
J. Ian Munro

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145 J. Ian Munro, Dorothea Wagner: Proceedings of the Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments, ALENEX 2008, San Francisco, California, USA, January 19, 2008 SIAM 2008
144EEJ. Ian Munro: Lower Bounds for Succinct Data Structures. CPM 2008: 3
143EEReza Dorrigiv, Alejandro López-Ortiz, J. Ian Munro: List Update Algorithms for Data Compression. DCC 2008: 512
142EEArash Farzan, J. Ian Munro: Succinct Representations of Arbitrary Graphs. ESA 2008: 393-404
141EEArash Farzan, J. Ian Munro: A Uniform Approach Towards Succinct Representation of Trees. SWAT 2008: 173-184
140EEJérémy Barbay, J. Ian Munro: Succinct Encoding of Permutations: Applications to Text Indexing. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
139EEJean Cardinal, Samuel Fiorini, Gwenaël Joret, Raphael M. Jungers, J. Ian Munro: An Efficient Algorithm for Partial Order Production CoRR abs/0811.2572: (2008)
138EEMeng He, J. Ian Munro, S. Srinivasa Rao: Succinct Ordinal Trees Based on Tree Covering. ICALP 2007: 509-520
137EEJérémy Barbay, Luca Castelli Aleardi, Meng He, J. Ian Munro: Succinct Representation of Labeled Graphs. ISAAC 2007: 316-328
136EEReza Dorrigiv, Alejandro López-Ortiz, J. Ian Munro: On the Relative Dominance of Paging Algorithms. ISAAC 2007: 488-499
135EEM. Ziaur Rahman, J. Ian Munro: Integer Representation and Counting in the Bit Probe Model. ISAAC 2007: 5-16
134EEJérémy Barbay, Meng He, J. Ian Munro, S. Srinivasa Rao: Succinct indexes for strings, binary relations and multi-labeled trees. SODA 2007: 680-689
133EELars Arge, Michael A. Bender, Erik D. Demaine, Bryan Holland-Minkley, J. Ian Munro: An Optimal Cache-Oblivious Priority Queue and Its Application to Graph Algorithms. SIAM J. Comput. 36(6): 1672-1695 (2007)
132EEJérémy Barbay, Alexander Golynski, J. Ian Munro, S. Srinivasa Rao: Adaptive searching in succinctly encoded binary relations and tree-structured documents. Theor. Comput. Sci. 387(3): 284-297 (2007)
131EEJérémy Barbay, Alexander Golynski, J. Ian Munro, S. Srinivasa Rao: Adaptive Searching in Succinctly Encoded Binary Relations and Tree-Structured Documents. CPM 2006: 24-35
130EEAndrej Brodnik, Johan Karlsson, J. Ian Munro, Andreas Nilsson: An O(1) Solution to the Prefix Sum Problem on a Specialized Memory Architecture. IFIP TCS 2006: 103-114
129EEArash Farzan, J. Ian Munro: Succinct representation of finite abelian groups. ISSAC 2006: 87-92
128EEAlexander Golynski, J. Ian Munro, S. Srinivasa Rao: Rank/select operations on large alphabets: a tool for text indexing. SODA 2006: 368-373
127EEGianni Franceschini, J. Ian Munro: Implicit dictionaries with O(1) modifications per update and fast search. SODA 2006: 404-413
126EEAlejandro López-Ortiz, J. Ian Munro: Foreword. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 2(4): 491 (2006)
125EEAndrej Brodnik, Johan Karlsson, J. Ian Munro, Andreas Nilsson: An O(1) Solution to the Prefix Sum Problem on a Specialized Memory Architecture CoRR abs/cs/0601081: (2006)
124EEPatricio V. Poblete, J. Ian Munro, Thomas Papadakis: The binomial transform and the analysis of skip lists. Theor. Comput. Sci. 352(1-3): 136-158 (2006)
