2009 |
185 | EE | Tal Moran,
Moni Naor,
Gil Segev:
An Optimally Fair Coin Toss.
TCC 2009: 1-18 |
184 | EE | Cynthia Dwork,
Moni Naor,
Guy N. Rothblum,
Vinod Vaikuntanathan:
How Efficient Can Memory Checking Be?.
TCC 2009: 503-520 |
183 | EE | Yuriy Arbitman,
Moni Naor,
Gil Segev:
De-amortized Cuckoo Hashing: Provable Worst-Case Performance and Experimental Results
CoRR abs/0903.0391: (2009) |
182 | EE | Moni Naor,
Guy N. Rothblum:
The complexity of online memory checking.
J. ACM 56(1): (2009) |
2008 |
181 | EE | Dan Boneh,
Moni Naor:
Traitor tracing with constant size ciphertext.
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2008: 501-510 |
180 | EE | Moshe Babaioff,
Liad Blumrosen,
Moni Naor,
Michael Schapira:
Informational overhead of incentive compatibility.
ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2008: 88-97 |
179 | EE | Moni Naor,
Gil Segev,
Udi Wieder:
History-Independent Cuckoo Hashing.
ICALP (2) 2008: 631-642 |
178 | EE | Gillat Kol,
Moni Naor:
Games for exchanging information.
STOC 2008: 423-432 |
177 | EE | Ilya Mironov,
Moni Naor,
Gil Segev:
Sketching in adversarial environments.
STOC 2008: 651-660 |
176 | EE | Gillat Kol,
Moni Naor:
Cryptography and Game Theory: Designing Protocols for Exchanging Information.
TCC 2008: 320-339 |
175 | EE | Moni Naor,
Gil Segev,
Adam Smith:
Tight Bounds for Unconditional Authentication Protocols in the Manual Channel and Shared Key Models.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(6): 2408-2425 (2008) |
2007 |
174 | | Moni Naor:
Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2007, 26th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Barcelona, Spain, May 20-24, 2007, Proceedings
Springer 2007 |
173 | EE | Tal Moran,
Moni Naor:
Split-ballot voting: everlasting privacy with distributed trust.
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2007: 246-255 |
172 | EE | Moni Naor,
Asaf Nussboim:
Implementing Huge Sparse Random Graphs.
APPROX-RANDOM 2007: 596-608 |
171 | EE | Ronen Gradwohl,
Moni Naor,
Benny Pinkas,
Guy N. Rothblum:
Cryptographic and Physical Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems for Solutions of Sudoku Puzzles.
FUN 2007: 166-182 |
170 | EE | Tal Moran,
Moni Naor,
Gil Segev:
Deterministic History-Independent Strategies for Storing Information on Write-Once Memories.
ICALP 2007: 303-315 |
169 | EE | Moni Naor,
Udi Wieder:
Novel architectures for P2P applications: The continuous-discrete approach.
ACM Transactions on Algorithms 3(3): (2007) |
168 | EE | Cynthia Dwork,
Moni Naor:
Zaps and Their Applications.
SIAM J. Comput. 36(6): 1513-1543 (2007) |
2006 |
167 | EE | Moni Naor,
Gil Segev,
Adam Smith:
Tight Bounds for Unconditional Authentication Protocols in the Manual Channel and Shared Key Models.
CRYPTO 2006: 214-231 |
166 | EE | Tal Moran,
Moni Naor:
Receipt-Free Universally-Verifiable Voting with Everlasting Privacy.
CRYPTO 2006: 373-392 |
165 | EE | Cynthia Dwork,
Krishnaram Kenthapadi,
Frank McSherry,
Ilya Mironov,
Moni Naor:
Our Data, Ourselves: Privacy Via Distributed Noise Generation.
EUROCRYPT 2006: 486-503 |
164 | EE | Tal Moran,
Moni Naor:
Polling with Physical Envelopes: A Rigorous Analysis of a Human-Centric Protocol.
EUROCRYPT 2006: 88-108 |
163 | EE | Danny Harnik,
Moni Naor:
On the Compressibility of NP Instances and Cryptographic Applications.
FOCS 2006: 719-728 |
162 | EE | Danny Harnik,
Moni Naor:
On Everlasting Security in the Hybrid Bounded Storage Model.
ICALP (2) 2006: 192-203 |
161 | EE | Moni Naor,
Guy N. Rothblum:
Learning to impersonate.
