
Michel Perrier

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8EEVincent Brandou, Ezio Malis, Patrick Rives, Anne-Gaëlle Allais, Michel Perrier: Active Stereovision Using Invariant Visual Servoing. IROS 2006: 2326-2331
7EEMiguel Ángel Sotelo, Luis Miguel Bergasa, Ramón Flores, Manuel Ocaña, Marie-Hélène Doussin, Luis Magdalena, Joerg Kalwa, Anders L. Madsen, Michel Perrier, Damien Roland Pietro Corigliano: ADVOCATE II: ADVanced On-Board Diagnosis and Control of Autonomous Systems II. EUROCAST 2003: 302-313
6 Éric Marchand, François Chaumette, Fabien Spindler, Michel Perrier: Controlling an Uninstrumented Manipulator By Visual Servoing. I. J. Robotic Res. 21(7): 635-648 (2002)
5 Éric Marchand, François Chaumette, Fabien Spindler, Michel Perrier: Controlling the Manipulator of an Underwater ROV Using a Coarse Calibrated Pan Tilt Camera. ICRA 2001: 2773-2778
4 Carlos Canudas de Wit, Ernesto Olguín Díaz, Michel Perrier: Robust Nonlinear Control of an Underwater Vehicle/Manipulator System with Composite Dynamics. ICRA 1998: 452-457
3EEÈve Coste-Manière, Howard H. Wang, Stephen M. Rock, Vincent Rigaud, Alexis Peuch, Michel Perrier: Cooperative research in underwater robot mission-level programming methodologies. Int. J. Systems Science 29(10): 1099-1110 (1998)
2 Ève Coste-Manière, Michel Perrier, Alexis Peuch: Mission Programming: Application to Underwater Robots. ISER 1995: 402-411
1 Michel Perrier, Vincent Rigaud, Carlos Canudas de Wit, Ralf Bachmayer: Performance Oriented Robust Nonlinear Control for Subsea Robots: Experimental Validation. ICRA 1994: 2095-2099

Coauthor Index

1Anne-Gaëlle Allais [8]
2Ralf Bachmayer [1]
3Luis Miguel Bergasa [7]
4Vincent Brandou [8]
5François Chaumette [5] [6]
6Damien Roland Pietro Corigliano [7]
7Ève Coste-Manière [2] [3]
8Ernesto Olguín Díaz [4]
9Marie-Hélène Doussin [7]
10Ramón Flores [7]
11Joerg Kalwa [7]
12Anders L. Madsen [7]
13Luis Magdalena [7]
14Ezio Malis [8]
15Éric Marchand [5] [6]
16Manuel Ocaña [7]
17Alexis Peuch [2] [3]
18Vincent Rigaud [1] [3]
19Patrick Rives [8]
20Stephen M. Rock [3]
21Miguel Ángel Sotelo (Miguel Ángel Sotelo Vázquez) [7]
22Fabien Spindler [5] [6]
23Howard H. Wang [3]
24Carlos Canudas de Wit [1] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)