123EEKyung-Yong Chwa, J. Ian Munro: Preface. Theor. Comput. Sci. 363(1): 1 (2006)
122EEArash Farzan, Paolo Ferragina, Gianni Franceschini, J. Ian Munro: Cache-Oblivious Comparison-Based Algorithms on Multisets. ESA 2005: 305-316
121EEKanela Kaligosi, Kurt Mehlhorn, J. Ian Munro, Peter Sanders: Towards Optimal Multiple Selection. ICALP 2005: 103-114
120EEMeng He, J. Ian Munro, S. Srinivasa Rao: A categorization theorem on suffix arrays with applications to space efficient text indexes. SODA 2005: 23-32
119EEGerth Stølting Brodal, Erik D. Demaine, J. Ian Munro: Fast allocation and deallocation with an improved buddy system. Acta Inf. 41(4-5): 273-291 (2005)
118EEDavid Benoit, Erik D. Demaine, J. Ian Munro, Rajeev Raman, Venkatesh Raman, S. Srinivasa Rao: Representing Trees of Higher Degree. Algorithmica 43(4): 275-292 (2005)
117EEAndrej Brodnik, Svante Carlsson, Michael L. Fredman, Johan Karlsson, J. Ian Munro: Worst case constant time priority queue. Journal of Systems and Software 78(3): 249-256 (2005)
116 J. Ian Munro: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, SODA 2004, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, January 11-14, 2004 SIAM 2004
115 Kyung-Yong Chwa, J. Ian Munro: Computing and Combinatorics, 10th Annual International Conference, COCOON 2004, Jeju Island, Korea, August 17-20, 2004, Proceedings Springer 2004
114EEJ. Ian Munro, S. Srinivasa Rao: Succinct Representations of Functions. ICALP 2004: 1006-1015
113EETherese C. Biedl, Timothy M. Chan, Erik D. Demaine, Rudolf Fleischer, Mordecai J. Golin, James A. King, J. Ian Munro: Fun-Sort--or the chaos of unordered binary search. Discrete Applied Mathematics 144(3): 231-236 (2004)
112 J. Ian Munro: Succinct Data Structures. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 91: 3 (2004)
111EENicholas J. A. Harvey, J. Ian Munro: Deterministic SkipNet. Inf. Process. Lett. 90(4): 205-208 (2004)
110EEGianni Franceschini, Roberto Grossi, J. Ian Munro, Linda Pagli: Implicit B-trees: a new data structure for the dictionary problem. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 68(4): 788-807 (2004)
109EEJ. Ian Munro, Rajeev Raman, Venkatesh Raman, S. Srinivasa Rao: Succinct Representations of Permutations. ICALP 2003: 345-356
108EELukasz Golab, David DeHaan, Erik D. Demaine, Alejandro López-Ortiz, J. Ian Munro: Identifying frequent items in sliding windows over on-line packet streams. Internet Measurement Comference 2003: 173-178
107EENicholas J. A. Harvey, J. Ian Munro: Brief announcement: deterministic skipnet. PODC 2003: 152
106EEPaul E. Kearney, J. Ian Munro, Derek Phillips: Efficient Generation of Uniform Samples from Phylogenetic Trees. WABI 2003: 177-189
105EEErik D. Demaine, Alejandro López-Ortiz, J. Ian Munro: On universally easy classes for NP-complete problems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 1-3(304): 471-476 (2003)
104EEErik D. Demaine, Alejandro López-Ortiz, J. Ian Munro: Frequency Estimation of Internet Packet Streams with Limited Space. ESA 2002: 348-360
103EEGianni Franceschini, Roberto Grossi, J. Ian Munro, Linda Pagli: Implicit B-Trees: New Results for the Dictionary Problem. FOCS 2002: 145-154