ICML 2006: 649-656 |
160 | EE | Eyal Kaplan,
Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold:
Derandomized Constructions of k-Wise (Almost) Independent Permutations
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(002): (2006) |
159 | EE | Danny Harnik,
Moni Naor:
On the Compressibility of NP Instances and Cryptographic Applications.
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 13(022): (2006) |
158 | EE | Moni Naor,
Guy N. Rothblum:
The Complexity of Online Memory Checking.
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 13(034): (2006) |
157 | EE | Danny Harnik,
Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold,
Alon Rosen:
Completeness in Two-Party Secure Computation: A Computational View.
J. Cryptology 19(4): 521-552 (2006) |
156 | EE | Moni Naor,
Benny Pinkas:
Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation.
SIAM J. Comput. 35(5): 1254-1281 (2006) |
2005 |
155 | EE | Eyal Kaplan,
Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold:
Derandomized Constructions of k-Wise (Almost) Independent Permutations.
APPROX-RANDOM 2005: 354-365 |
154 | EE | Cynthia Dwork,
Moni Naor,
Hoeteck Wee:
Pebbling and Proofs of Work.
CRYPTO 2005: 37-54 |
153 | EE | Uri Nadav,
Moni Naor:
The Dynamic And-Or Quorum System.
DISC 2005: 472-486 |
152 | EE | Danny Harnik,
Joe Kilian,
Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold,
Alon Rosen:
On Robust Combiners for Oblivious Transfer and Other Primitives.
EUROCRYPT 2005: 96-113 |
151 | EE | Moni Naor,
Guy N. Rothblum:
The Complexity of Online Memory Checking.
FOCS 2005: 573-584 |
150 | EE | Tal Moran,
Moni Naor:
Basing Cryptographic Protocols on Tamper-Evident Seals.
ICALP 2005: 285-297 |
149 | EE | Moni Naor,
Asaf Nussboim,
Eran Tromer:
Efficiently Constructible Huge Graphs That Preserve First Order Properties of Random Graphs.
TCC 2005: 66-85 |
148 | EE | Moni Naor,
Udi Wieder:
Scalable and dynamic quorum systems.
Distributed Computing 17(4): 311-322 (2005) |
147 | EE | Moni Naor:
On fairness in the carpool problem.
J. Algorithms 55(1): 93-98 (2005) |
146 | EE | Moni Naor,
Benny Pinkas:
Computationally Secure Oblivious Transfer.
J. Cryptology 18(1): 1-35 (2005) |
2004 |
145 | | Moni Naor:
Theory of Cryptography, First Theory of Cryptography Conference, TCC 2004, Cambridge, MA, USA, February 19-21, 2004, Proceedings
Springer 2004 |
144 | EE | Uri Nadav,
Moni Naor:
Fault-Tolerant Storage in a Dynamic Environment.
DISC 2004: 390-404 |
143 | EE | Cynthia Dwork,
Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold:
Immunizing Encryption Schemes from Decryption Errors.
EUROCRYPT 2004: 342-360 |
142 | EE | Moni Naor,
Udi Wieder:
Know Thy Neighbor's Neighbor: Better Routing for Skip-Graphs and Small Worlds.
IPTPS 2004: 269-277 |
141 | EE | Danny Harnik,
Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold,
Alon Rosen:
Completeness in two-party secure computation: a computational view.
STOC 2004: 252-261 |
140 | EE | Gurmeet Singh Manku,
Moni Naor,
Udi Wieder:
Know thy neighbor's neighbor: the power of lookahead in randomized P2P networks.
STOC 2004: 54-63 |
139 | EE | Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold:
Number-theoretic constructions of efficient pseudo-random functions.
J. ACM 51(2): 231-262 (2004) |
138 | EE | Cynthia Dwork,
Moni Naor,
Amit Sahai:
Concurrent zero-knowledge.
J. ACM 51(6): 851-898 (2004) |
2003 |
137 | EE | Cynthia Dwork,
Andrew Goldberg,
Moni Naor:
On Memory-Bound Functions for Fighting Spam.
CRYPTO 2003: 426-444 |
136 | EE | Moni Naor:
On Cryptographic Assumptions and Challenges.
CRYPTO 2003: 96-109 |
135 | EE | Moni Naor:
Moderately Hard Functions: From Complexity to Spam Fighting.
