10. ICALP 1983:
Josep Díaz (Ed.):
Automata, Languages and Programming, 10th Colloquium, Barcelona, Spain, July 18-22, 1983, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 154 Springer 1983, ISBN 3-540-12317-2 BibTeX
editor = {Josep D\'{\i}az},
title = {Automata, Languages and Programming, 10th Colloquium, Barcelona,
Spain, July 18-22, 1983, Proceedings},
booktitle = {ICALP},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {154},
year = {1983},
isbn = {3-540-12317-2},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- Samson Abramsky:
On Semantic Foundations for Applicative Multiprogramming.
1-14 BibTeX
- Krzysztof R. Apt, Carole Delporte:
An Axiomatization of the Intermittent Assertion Method Using Temporal Logic (Extended Abstract).
15-27 BibTeX
- André Arnold:
Topological Characterizations of Infinite Behaviours of Transition Systems.
28-38 BibTeX
- J. W. de Bakker, Jan A. Bergstra, Jan Willem Klop, John-Jules Ch. Meyer:
Linear Time and Branching Time Semantics for Recursion with Merge.
39-51 BibTeX
- J. W. de Bakker, Jeffery I. Zucker:
Processes and a Fair Semantics for the Ada Rendez-Vous.
52-66 BibTeX
- Paul De Bra, Jan Paredaens:
Conditional Dependencies for Horizontal Decompositions.
67-82 BibTeX
- Stephen D. Brookes:
On the Relationship of CCS and CSP.
83-96 BibTeX
- Stephen D. Brookes, William C. Rounds:
Behavioural Equivalence Relations Induced by Programming Logics.
97-108 BibTeX
- Ashok K. Chandra, Steven Fortune, Richard J. Lipton:
Lower Bounds for Constant Depth Circuits for Prefix Problems.
109-117 BibTeX
- Christian Choffrut, Juhani Karhumäki:
Test Sets for Morphisms with Bounded Delay.
118-127 BibTeX
- Shimon Cohen, Daniel J. Lehmann, Amir Pnueli:
Symmetric and Economical Solutions to the Mutual Exclusion Problem in a Distributed System (Extended Abstract).
128-136 BibTeX
- Karel Culik II, Arto Salomaa:
Ambiguity and Decision Problems Concerning Number Systems.
137-146 BibTeX
- Philippe Darondeau, Laurent Kott:
On the Observational Semantics of Fair Parallelism.
147-159 BibTeX
- Frank K. H. A. Dehne:
On O(N^4) Algorithm to Contstruct all Vornoi Diagrams for K Nearest Neighbor Searching.
160-172 BibTeX
- Marie-Pierre Delest, Gérard Viennot:
Algebraic Languages and Polyominoes Enumeration.
173-181 BibTeX
- Herbert Edelsbrunner, Emo Welzl:
On the Number of Equal-Sized Semisapces of a Set of Points in the Plane (Extended Abstract).
182-187 BibTeX
- Hartmut Ehrig, Eric G. Wagner, James W. Thatcher:
Algebraic Specifications with Generating Constraints.
188-202 BibTeX
- Aviezri S. Fraenkel:
Wythoff Games, Continued Fractions, Cedar Trees and Fibonacci Searches.
203-225 BibTeX
- Joaquim Gabarró:
Initial Index: A New Complexity Function for Languages.
226-236 BibTeX
- Harald Ganzinger:
Modular Compiler Descriptions Based on Abstract Semantic Data Types (Extended Abstract).
237-249 BibTeX
- Joachim von zur Gathen, Erich Kaltofen:
Polynomial-Time Factorization of Multivariate Polynomials over Finite Fields.
250-263 BibTeX
- Ursula Goltz, Wolfgang Reisig:
Processes of Place/Transition-Nets.
264-277 BibTeX
- Joseph Y. Halpern, Zohar Manna, Ben C. Moszkowski:
A Hardware Semantics Based on Temporal Intervals.
278-291 BibTeX
- Susanne E. Hambrusch, Janos Simon:
Lower Bounds for Solving Undirected Graph Problems on VLSI.
292-303 BibTeX
- Sergiu Hart, Micha Sharir:
Concurrent Probabilistic Program, or: How to Schedule if You Must.
304-318 BibTeX
- Juris Hartmanis, Juris Hartmanis, Yaacov Yesha:
Computation Times of NP Sets of Different Densities.