102EELars Arge, Michael A. Bender, Erik D. Demaine, Bryan Holland-Minkley, J. Ian Munro: Cache-oblivious priority queue and graph algorithm applications. STOC 2002: 268-276
101EEErik D. Demaine, Alejandro López-Ortiz, J. Ian Munro: Robot Localization without Depth Perception. SWAT 2002: 249-259
100EEStephen Alstrup, Michael A. Bender, Erik D. Demaine, Martin Farach-Colton, J. Ian Munro, Theis Rauhe, Mikkel Thorup: Efficient Tree Layout in a Multilevel Memory Hierarchy CoRR cs.DS/0211010: (2002)
99 Prosenjit Bose, Anna Lubiw, J. Ian Munro: Efficient visibility queries in simple polygons. Comput. Geom. 23(3): 313-335 (2002)
98EEProsenjit Bose, Andrej Brodnik, Svante Carlsson, Erik D. Demaine, Rudolf Fleischer, Alejandro López-Ortiz, Pat Morin, J. Ian Munro: Online Routing in Convex Subdivisions. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 12(4): 283-296 (2002)
97EEErik D. Demaine, Alejandro López-Ortiz, J. Ian Munro: Experiments on Adaptive Set Intersections for Text Retrieval Systems. ALENEX 2001: 91-104
96EEAndrej Brodnik, Svante Carlsson, Johan Karlsson, J. Ian Munro: Worst case constant time priority queue. SODA 2001: 523-528
95EEJ. Ian Munro, Venkatesh Raman, Adam J. Storm: Representing dynamic binary trees succinctly. SODA 2001: 529-536
94EEErik D. Demaine, Alejandro López-Ortiz, J. Ian Munro: On universally easy classes for NP-complete problems. SODA 2001: 910-911
93EETherese C. Biedl, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Rudolf Fleischer, Lars Jacobsen, J. Ian Munro: The Complexity of Clickomania CoRR cs.CC/0107031: (2001)
92 J. Ian Munro, Venkatesh Raman, S. Srinivasa Rao: Space Efficient Suffix Trees. J. Algorithms 39(2): 205-222 (2001)
91EEJ. Ian Munro, Venkatesh Raman: Succinct Representation of Balanced Parentheses and Static Trees. SIAM J. Comput. 31(3): 762-776 (2001)
90 J. Ian Munro: On the Competitiveness of Linear Search. ESA 2000: 338-345
89EEProsenjit Bose, Pat Morin, Andrej Brodnik, Svante Carlsson, Erik D. Demaine, Rudolf Fleischer, J. Ian Munro, Alejandro López-Ortiz: Online Routing in Convex Subdivisions. ISAAC 2000: 47-59
88EEErik D. Demaine, Alejandro López-Ortiz, J. Ian Munro: Adaptive set intersections, unions, and differences. SODA 2000: 743-752
87EEErik D. Demaine, J. Ian Munro: Fast Allocation and Deallocation with an Improved Buddy System. FSTTCS 1999: 84-96
86EEDavid Benoit, Erik D. Demaine, J. Ian Munro, Venkatesh Raman: Representing Trees of Higer Degree. WADS 1999: 169-180
85EEAndrej Brodnik, Svante Carlsson, Erik D. Demaine, J. Ian Munro, Robert Sedgewick: Resizable Arrays in Optimal Time and Space. WADS 1999: 37-48
84 Andrej Brodnik, J. Ian Munro: Membership in Constant Time and Almost-Minimum Space. SIAM J. Comput. 28(5): 1627-1640 (1999)
83 J. Ian Munro, Venkatesh Raman, S. Srinivasa Rao: Space Efficient Suffix Trees. FSTTCS 1998: 186-196
82EEJ. Ian Munro, Venkatesh Raman: Succinct Representation of Balanced Parentheses, Static Trees and Planar Graphs. FOCS 1997: 118-126
81 Andrej Brodnik, Peter Bro Miltersen, J. Ian Munro: Trans-Dichotomous Algorithms Without Multiplication - Some Upper and Lower Bounds. WADS 1997: 426-439