FSTTCS 2003: 434-442 |
134 | EE | Moni Naor,
Udi Wieder:
A Simple Fault Tolerant Distributed Hash Table.
IPTPS 2003: 88-97 |
133 | EE | Moni Naor,
Udi Wieder:
Scalable and dynamic quorum systems.
PODC 2003: 114-122 |
132 | EE | Moni Naor,
Udi Wieder:
Novel architectures for P2P applications: the continuous-discrete approach.
SPAA 2003: 50-59 |
131 | EE | Danny Harnik,
Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold,
Alon Rosen:
Completeness in Two-Party Secure Computation - A Computational View
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(060): (2003) |
130 | EE | Dalit Naor,
Moni Naor:
Protecting Cryptographic Keys: The Trace-and-Revoke Approach.
IEEE Computer 36(7): 47-53 (2003) |
129 | EE | Cynthia Dwork,
Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold,
Larry J. Stockmeyer:
Magic Functions.
J. ACM 50(6): 852-921 (2003) |
128 | EE | Ronald Fagin,
Amnon Lotem,
Moni Naor:
Optimal aggregation algorithms for middleware.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 66(4): 614-656 (2003) |
2002 |
127 | EE | Moni Naor:
Deniable Ring Authentication.
CRYPTO 2002: 481-498 |
126 | EE | Dahlia Malkhi,
Moni Naor,
David Ratajczak:
Viceroy: a scalable and dynamic emulation of the butterfly.
PODC 2002: 183-192 |
125 | EE | Ronald Fagin,
Amnon Lotem,
Moni Naor:
Optimal Aggregation Algorithms for Middleware
CoRR cs.DB/0204046: (2002) |
124 | EE | Cynthia Dwork,
Moni Naor:
Zaps and Their Applications
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(001): (2002) |
123 | EE | Dalit Naor,
Moni Naor,
Jeffery Lotspiech:
Revocation and Tracing Schemes for Stateless Receivers
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(043): (2002) |
122 | EE | Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold:
Constructing Pseudo-Random Permutations with a Prescribed Structure.
J. Cryptology 15(2): 97-102 (2002) |
121 | EE | Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold,
Alon Rosen:
Pseudorandom Functions and Factoring.
SIAM J. Comput. 31(5): 1383-1404 (2002) |
2001 |
120 | EE | Dalit Naor,
Moni Naor,
Jeffery Lotspiech:
Revocation and Tracing Schemes for Stateless Receivers.
CRYPTO 2001: 41-62 |
119 | EE | Ronald Fagin,
Amnon Lotem,
Moni Naor:
Optimal Aggregation Algorithms for Middleware.
PODS 2001 |
118 | EE | Moni Naor,
Benny Pinkas:
Efficient oblivious transfer protocols.
SODA 2001: 448-457 |
117 | EE | Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold:
Constructing pseudo-random permutations with a prescribed structure.
SODA 2001: 458-459 |
116 | EE | Moni Naor,
Vanessa Teague:
Anti-presistence: history independent data structures.
STOC 2001: 492-501 |
115 | EE | Moni Naor,
Kobbi Nissim:
Communication preserving protocols for secure function evaluation.
STOC 2001: 590-599 |
114 | EE | Cynthia Dwork,
Ravi Kumar,
Moni Naor,
D. Sivakumar:
Rank aggregation methods for the Web.
WWW 2001: 613-622 |
113 | EE | Moni Naor,
Kobbi Nissim:
Communication Complexity and Secure Function Evaluation
CoRR cs.CR/0109011: (2001) |
112 | EE | Moni Naor,
Kobbi Nissim:
Communication Complexity and Secure Function Evaluation
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 8(062): (2001) |
111 | EE | Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold,
Alon Rosen:
Pseudo-Random Functions and Factoring
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 8(064): (2001) |
110 | | Moni Naor,
Sitvanit Ruah:
On the Decisional Complexity of Problems Over the Reals.
Inf. Comput. 167(1): 27-45 (2001) |
2000 |
109 | EE | Moni Naor,
Benny Pinkas:
Distributed Oblivious Transfer.
ASIACRYPT 2000: 205-219 |
108 | EE | Dan Boneh,
Moni Naor:
Timed Commitments.
CRYPTO 2000: 236-254 |
107 | | Cynthia Dwork,
Moni Naor:
Zaps and Their Applications.
FOCS 2000: 283-293 |
106 | EE | Moni Naor,
Benny Pinkas:
Efficient Trace and Revoke Schemes.