319-330 BibTeX
- Jieh Hsiang, Nachum Dershowitz:
Rewrite Methods for Clausal and Non-Clausal Theorem Proving.
331-346 BibTeX
- Klaus Indermark:
Complexity of Infinite Trees.
347-360 BibTeX
- Jean-Pierre Jouannaud, Claude Kirchner, Hélène Kirchner:
Incremental Construction of Unification Algorithms in Equational Theories.
361-373 BibTeX
- Tsutomu Kamimura:
Tree Automata and Attribute Grammars.
374-384 BibTeX
- Tsutomu Kamimura, Adrian Tang:
Effectively Given Spaces.
385-396 BibTeX
- Juhani Karhumäki:
A Note on Intersections of Free Submonoids of a Free Monoid.
397-407 BibTeX
- Hans-Werner Lang, Manfred Schimmler, Hartmut Schmeck, Heiko Schröder:
A Fast Sorting Algorithm for VLSI.
408-419 BibTeX
- Michel Latteux, Jeannine Leguy:
On the Composition of Morphisms and Inverse Morphisms.
420-432 BibTeX
- Evelyne Barbin-Le Rest, Stuart W. Margolis:
On the Group Complexity of a Finite Language.
433-444 BibTeX
- Daniel J. Lehmann, Saharon Shelah:
Reasoning with Time and Chance (Extended Abstract).
445-457 BibTeX
- Arjen K. Lenstra:
Factoring Multivariate Integral Polynomials.
458-465 BibTeX
- Pierre Lescanne, Jean-Marc Steyaert:
On the Study Data Structures: Binary Tournaments with Repeated Keys.
466-477 BibTeX
- Fillia Makedon, Ivan Hal Sudborough:
Minimizing Width in Linear Layouts.
478-490 BibTeX
- Zohar Manna, Amir Pnueli:
Proving Precedence Properties: The Temporal Way.
491-512 BibTeX
- Bernhard Möller:
An Algebraic Semantics for Busy (Data-Driven) and Lazy (Demand-Driven) Evaluation and its Application to a Functional Language.
513-526 BibTeX
- J. Ian Munro, Patricio V. Poblete:
Searchability in Merging and Implicit Data Structures.
527-535 BibTeX
- Alan Mycroft, Flemming Nielson:
Strong Abstract Interpretation Using Power Domains (Extended Abstract).
536-547 BibTeX
- Rocco De Nicola, Matthew Hennessy:
Testing Equivalence for Processes.
548-560 BibTeX
- Ernst-Rüdiger Olderog, C. A. R. Hoare:
Specification-Oriented Semantics for Communicating Processes.
561-572 BibTeX
- Pekka Orponen:
Complexity Classes of Alternating Machines with Oracles.
573-584 BibTeX
- Jean-Jacques Pansiot:
A Propos d'une Conjecture de F. Dejean sur les Répétitions dans les Mots.
585-596 BibTeX
- Wolfgang J. Paul, Uzi Vishkin, Hubert Wagener:
Parallel Dictionaries in 2-3 Trees.
597-609 BibTeX
- Dominique Perrin:
Varietes de Semigroupes et Mots Infinis.
610-616 BibTeX
- Jean-Eric Pin:
Arbres et Hierarchies de Concatenation.
617-628 BibTeX
- John H. Reif, A. Prasad Sistla:
A Multiprocess Network Logic with Temporal and Spatial Modalities.
629-639 BibTeX
- Taisuke Sato, Hisao Tamaki:
Enumeration of Success Patterns in Logic Programs.
640-652 BibTeX
- Uwe Schöning, Ronald V. Book:
Immunity (Extended Abstract).
653-661 BibTeX
- Michael B. Smyth:
Power Domains and Predicate Transformers: A Topological View.
662-675 BibTeX
- Jeremy Spinrad, Jacobo Valdes:
Recognition and Isomorphism of Two Dimensional Partial Orders.
676-686 BibTeX
- Paul M. B. Vitányi:
On the Simulation of Many Storage Heads by a Single One (Extended Abstract).
687-694 BibTeX
- Glynn Winskel:
Synchronisation Trees.
695-711 BibTeX
- Mihalis Yannakakis, Paris C. Kanellakis, Stavros S. Cosmadakis, Christos H. Papadimitriou:
Cutting and Partitioning a Graph aifter a Fixed Pattern (Extended Abstract).
712-722 BibTeX
- Klaus-Jörn Lange:
Context-Free Controlled ETOL Systems.
723-733 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:16:04 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)