80 Patricio V. Poblete, Alfredo Viola, J. Ian Munro: The Diagonal Poisson Transform and its application to the analysis of a hashing scheme. Random Struct. Algorithms 10(1-2): 221-255 (1997)
79 J. Ian Munro: Tables. FSTTCS 1996: 37-42
78 David R. Clark, J. Ian Munro: Efficient Suffix Trees on Secondary Storage (extended Abstract). SODA 1996: 383-391
77 Andrej Brodnik, J. Ian Munro: Neighbours on a Grid. SWAT 1996: 309-320
76 J. Ian Munro, Venkatesh Raman: Fast Stable In-Place Sorting with O (n) Data Moves. Algorithmica 16(2): 151-160 (1996)
75EEJ. Ian Munro, Venkatesh Raman: Selection from Read-Only Memory and Sorting with Minimum Data Movement. Theor. Comput. Sci. 165(2): 311-323 (1996)
74 Patricio V. Poblete, J. Ian Munro, Thomas Papadakis: The Binomial Transform and its Application to the Analysis of Skip Lists. ESA 1995: 554-569
73 Faith E. Fich, J. Ian Munro, Patricio V. Poblete: Permuting in Place. SIAM J. Comput. 24(2): 266-278 (1995)
72 Andrej Brodnik, J. Ian Munro: Membership in Constant Time and Minimum Space. ESA 1994: 72-81
71 Patricio V. Poblete, Alfredo Viola, J. Ian Munro: The Analysis of a Hashing Schema by the Diagonal Poisson Transform (Extended Abstract). ESA 1994: 94-105
70 Torben Hagerup, Kurt Mehlhorn, J. Ian Munro: Maintaining Discrete Probability Distributions Optimally. ICALP 1993: 253-264
69 J. Ian Munro, Venkatesh Raman: Selection from Read-Only Memory and Sorting with Optimum Data Movement. FSTTCS 1992: 380-391
68EEJ. Ian Munro, Thomas Papadakis, Robert Sedgewick: Deterministic Skip Lists. SODA 1992: 367-375
67 Thomas Papadakis, J. Ian Munro, Patricio V. Poblete: Average Search and Update Costs in Skip Lists. BIT 32(2): 316-332 (1992)
66 J. Ian Munro, Venkatesh Raman: Sorting with Minimum Data Movement. J. Algorithms 13(3): 374-393 (1992)
65 Walter Cunto, J. Ian Munro, Manuel Rey: Selecting the Median and Two Quartiles in a Set of Numbers. Softw., Pract. Exper. 22(6): 439-454 (1992)
64 J. Ian Munro, Venkatesh Raman: Fast Sorting In-Place Sorting with O(n) Data. FSTTCS 1991: 266-277
63 Walter Cunto, J. Ian Munro, Patricio V. Poblete: A Case Study in Comparison Based Complexity: Finding the Nearest Value(s). WADS 1991: 1-12
62 J. Ian Munro, Venkatesh Raman: Sorting Multisets and Vectors In-Place. WADS 1991: 473-480
61 Walter Cunto, Gaston H. Gonnet, J. Ian Munro, Patricio V. Poblete: Fringe Analysis for Extquick: An in Situ Distributive External Sorting Algorithm Inf. Comput. 92(2): 141-160 (1991)
60 Amos Fiat, J. Ian Munro, Moni Naor, Alejandro A. Schäffer, Jeanette P. Schmidt, Alan Siegel: An Implicit Data Structure for Searching a Multikey Table in Logarithmic Time. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 43(3): 406-424 (1991)
59 Faith E. Fich, J. Ian Munro, Patricio V. Poblete: Permuting FOCS 1990: 372-379
58 Thomas Papadakis, J. Ian Munro, Patricio V. Poblete: Analysis of the Expected Search Cost in Skip Lists. SWAT 1990: 160-172
57 Joseph C. Culberson, J. Ian Munro: Analysis of the Standard Deletion Algorithms in Exact Fit Domain Binary Search Trees. Algorithmica 5(3): 295-311 (1990)
56 J. Ian Munro, Venkatesh Raman, Jeffrey S. Salowe: Stable in Situ Sorting and Minimum Data Movement. BIT 30(2): 220-234 (1990)