Financial Cryptography 2000: 1-20 |
105 | EE | Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold,
Alon Rosen:
Pseudo-random functions and factoring (extended abstract).
STOC 2000: 11-20 |
104 | | Benny Chor,
Amos Fiat,
Moni Naor,
Benny Pinkas:
Tracing traitors.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46(3): 893-910 (2000) |
103 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Moni Naor:
Visual cryptography for grey level images.
Inf. Process. Lett. 75(6): 255-259 (2000) |
102 | | Danny Dolev,
Cynthia Dwork,
Moni Naor:
Nonmalleable Cryptography.
SIAM J. Comput. 30(2): 391-437 (2000) |
1999 |
101 | EE | Moni Naor,
Benny Pinkas,
Reuban Sumner:
Privacy preserving auctions and mechanism design.
ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 1999: 129-139 |
100 | EE | Moni Naor,
Benny Pinkas:
Oblivious Transfer with Adaptive Queries.
CRYPTO 1999: 573-590 |
99 | EE | Moni Naor,
Benny Pinkas,
Omer Reingold:
Distributed Pseudo-random Functions and KDCs.
EUROCRYPT 1999: 327-346 |
98 | EE | Cynthia Dwork,
Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold,
Larry J. Stockmeyer:
Magic Functions.
FOCS 1999: 523-534 |
97 | | Ran Canetti,
Juan A. Garay,
Gene Itkis,
Daniele Micciancio,
Moni Naor,
Benny Pinkas:
Multicast Security: A Taxonomy and Some Efficient Constructions.
INFOCOM 1999: 708-716 |
96 | EE | Matt Blaze,
Joan Feigenbaum,
Moni Naor:
A Formal Treatment of Remotely Keyed Encryption.
SODA 1999: 868-869 |
95 | EE | Moni Naor,
Benny Pinkas:
Oblivious Transfer and Polynomial Evaluation.
STOC 1999: 245-254 |
94 | | Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold:
Synthesizers and Their Application to the Parallel Construction of Pseudo-Random Functions.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 58(2): 336-375 (1999) |
93 | EE | Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold:
On the Construction of Pseudorandom Permutations: Luby-Rackoff Revisited.
J. Cryptology 12(1): 29-66 (1999) |
92 | | Amos Fiat,
Moni Naor:
Rigorous Time/Space Trade-offs for Inverting Functions.
SIAM J. Comput. 29(3): 790-803 (1999) |
1998 |
91 | EE | Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold:
From Unpredictability to Indistinguishability: A Simple Construction of Pseudo-Random Functions from MACs (Extended Abstract).
CRYPTO 1998: 267-282 |
90 | EE | Moni Naor,
Benny Pinkas:
Threshold Traitor Tracing.
CRYPTO 1998: 502-517 |
89 | EE | Matt Blaze,
Joan Feigenbaum,
Moni Naor:
A Formal Treatment of Remotely Keyed Encryption.
EUROCRYPT 1998: 251-265 |
88 | EE | Moni Naor,
Benny Pinkas:
Secure and Efficient Metering.
EUROCRYPT 1998: 576-590 |
87 | EE | Cynthia Dwork,
Moni Naor,
Amit Sahai:
Concurrent Zero-Knowledge.
STOC 1998: 409-418 |
86 | EE | Moni Naor,
Benny Pinkas:
Secure Accounting and Auditing on the Web.
Computer Networks 30(1-7): 541-550 (1998) |
85 | EE | Moni Naor,
Avishai Wool:
Access Control and Signatures via Quorum Secret Sharing.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 9(9): 909-922 (1998) |
84 | | Miklós Ajtai,
James Aspnes,
Moni Naor,
Yuval Rabani,
Leonard J. Schulman,
Orli Waarts:
Fairness in Scheduling
J. Algorithms 29(2): 306-357 (1998) |
83 | EE | Moni Naor,
Rafail Ostrovsky,
Ramarathnam Venkatesan,
Moti Yung:
Perfect Zero-Knowledge Arguments for NP Using Any One-Way Permutation.
J. Cryptology 11(2): 87-108 (1998) |
82 | EE | Cynthia Dwork,
Moni Naor:
An Efficient Existentially Unforgeable Signature Scheme and Its Applications.
J. Cryptology 11(3): 187-208 (1998) |
81 | | Moni Naor,
Avishai Wool:
The Load, Capacity, and Availability of Quorum Systems.
