2009 |
14 | EE | Lukasz Golab,
Theodore Johnson,
Vladislav Shkapenyuk:
Scheduling Updates in a Real-Time Stream Warehouse.
ICDE 2009: 1207-1210 |
2008 |
13 | EE | Lukasz Golab,
Theodore Johnson,
Oliver Spatscheck:
Prefilter: predicate pushdown at streaming speeds.
SSPS 2008: 29-37 |
12 | EE | Lukasz Golab,
Theodore Johnson,
Nick Koudas,
Divesh Srivastava,
David Toman:
Optimizing away joins on data streams.
SSPS 2008: 48-57 |
11 | EE | Lukasz Golab,
Howard J. Karloff,
Flip Korn,
Divesh Srivastava,
Bei Yu:
On generating near-optimal tableaux for conditional functional dependencies.
PVLDB 1(1): 376-390 (2008) |
2006 |
10 | EE | Lukasz Golab,
Kumar Gaurav Bijay,
M. Tamer Özsu:
Multi-query optimization of sliding window aggregates by schedule synchronization.
CIKM 2006: 844-845 |
9 | EE | Lukasz Golab,
Kumar Gaurav Bijay,
M. Tamer Özsu:
On Concurrency Control in Sliding Window Queries over Data Streams.
EDBT 2006: 608-626 |
8 | EE | Lukasz Golab,
Piyush Prahladka,
M. Tamer Özsu:
Indexing Time-Evolving Data With Variable Lifetimes.
SSDBM 2006: 265-274 |
2005 |
7 | EE | Lukasz Golab,
M. Tamer Özsu:
Update-Pattern-Aware Modeling and Processing of Continuous Queries.
SIGMOD Conference 2005: 658-669 |
2004 |
6 | EE | Lukasz Golab,
Shaveen Garg,
M. Tamer Özsu:
On Indexing Sliding Windows over Online Data Streams.
EDBT 2004: 712-729 |
5 | EE | Lukasz Golab:
Querying Sliding Windows Over Online Data Streams.
EDBT Workshops 2004: 1-11 |
4 | EE | Lukasz Golab,
David DeHaan,
Alejandro López-Ortiz,
Erik D. Demaine:
Finding Frequent Items in Sliding Windows with Multinomially-Distributed Item Frequencies.
SSDBM 2004: 425-426 |
2003 |
3 | EE | Lukasz Golab,
David DeHaan,
Erik D. Demaine,
Alejandro López-Ortiz,
J. Ian Munro:
Identifying frequent items in sliding windows over on-line packet streams.
Internet Measurement Comference 2003: 173-178 |
2 | EE | Lukasz Golab,
M. Tamer Özsu:
Processing Sliding Window Multi-Joins in Continuous Queries over Data Streams.
VLDB 2003: 500-511 |
1 | EE | Lukasz Golab,
M. Tamer Özsu:
Issues in data stream management.
SIGMOD Record 32(2): 5-14 (2003) |