan M. Haller, Briana B. Morrison, Brad Richards, Kate Sanders, Carol Zander, Ruth E. Anderson: A multi-institutional investigation of computer science seniors' knowledge of programming concepts. SIGCSE 2005: 510-514
4EEStuart A. Hansen, Timothy V. Fossum: Events not equal to GUIs. SIGCSE 2004: 378-381
3 Susan M. Haller, Timothy V. Fossum: The Association Between Subject Matter and Discourse Segmentation. FLAIRS Conference 2001: 428-432
2EESusan M. Haller, Timothy V. Fossum: Retaining women in CS with accessible role models. SIGCSE 1998: 73-76
1 Timothy V. Fossum: PC-XINU Features and Installation. Operating Systems Review 21(3): 30-33 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Ruth E. Anderson [5]
2Stephen Cooper [10]
3Susan M. Haller [2] [3] [5] [7] [9]
4Stuart A. Hansen [4]
5Renée McCauley [5] [8]
6Briana B. Morrison [5] [8]
7Laurie Murphy [5] [8]
8Brad Richards [5] [8]
9Kate Sanders [5]
10Harriet G. Taylor [10]
11M. M. Voyles [9]
12Suzanne Westbrook [5] [8]
13Carol Zander [5]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)