
Roberto Grossi

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62EEGianni Franceschini, Roberto Grossi, S. Muthukrishnan: Optimal Cache-Aware Suffix Selection. STACS 2009: 457-468
61EERoberto Grossi, Alessio Orlandi, Rajeev Raman, S. Srinivasa Rao: More Haste, Less Waste: Lowering the Redundancy in Fully Indexable Dictionaries. STACS 2009: 517-528
60EEGianni Franceschini, Roberto Grossi, S. Muthukrishnan: Optimal cache-aware suffix selection CoRR abs/0902.1737: (2009)
59EERoberto Grossi, Alessio Orlandi, Rajeev Raman, S. Srinivasa Rao: More Haste, Less Waste: Lowering the Redundancy in Fully Indexable Dictionaries CoRR abs/0902.2648: (2009)
58EEPaolo Ferragina, Roberto Grossi, Ankur Gupta, Rahul Shah, Jeffrey Scott Vitter: On searching compressed string collections cache-obliviously. PODS 2008: 181-190
57EEGianni Franceschini, Roberto Grossi: No sorting? better searching!. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 4(1): (2008)
56EEAlexander Golynski, Roberto Grossi, Ankur Gupta, Rajeev Raman, S. Srinivasa Rao: On the Size of Succinct Indices. ESA 2007: 371-382
55EEKunihiko Sadakane, Roberto Grossi: Squeezing succinct data structures into entropy bounds. SODA 2006: 1230-1239
54EEIwona Bialynicka-Birula, Roberto Grossi: Amortized Rigidness in Dynamic Cartesian Trees. STACS 2006: 80-91
53EELuca Foschini, Roberto Grossi, Ankur Gupta, Jeffrey Scott Vitter: When indexing equals compression: Experiments with compressing suffix arrays and applications. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 2(4): 611-639 (2006)
52EEGianni Franceschini, Roberto Grossi: Optimal Implicit Dictionaries over Unbounded Universes. Theory Comput. Syst. 39(2): 321-345 (2006)
51EEPaolo Ferragina, Roberto Grossi, Fabrizio Luccio: Foreword. Theory Comput. Syst. 39(3): 389 (2006)
50EEGianni Franceschini, Roberto Grossi: Optimal In-place Sorting of Vectors and Records. ICALP 2005: 90-102
49EEIwona Bialynicka-Birula, Roberto Grossi: Rank-Sensitive Data Structures. SPIRE 2005: 79-90
48EEFilippo Geraci, Roberto Grossi: Distilling Router Data Analysis for Faster and Simpler Dynamic IP Lookup Algorithms. WEA 2005: 580-592
47EENadia Pisanti, Maxime Crochemore, Roberto Grossi, Marie-France Sagot: Bases of Motifs for Generating Repeated Patterns with Wild Cards. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 2(1): 40-50 (2005)
46EERoberto Grossi, Jeffrey Scott Vitter: Compressed Suffix Arrays and Suffix Trees with Applications to Text Indexing and String Matching. SIAM J. Comput. 35(2): 378-407 (2005)
45EEMaxime Crochemore, Chiara Epifanio, Roberto Grossi, Filippo Mignosi: A Trie-Based Approach for Compacting Automata. CPM 2004: 145-158
44EELuca Foschini, Roberto Grossi, Ankur Gupta, Jeffrey Scott Vitter: Fast Compression with a Static Model in High-Order Entropy. Data Compression Conference 2004: 62-71
43EEGianni Franceschini, Roberto Grossi: No Sorting? Better Searching! FOCS 2004: 491-498
42EEGianni Franceschini, Roberto Grossi: A General Technique for Managing Strings in Comparison-Driven Data Structures. ICALP 2004: 606-617
41EERoberto Grossi, Ankur Gupta, Jeffrey Scott Vitter: When indexing equals compression: experiments with compressing suffix arrays and applications. SODA 2004: 636-645
40EEGianni Franceschini, Roberto Grossi, J. Ian Munro, Linda Pagli: Implicit B-trees: a new data structure for the dictionary problem. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 68(4): 788-807 (2004)