SIAM J. Comput. 27(2): 423-447 (1998) |
1997 |
80 | EE | Moni Naor,
Benny Pinkas:
Visual Authentication and Identification.
CRYPTO 1997: 322-336 |
79 | EE | Ran Canetti,
Cynthia Dwork,
Moni Naor,
Rafail Ostrovsky:
Deniable Encryption.
CRYPTO 1997: 90-104 |
78 | EE | Mihir Bellare,
Russell Impagliazzo,
Moni Naor:
Does Parallel Repetition Lower the Error in Computationally Sound Protocols?
FOCS 1997: 374-383 |
77 | EE | Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold:
Number-theoretic Constructions of Efficient Pseudo-random Functions.
FOCS 1997: 458-467 |
76 | EE | Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold:
On the Construction of Pseudo-Random Permutations: Luby-Rackoff Revisited (Extended Abstract).
STOC 1997: 189-199 |
75 | EE | Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold:
On the Construction of Pseudo-Random Permutations: Luby-Rackoff Revisited
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 4(5): (1997) |
1996 |
74 | EE | Moni Naor,
Avishai Wool:
Access Control and Signatures via Quorum Secret Sharing.
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 1996: 157-168 |
73 | | Moni Naor,
Sitvanit Ruah:
On the Decisional Complexity of Problems Over the Reals.
ISTCS 1996: 176-187 |
72 | EE | Cynthia Dwork,
Jeffrey B. Lotspiech,
Moni Naor:
Digital Signets: Self-Enforcing Protection of Digital Information (Preliminary Version).
STOC 1996: 489-498 |
71 | EE | Ran Canetti,
Uriel Feige,
Oded Goldreich,
Moni Naor:
Adaptively Secure Multi-Party Computation.
STOC 1996: 639-648 |
70 | EE | Moni Naor:
Evaluation May Be Easier Than Generation (Extended Abstract).
STOC 1996: 74-83 |
69 | | Moni Naor,
Adi Shamir:
Visual Cryptography II: Improving the Contrast Via the Cover Base.
Security Protocols Workshop 1996: 197-202 |
68 | | Noga Alon,
Moni Naor:
Derandomization, Witnesses for Boolean Matrix Multiplication and Construction of Perfect Hash Functions.
Algorithmica 16(4/5): 434-449 (1996) |
67 | | Ronald Fagin,
Moni Naor,
Peter Winkler:
Comparing Information Without Leaking It.
Commun. ACM 39(5): 77-85 (1996) |
66 | | Russell Impagliazzo,
Moni Naor:
Efficient Cryptographic Schemes Provably as Secure as Subset Sum.
J. Cryptology 9(4): 199-216 (1996) |
1995 |
65 | | Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold:
Synthesizers and Their Application to the Parallel Construction of Psuedo-Random Functions.
FOCS 1995: 170-181 |
64 | | Moni Naor,
Leonard J. Schulman,
Aravind Srinivasan:
Splitters and Near-Optimal Derandomization.
FOCS 1995: 182-191 |
63 | | Joe Kilian,
Moni Naor:
On the Complexity of Statistical Reasoning (extended abtract).
ISTCS 1995: 209-217 |
62 | | Alain J. Mayer,
Moni Naor,
Larry J. Stockmeyer:
Local Computations on Static and Dynamic Graphs (Preliminary Version).
ISTCS 1995: 268-278 |
61 | | Miklós Ajtai,
James Aspnes,
Moni Naor,
Yuval Rabani,
Leonard J. Schulman,
Orli Waarts:
Fairness in Scheduling.
SODA 1995: 477-485 |
60 | EE | Moni Naor,
Omer Reingold:
Synthesizers and Their Application to the Parallel Construction of Pseudo-random Functions
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 2(45): (1995) |
59 | | Moni Naor,
Ron M. Roth:
Optimal File Sharing in Distributed Networks.
SIAM J. Comput. 24(1): 158-183 (1995) |
58 | | Tomás Feder,
Eyal Kushilevitz,
Moni Naor,
Noam Nisan:
Amortized Communication Complexity.
SIAM J. Comput. 24(4): 736-750 (1995) |
57 | | Moni Naor,
Larry J. Stockmeyer:
What Can be Computed Locally?