55 B. John Oommen, E. R. Hansen, J. Ian Munro: Deterministic Optimal and Expedient Move-to-Rear List Organizing Strategies. Theor. Comput. Sci. 74(2): 183-197 (1990)
54 J. Ian Munro, Venkatesh Raman: Sorting with Minimum Data Movement (Preliminary Draft). WADS 1989: 552-562
53 Joseph C. Culberson, J. Ian Munro: Explaining the Behaviour of Binary Search Trees Under Prolonged Updates: A Model and Simulations. Comput. J. 32(1): 68-75 (1989)
52EEWalter Cunto, J. Ian Munro: Average case selection. J. ACM 36(2): 270-279 (1989)
51 Patricio V. Poblete, J. Ian Munro: Last-Come-First-Served Hashing. J. Algorithms 10(2): 228-248 (1989)
50 Svante Carlsson, J. Ian Munro, Patricio V. Poblete: An Implicit Binomial Queue with Constant Insertion Time. SWAT 1988: 1-13
49 J. Ian Munro: Searching a Two Key Table Under a Single Key STOC 1987: 383-387
48EEJ. Ian Munro, Mark H. Overmars, Derick Wood: Variations on Visibility. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1987: 291-299
47 J. Ian Munro, Patricio V. Poblete: Searchability in Merging and Implicit Data Structures. BIT 27(3): 324-329 (1987)
46 J. Ian Munro, Pedro Celis: Techniques for Collision Resolution in Hash Tables with Open Addressing. FJCC 1986: 601-610
45 J. Ian Munro: Developing Implicit Data Structures. MFCS 1986: 168-176
44 J. Ian Munro: An Implicit Data Structure Supporting Insertion, Deletion, and Search in O(log² n) Time. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 33(1): 66-74 (1986)
43 Gaston H. Gonnet, J. Ian Munro: Heaps on Heaps. SIAM J. Comput. 15(4): 964-971 (1986)
42 Pedro Celis, Per-Åke Larson, J. Ian Munro: Robin Hood Hashing (Preliminary Report) FOCS 1985: 281-288
41 Rolf G. Karlsson, J. Ian Munro, Edward L. Robertson: The Nearest Neighbor Problem on Bounded Domains. ICALP 1985: 318-327
40 Rolf G. Karlsson, J. Ian Munro: Proximity of a Grid. STACS 1985: 187-196
39 Patricio V. Poblete, J. Ian Munro: The Analysis of a Fringe Heuristic for Binary Search Trees. J. Algorithms 6(3): 336-350 (1985)
38 David P. Dobkin, J. Ian Munro: Efficient Uses of the Past. J. Algorithms 6(4): 455-465 (1985)
37 J. Ian Munro: An Implicit Data Structure for the Dictionary Problem that Runs in Polylog Time FOCS 1984: 369-374
36 Walter Cunto, J. Ian Munro: Average Case Selection STOC 1984: 369-375
35 Helmut Alt, Kurt Mehlhorn, J. Ian Munro: Partial Match Retrieval in Implicit Data Structures. Inf. Process. Lett. 19(2): 61-65 (1984)
34 J. Ian Munro, Patricio V. Poblete: Fault Tolerance and Storage Reduction in Binary Search Trees Information and Control 62(2/3): 210-218 (1984)
33 Gaston H. Gonnet, J. Ian Munro: The Analysis of Linear Probing Sort by the Use of a New Mathematical Transform. J. Algorithms 5(4): 451-470 (1984)
32 J. Ian Munro, Patricio V. Poblete: Searchability in Merging and Implicit Data Structures. ICALP 1983: 527-535
31EEJ. Ian Munro, Patricio V. Poblete: A Discipline for Robustness or Storage Reduction in Binary Search Trees. PODS 1983: 70-75
30EEGaston H. Gonnet, J. Ian Munro, Derick Wood: Direct dynamic structures for some line segment problems. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 23(2): 178-186 (1983)
29 Gaston H. Gonnet, J. Ian Munro: Heaps on Heaps. ICALP 1982: 282-291
