
Stephen Alstrup

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32EESerge Abiteboul, Stephen Alstrup, Haim Kaplan, Tova Milo, Theis Rauhe: Compact Labeling Scheme for Ancestor Queries. SIAM J. Comput. 35(6): 1295-1309 (2006)
31EEStephen Alstrup, Inge Li Gørtz, Theis Rauhe, Mikkel Thorup, Uri Zwick: Union-Find with Constant Time Deletions. ICALP 2005: 78-89
30EEStephen Alstrup, Thore Husfeldt, Theis Rauhe, Mikkel Thorup: Black box for constant-time insertion in priority queues (note). ACM Transactions on Algorithms 1(1): 102-106 (2005)
29EEStephen Alstrup, Jacob Holm, Kristian de Lichtenberg, Mikkel Thorup: Maintaining information in fully dynamic trees with top trees. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 1(2): 243-264 (2005)
28EEStephen Alstrup, Philip Bille, Theis Rauhe: Labeling Schemes for Small Distances in Trees. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 19(2): 448-462 (2005)
27EEStephen Alstrup, Thore Husfeldt, Theis Rauhe: Dynamic nested brackets. Inf. Comput. 193(2): 75-83 (2004)
26EEStephen Alstrup, Philip Bille, Theis Rauhe: Labeling schemes for small distances in trees. SODA 2003: 689-698
25EEStephen Alstrup, Jacob Holm, Kristian de Lichtenberg, Mikkel Thorup: Maintaining Information in Fully-Dynamic Trees with Top Trees CoRR cs.DS/0310065: (2003)
24EEStephen Alstrup, Theis Rauhe: Small Induced-Universal Graphs and Compact Implicit Graph Representations. FOCS 2002: 53-62
23EEStephen Alstrup, Theis Rauhe: Improved labeling scheme for ancestor queries. SODA 2002: 947-953
22EEStephen Alstrup, Cyril Gavoille, Haim Kaplan, Theis Rauhe: Nearest common ancestors: a survey and a new distributed algorithm. SPAA 2002: 258-264
21EEStephen Alstrup, Gerth Stølting Brodal, Inge Li Gørtz, Theis Rauhe: Time and Space Efficient Multi-method Dispatching. SWAT 2002: 20-29
20EEStephen Alstrup, Michael A. Bender, Erik D. Demaine, Martin Farach-Colton, J. Ian Munro, Theis Rauhe, Mikkel Thorup: Efficient Tree Layout in a Multilevel Memory Hierarchy CoRR cs.DS/0211010: (2002)
19EEStephen Alstrup, Thore Husfeldt, Theis Rauhe: A cell probe lower bound for dynamic nearest-neighbor searching. SODA 2001: 779-780
18EEStephen Alstrup, Gerth Stølting Brodal, Theis Rauhe: Optimal static range reporting in one dimension. STOC 2001: 476-482
17 Stephen Alstrup, Gerth Stølting Brodal, Theis Rauhe: New Data Structures for Orthogonal Range Searching. FOCS 2000: 198-207
16EEStephen Alstrup, Jacob Holm: Improved Algorithms for Finding Level Ancestors in Dynamic Trees. ICALP 2000: 73-84
15EEStephen Alstrup, Jens P. Secher, Mikkel Thorup: Word encoding tree connectivity works. SODA 2000: 498-499
14EEStephen Alstrup, Gerth Stølting Brodal, Theis Rauhe: Pattern matching in dynamic texts. SODA 2000: 819-828
13EEStephen Alstrup, Jacob Holm, Mikkel Thorup: Maintaining Center and Median in Dynamic Trees. SWAT 2000: 46-56
12EEStephen Alstrup, Peter W. Lauridsen, Mikkel Thorup: Generalized Dominators for Structured Programs. Algorithmica 27(3): 244-253 (2000)
11 Stephen Alstrup, Mikkel Thorup: Optimal Pointer Algorithms for Finding Nearest Common Ancestors in Dynamic Trees. J. Algorithms 35(2): 169-188 (2000)
10EEStephen Alstrup, Amir M. Ben-Amram, Theis Rauhe: Worst-Case and Amortised Optimality in Union-Find (Extended Abstract). STOC 1999: 499-506
9 Stephen Alstrup, Dov Harel, Peter W. Lauridsen, Mikkel Thorup: Dominators in Linear Time. SIAM J. Comput. 28(6): 2117-2132 (1999)
8EEStephen Alstrup, Thore Husfeldt, Theis Rauhe: Marked Ancestor Problems. FOCS 1998: 534-544
7 Stephen Alstrup, Jacob Holm, Kristian de Lichtenberg, Mikkel Thorup: Direct Routing on Trees (Extended Abstract). SODA 1998: 342-349
6 Stephen Alstrup, Jacob Holm, Kristian de Lichtenberg, Mikkel Thorup: Minimizing Diameters of Dynamic Trees. ICALP 1997: 270-280
5 Stephen Alstrup, Peter W. Lauridsen, Peer Sommerlund, Mikkel Thorup: Finding Cores of Limited Length. WADS 1997: 45-54
4EEStephen Alstrup, Jens P. Secher, Maz Spork: Optimal On-Line Decremental Connectivity in Trees. Inf. Process. Lett. 64(4): 161-164 (1997)
3 Stephen Alstrup, Peter W. Lauridsen, Mikkel Thorup: Generalized Dominators for Structured Programs. SAS 1996: 42-51
2 Stephen Alstrup, Mikkel Thorup: Optimal Pointer Algorithms for Finding Nearest Common Ancestors in Dynamic Trees. SWAT 1996: 212-222
1EEStephen Alstrup, Jens Clausen, Kristian Jørgensen: An O(|V|*|E|) Algorithm for Finding Immediate Multiple-Vertex Dominators. Inf. Process. Lett. 59(1): 9-11 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Serge Abiteboul [32]
2Amir M. Ben-Amram [10]
3Michael A. Bender [20]
4Philip Bille [26] [28]
5Gerth Stølting Brodal [14] [17] [18] [21]
6Jens Clausen [1]
7Erik D. Demaine [20]
8Martin Farach-Colton (Martin Farach) [20]
9Cyril Gavoille [22]
10Inge Li Gørtz [21] [31]
11Dov Harel [9]
12Jacob Holm [6] [7] [13] [16] [25] [29]
13Thore Husfeldt [8] [19] [27] [30]
14Kristian Jørgensen [1]
15Haim Kaplan [22] [32]
16Peter W. Lauridsen [3] [5] [9] [12]
17Kristian de Lichtenberg [6] [7] [25] [29]
18Tova Milo [32]
19J. Ian Munro [20]
20Theis Rauhe [8] [10] [14] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [26] [27] [28] [30] [31] [32]
21Jens P. Secher [4] [15]
22Peer Sommerlund [5]
23Maz Spork [4]
24Mikkel Thorup [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [9] [11] [12] [13] [15] [20] [25] [29] [30] [31]
25Uri Zwick [31]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)