39EEGianni Franceschini, Roberto Grossi: Optimal Cache-Oblivious Implicit Dictionaries. ICALP 2003: 316-331
38EENadia Pisanti, Maxime Crochemore, Roberto Grossi, Marie-France Sagot: A Basis of Tiling Motifs for Generating Repeated Patterns and Its Complexity for Higher Quorum. MFCS 2003: 622-631
37EEGianni Franceschini, Roberto Grossi: Implicit dictionaries supporting searches and amortized updates in O(log n log log n) time. SODA 2003: 670-678
36EERoberto Grossi, Ankur Gupta, Jeffrey Scott Vitter: High-order entropy-compressed text indexes. SODA 2003: 841-850
35EEGianni Franceschini, Roberto Grossi: Optimal Worst-Case Operations for Implicit Cache-Oblivious Search Trees. WADS 2003: 114-126
34EEPierluigi Crescenzi, Roberto Grossi, Giuseppe F. Italiano: Search Data Structures for Skewed Strings. WEA 2003: 81-96
33EEPierluigi Crescenzi, Alberto Del Lungo, Roberto Grossi, Elena Lodi, Linda Pagli, Gianluca Rossi: Text sparsification via local maxima. Theor. Comput. Sci. 1-3(304): 341-364 (2003)
32EEGianni Franceschini, Roberto Grossi, J. Ian Munro, Linda Pagli: Implicit B-Trees: New Results for the Dictionary Problem. FOCS 2002: 145-154
31 Jeffrey Scott Vitter, Roberto Grossi: Compressed Indexes for Fast Search in Sequences. JCIS 2002: 44-48
30EERoberto Grossi, Andrea Pietracaprina, Geppino Pucci: Optimal Deterministic Protocols for Mobile Robots on a Grid. Inf. Comput. 173(2): 132-142 (2002)
29EEPierluigi Crescenzi, Alberto Del Lungo, Roberto Grossi, Elena Lodi, Linda Pagli, Gianluca Rossi: Text Sparsification via Local Maxima. FSTTCS 2000: 290-301
28EERoberto Grossi, Jeffrey Scott Vitter: Compressed suffix arrays and suffix trees with applications to text indexing and string matching (extended abstract). STOC 2000: 397-406
27EEPierluigi Crescenzi, Leandro Dardini, Roberto Grossi: IP Address Lookup Made Fast and Simple. ESA 1999: 65-76
26EERoberto Grossi, Giuseppe F. Italiano: Efficient Techniques for Maintaining Multidimensional Keys in Linked Data Structures. ICALP 1999: 372-381
25EEAlessandro Bellini, Alberto Del Lungo, Fabio Gori, Roberto Grossi, Marco Guarducci: A Fast H.261 Software Codec for High Quality Videoconferencing on PCs. ICMCS, Vol. 2 1999: 1007-1008
24 Roberto Grossi, Giuseppe F. Italiano: Efficient Splitting and Merging Algorithms for Order Decomposable Problems. Inf. Comput. 154(1): 1-33 (1999)
23EEPaolo Ferragina, Roberto Grossi: The String B-tree: A New Data Structure for String Search in External Memory and Its Applications. J. ACM 46(2): 236-280 (1999)
22 Paolo Ferragina, Roberto Grossi: Improved Dynamic Text Indexing. J. Algorithms 31(2): 291-319 (1999)
21EERaffaele Giancarlo, Roberto Grossi: Parallel Construction and Query of Index Data Structures for Pattern Matching on Square Matrices. J. Complexity 15(1): 30-71 (1999)
20EERoberto Grossi, Andrea Pietracaprina, Geppino Pucci: Optimal Deterministic Protocols for Mobile Robots on a Grid. SWAT 1998: 181-192
19EERoberto Grossi, Elena Lodi: Simple Planar Graph Partition into Three Forests. Discrete Applied Mathematics 84(1-3): 121-132 (1998)
18 Paolo Ferragina, Roberto Grossi: Optimal On-Line Search and Sublinear Time Update in String Matching. SIAM J. Comput. 27(3): 713-736 (1998)
17EEPaolo Ferragina, Roberto Grossi, Manuela Montangero: On Updating Suffix Tree Labels. Theor. Comput. Sci. 201(1-2): 249-262 (1998)
16 Paolo Ferragina, Roberto Grossi, Manuela Montangero: A Note on Updating Suffix Tree Labels. CIAC 1997: 181-192