28 Raúl J. Ramírez, Frank Wm. Tompa, J. Ian Munro: Optimum Reorganization Points for Arbitrary Database Costs. Acta Inf. 18: 17-30 (1982)
27EEGaston H. Gonnet, Per-Åke Larson, J. Ian Munro, Doron Rotem, David J. Taylor, Frank Wm. Tompa: Database Storage Structures Research at the University of Waterloo. IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 5(1): 49-52 (1982)
26 Helmut Alt, Kurt Mehlhorn, J. Ian Munro: Partial Match Retrieval in Implicit Data Structures. MFCS 1981: 156-161
25 Gaston H. Gonnet, J. Ian Munro: A Linear Probing Sort and its Analysis (Preliminary Draft) STOC 1981: 90-95
24 J. Ian Munro, Edward L. Robertson: Continual Pattern Replication Information and Control 48(3): 211-220 (1981)
23EEDavid P. Dobkin, J. Ian Munro: Optimal Time Minimal Space Selection Algorithms. J. ACM 28(3): 454-461 (1981)
22 Gaston H. Gonnet, J. Ian Munro, Hendra Suwanda: Exegesis of Self-Organizing Linear Search. SIAM J. Comput. 10(3): 613-637 (1981)
21 David P. Dobkin, J. Ian Munro: Efficient Uses of the Past FOCS 1980: 200-206
20 J. Ian Munro, Hendra Suwanda: Implicit Data Structures for Fast Search and Update. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 21(2): 236-250 (1980)
19 David P. Dobkin, J. Ian Munro: Determining the Mode. Theor. Comput. Sci. 12: 255-263 (1980)
18 J. Ian Munro, Mike Paterson: Selection and Sorting with Limited Storage. Theor. Comput. Sci. 12: 315-323 (1980)
17 Gaston H. Gonnet, J. Ian Munro, Hendra Suwanda: Toward Self-Organizing Linear Search (Preliminary Draught) FOCS 1979: 169-174
16 J. Ian Munro, Hendra Suwanda: Implicit Data Structures (Preliminary Draft) STOC 1979: 108-117
15 Gaston H. Gonnet, J. Ian Munro: Efficient Ordering of Hash Tables. SIAM J. Comput. 8(3): 463-478 (1979)
14 J. Ian Munro, Mike Paterson: Selection and Sorting with Limited Storage FOCS 1978: 253-258
13 David P. Dobkin, J. Ian Munro: Time and Space Bounds for Selection Problems. ICALP 1978: 192-204
12EEBrian Allen, J. Ian Munro: Self-Organizing Binary Search Trees. J. ACM 25(4): 526-535 (1978)
11 J. Ian Munro: The Parallel Complexity of Arithmetic Computation. FCT 1977: 466-475
10 Gaston H. Gonnet, J. Ian Munro: The Analysis of an Improved Hashing Technique STOC 1977: 113-121
9 W. Morven Gentleman, J. Ian Munro: Designing Overlay Structures. Softw., Pract. Exper. 7(4): 493-500 (1977)
8 Brian Allen, J. Ian Munro: Self-Organizing Binary Search Trees FOCS 1976: 166-172
7 J. Ian Munro, Philip M. Spira: Sorting and Searching in Multisets. SIAM J. Comput. 5(1): 1-8 (1976)
6 J. Ian Munro, Mike Paterson: Optimal Algorithms for Parallel Polynomial Evaluation. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 7(2): 189-198 (1973)
5 J. Ian Munro, Allan Borodin: Efficient Evaluation of Polynomial Forms. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 6(6): 625-638 (1972)
4 J. Ian Munro, Mike Paterson: Optimal Algorithms for Parallel Polynomial Evaluation FOCS 1971: 132-139
3 J. Ian Munro: Some Results Concerning Efficient and Optimal Algorithms STOC 1971: 40-44
2 J. Ian Munro: Efficient Determination of the Transitive Closure of a Directed Graph. Inf. Process. Lett. 1(2): 56-58 (1971)
1 Allan Borodin, J. Ian Munro: Evaluating Polynomials at Many Points. Inf. Process. Lett. 1(2): 66-68 (1971)

