
Jong Hyeon Park

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11EEOhung Kwon, Jong Hyeon Park: Asymmetric trajectory generation and impedance control for running of biped robots. Auton. Robots 26(1): 47-78 (2009)
10EEJe Sung Yeon, Jong Hyeon Park: Practical robust control for flexible joint robot manipulators. ICRA 2008: 3377-3382
9EEJong-Guk Yim, Je Sung Yeon, Jong Hyeon Park, Sang-Hun Lee, Jong-Sung Hur: Robust Control using Recursive Design Method for Flexible Joint Robot Manipulator. ICRA 2007: 3805-3810
8EEJaeyoung Lee, Je Sung Yeon, Jong Hyeon Park, Sanghun Lee: Robust back-stepping control for flexible-joint robot manipulators. IROS 2007: 183-188
7 Jung Han Yoon, Ohung Kwon, Je Sung Yeon, Jong Hyeon Park: Optimal Trajectory Generation of Serially-linked Parallel Biped Robots. ICRA 2006: 1610-1615
6EESeungsu Kim, Chang Hwan Kim, Jong Hyeon Park: Human-like Arm Motion Generation for Humanoid Robots Using Motion Capture Database. IROS 2006: 3486-3491
5 Ohung Kwon, Jong Hyeon Park: Gait transitions for walking and running of biped robots. ICRA 2003: 1350-1355
4EEJong Hyeon Park: Fuzzy-logic zero-moment-point trajectory generation for reduced trunk motions of biped robots. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 134(1): 189-203 (2003)
3EEOhung Kwon, Jong Hyeon Park: Reflex control of bipedal locomotion on a slippery surface. Advanced Robotics 16(8): 721-734 (2002)
2 Jong Hyeon Park, Ohung Kwon: Reflex Control of Biped Robot Locomotion on A Slippery Surface. ICRA 2001: 4134-4139
1 Jong Hyeon Park, Hyun Chul Cho: An On-Line Trajectory Modifier for the Base Link of Biped Robots to Enhance Locomotion Stability. ICRA 2000: 3353-3358

Coauthor Index

1Hyun Chul Cho [1]
2Jong-Sung Hur [9]
3Chang Hwan Kim [6]
4Seungsu Kim [6]
5Ohung Kwon [2] [3] [5] [7] [11]
6Jaeyoung Lee [8]
7Sang-Hun Lee [9]
8Sanghun Lee [8]
9Je Sung Yeon [7] [8] [9] [10]
10Jong-Guk Yim [9]
11Jung Han Yoon [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)