15 Roberto Grossi, Giuseppe F. Italiano: Efficient Splitting and Merging Algorithms for Order Decomposable Problems (Extended Abstract). ICALP 1997: 605-615
14EELars Arge, Paolo Ferragina, Roberto Grossi, Jeffrey Scott Vitter: On Sorting Strings in External Memory (Extended Abstract). STOC 1997: 540-548
13 Raffaele Giancarlo, Roberto Grossi: Multi-Dimensional Pattern Matching with Dimensional Wildcards: Data Structures and Optimal On-Line Search Algorithms. J. Algorithms 24(2): 223-265 (1997)
12 Paolo Ferragina, Roberto Grossi: Fast String Searching in Secondary Storage: Theoretical Developments And Experimental Results. SODA 1996: 373-382
11 Raffaele Giancarlo, Roberto Grossi: On the Construction of Classes of Suffix Trees for Square Matrices: Algorithms and Applications. Inf. Comput. 130(2): 151-182 (1996)
10 Raffaele Giancarlo, Roberto Grossi: Multi-Dimensional Pattern Matching with Dimensional Wildcards. CPM 1995: 90-101
9 Paolo Ferragina, Roberto Grossi: Optimal On-Line Search and Sublinear Time Update in String Matching. FOCS 1995: 604-612
8 Raffaele Giancarlo, Roberto Grossi: On the Construction of Classes of Suffix Trees for Square Matrices: Algorithms and Applications. ICALP 1995: 111-122
7 Paolo Ferragina, Roberto Grossi: Fast Incremental Text Editing. SODA 1995: 531-540
6EEPaolo Ferragina, Roberto Grossi: A fully-dynamic data structure for external substring search (Extended Abstract). STOC 1995: 693-702
5EERaffaele Giancarlo, Roberto Grossi: Parallel Construction and Query of Suffix Trees for Two-Dimensional Matrices. SPAA 1993: 86-97
4 Roberto Grossi: On Finding Commong Subtrees. Theor. Comput. Sci. 108(2): 345-356 (1993)
3 Roberto Grossi: A Note on the Subtree Isomorphism for Ordered Trees and Related Problems. Inf. Process. Lett. 39(2): 81-84 (1991)
2 Roberto Grossi: Further Comments on the Subtree Isomorphism for Ordered Trees. Inf. Process. Lett. 40(5): 255-256 (1991)
1 Roberto Grossi, Fabrizio Luccio: Simple and Efficient String Matching with k Mismatches. Inf. Process. Lett. 33(3): 113-120 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Lars Arge [14]
2Alessandro Bellini [25]
3Iwona Bialynicka-Birula [49] [54]
4Pierluigi Crescenzi (Pilu Crescenzi) [27] [29] [33] [34]
5Maxime Crochemore [38] [45] [47]
6Leandro Dardini [27]
7Chiara Epifanio [45]
8Paolo Ferragina [6] [7] [9] [12] [14] [16] [17] [18] [22] [23] [51] [58]
9Luca Foschini [44] [53]
10Gianni Franceschini [32] [35] [37] [39] [40] [42] [43] [50] [52] [57] [60] [62]
11Filippo Geraci [48]
12Raffaele Giancarlo [5] [8] [10] [11] [13] [21]
13Alexander Golynski [56]
14Fabio Gori [25]
15Marco Guarducci [25]
16Ankur Gupta [36] [41] [44] [53] [56] [58]
17Giuseppe F. Italiano [15] [24] [26] [34]
18Elena Lodi [19] [29] [33]
19Fabrizio Luccio [1] [51]
20Alberto Del Lungo [25] [29] [33]
21Filippo Mignosi [45]
22Manuela Montangero [16] [17]
23J. Ian Munro [32] [40]
24S. Muthukrishnan (S. Muthu Muthukrishnan) [60] [62]
25Alessio Orlandi [59] [61]
26Linda Pagli [29] [32] [33] [40]
27Andrea Pietracaprina [20] [30]
28Nadia Pisanti [38] [47]
29Geppino Pucci [20] [30]
30Rajeev Raman [56] [59] [61]
31S. Srinivasa Rao (Srinivasa Rao Satti) [56] [59] [61]
32Gianluca Rossi [29] [33]
33Kunihiko Sadakane [55]
34Marie-France Sagot [38] [47]
35Rahul Shah [58]
36Jeffrey Scott Vitter [14] [28] [31] [36] [41] [44] [46] [53] [58]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)