Coauthor Index

1Luca Castelli Aleardi [137]
2Brian Allen [8] [12]
3Stephen Alstrup [100]
4Helmut Alt [26] [35]
5Lars Arge [102] [133]
6Jérémy Barbay [131] [132] [134] [137] [140]
7Michael A. Bender [100] [102] [133]
8David Benoit [86] [118]
9Therese C. Biedl [93] [113]
10Allan Borodin [1] [5]
11Prosenjit Bose [89] [98] [99]
12Gerth Stølting Brodal [119]
13Andrej Brodnik [72] [77] [81] [84] [85] [89] [96] [98] [117] [125] [130]
14Jean Cardinal [139]
15Svante Carlsson [50] [85] [89] [96] [98] [117]
16Pedro Celis [42] [46]
17Timothy M. Chan [113]
18Kyung-Yong Chwa [115] [123]
19David R. Clark [78]
20Joseph C. Culberson [53] [57]
21Walter Cunto [36] [52] [61] [63] [65]
22David DeHaan [108]
23Erik D. Demaine [85] [86] [87] [88] [89] [93] [94] [97] [98] [100] [101] [102] [104] [105] [108] [113] [118] [119] [133]
24Martin L. Demaine [93]
25David P. Dobkin [13] [19] [21] [23] [38]
26Reza Dorrigiv (Reza Dorri Giv) [136] [143]
27Faith Ellen (Faith Ellen Fich, Faith E. Fich) [59] [73]
28Martin Farach-Colton (Martin Farach) [100]
29Arash Farzan [122] [129] [141] [142]
30Paolo Ferragina [122]
31Amos Fiat [60]
32Samuel Fiorini [139]
33Rudolf Fleischer [89] [93] [98] [113]
34Gianni Franceschini [103] [110] [122] [127]
35Michael L. Fredman [117]
36W. Morven Gentleman [9]
37Lukasz Golab [108]
38Mordecai J. Golin [113]
39Alexander Golynski [128] [131] [132]
40Gaston H. Gonnet [10] [15] [17] [22] [25] [27] [29] [30] [33] [43] [61]
41Roberto Grossi [103] [110]
42Torben Hagerup [70]
43E. R. Hansen [55]
44Nicholas J. A. Harvey [107] [111]
45Meng He [120] [134] [137] [138]
46Bryan Holland-Minkley [102] [133]
47Lars Jacobsen [93]
48Gwenaël Joret [139]
49Raphael M. Jungers [139]
50Kanela Kaligosi [121]
51Johan Karlsson [96] [117] [125] [130]
52Rolf G. Karlsson [40] [41]
53Paul E. Kearney [106]
54James A. King [113]
55Per-Åke Larson (Paul Larson) [27] [42]
56Alejandro López-Ortiz [88] [89] [94] [97] [98] [101] [104] [105] [108] [126] [136] [143]
57Anna Lubiw [99]
58Kurt Mehlhorn [26] [35] [70] [121]
59Peter Bro Miltersen [81]
60Pat Morin [89] [98]
61Moni Naor [60]
62Andreas Nilsson [125] [130]
63B. John Oommen [55]
64Mark H. Overmars [48]
65Linda Pagli [103] [110]
66Thomas Papadakis [58] [67] [68] [74] [124]
67Mike Paterson [4] [6] [14] [18]
68Derek Phillips [106]
69Patricio V. Poblete [31] [32] [34] [39] [47] [50] [51] [58] [59] [61] [63] [67] [71] [73] [74] [80] [124]
70M. Ziaur Rahman [135]
71Rajeev Raman [109] [118]
72Venkatesh Raman [54] [56] [62] [64] [66] [69] [75] [76] [82] [83] [86] [91] [92] [95] [109] [118]
73Raúl J. Ramírez [28]
74S. Srinivasa Rao (Srinivasa Rao Satti) [83] [92] [109] [114] [118] [120] [128] [131] [132] [134] [138]
75Theis Rauhe [100]
76Manuel Rey [65]
77Edward L. Robertson [24] [41]
78Doron Rotem [27]
79Jeffrey S. Salowe [56]
80Peter Sanders [121]
81Alejandro A. Schäffer [60]
82Jeanette P. Schmidt [60]
83Robert Sedgewick [68] [85]
84Alan Siegel [60]
85Philip M. Spira [7]
86Adam J. Storm [95]
87Hendra Suwanda [16] [17] [20] [22]
88David J. Taylor [27]
89Mikkel Thorup [100]
90Frank Wm. Tompa [27] [28]
91Alfredo Viola [71] [80]
92Dorothea Wagner [145]
93Derick Wood [30] [48]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)