
Jaeyoung Lee

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3EEJaeyoung Lee, Je Sung Yeon, Jong Hyeon Park, Sanghun Lee: Robust back-stepping control for flexible-joint robot manipulators. IROS 2007: 183-188
2EESungbok Kim, Jaeyoung Lee: Semi-degeneracy in stiffness generation and optimal muscle attachment of an anthropomorphic robot. Advanced Robotics 17(2): 81-95 (2003)
1EEJaeyoung Lee, Heonkyu Park, Woohyung Choi: Multicast Routing Debugger (MRD) - A System to Monitor the Status of Multicast Network. ICOIN (1) 2002: 119-126

Coauthor Index

1Woohyung Choi [1]
2Sungbok Kim [2]
3Sanghun Lee [3]
4Heonkyu Park [1]
5Jong Hyeon Park [3]
6Je Sung Yeon [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)