SIAM J. Comput. 24(6): 1259-1277 (1995) |
56 | EE | László Lovász,
Moni Naor,
Ilan Newman,
Avi Wigderson:
Search Problems in the Decision Tree Model.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 8(1): 119-132 (1995) |
1994 |
55 | EE | Cynthia Dwork,
Moni Naor:
An Efficient Existentially Unforgeable Signature Scheme and its Applications.
CRYPTO 1994: 234-246 |
54 | EE | Benny Chor,
Amos Fiat,
Moni Naor:
Tracing Traitors.
CRYPTO 1994: 257-270 |
53 | EE | Moni Naor,
Adi Shamir:
Visual Cryptography.
EUROCRYPT 1994: 1-12 |
52 | | Moni Naor,
Avishai Wool:
The Load, Capacity and Availability of Quorum Systems
FOCS 1994: 214-225 |
51 | | Noga Alon,
Manuel Blum,
Amos Fiat,
Sampath Kannan,
Moni Naor,
Rafail Ostrovsky:
Matching Nuts and Bolts.
SODA 1994: 690-696 |
50 | EE | Uriel Feige,
Joe Kilian,
Moni Naor:
A minimal model for secure computation (extended abstract).
STOC 1994: 554-563 |
49 | | Manuel Blum,
William S. Evans,
Peter Gemmell,
Sampath Kannan,
Moni Naor:
Checking the Correctness of Memories.
Algorithmica 12(2/3): 225-244 (1994) |
48 | | Rajeev Motwani,
Joseph Naor,
Moni Naor:
The Probabilistic Method Yields Deterministic Parallel Algorithms.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 49(3): 478-516 (1994) |
1993 |
47 | EE | Peter Gemmell,
Moni Naor:
Codes for Interactive Authentication.
CRYPTO 1993: 355-367 |
46 | EE | Amos Fiat,
Moni Naor:
Broadcast Encryption.
CRYPTO 1993: 480-491 |
45 | | Nimrod Megiddo,
Moni Naor,
David P. Anderson:
The Minimum Reservation Rate Problem in Digital Audio/Video Systems.
ISTCS 1993: 43-48 |
44 | EE | Moni Naor,
Larry J. Stockmeyer:
What can be computed locally?
STOC 1993: 184-193 |
43 | | Moni Naor,
Alon Orlitsky,
Peter W. Shor:
Three results on interactive communication.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 39(5): 1608-1615 (1993) |
42 | | David Feldman,
Russell Impagliazzo,
Moni Naor,
Noam Nisan,
Steven Rudich,
Adi Shamir:
On Dice and Coins: Models of Computation for Random Generation
Inf. Comput. 104(2): 159-174 (1993) |
41 | | Amos Fiat,
Moni Naor:
Implicit O(1) Probe Search.
SIAM J. Comput. 22(1): 1-10 (1993) |
40 | | Noga Alon,
Moni Naor:
Coin-Flipping Games Immune Against Linear-Sized Coalitions.
SIAM J. Comput. 22(2): 403-417 (1993) |
39 | | Joseph Naor,
Moni Naor:
Small-Bias Probability Spaces: Efficient Constructions and Applications.
SIAM J. Comput. 22(4): 838-856 (1993) |
1992 |
38 | EE | Cynthia Dwork,
Moni Naor:
Pricing via Processing or Combatting Junk Mail.
CRYPTO 1992: 139-147 |
37 | EE | Moni Naor,
Rafail Ostrovsky,
Ramarathnam Venkatesan,
Moti Yung:
Perfect Zero-Knowledge Arguments for NP Can Be Based on General Complexity Assumptions (Extended Abstract).
CRYPTO 1992: 196-214 |
36 | EE | Cynthia Dwork,
Uriel Feige,
Joe Kilian,
Moni Naor,
Shmuel Safra:
Low Communication 2-Prover Zero-Knowledge Proofs for NP.
CRYPTO 1992: 215-227 |
35 | | Noga Alon,
Zvi Galil,
Oded Margalit,
Moni Naor:
Witnesses for Boolean Matrix Multiplication and for Shortest Paths
FOCS 1992: 417-426 |
34 | | Miklós Ajtai,
Noga Alon,
Jehoshua Bruck,
Robert Cypher,
Ching-Tien Ho,
Moni Naor,
Endre Szemerédi:
Fault Tolerant Graphs, Perfect Hash Functions and Disjoint Paths
FOCS 1992: 693-702 |
33 | | Noga Alon,
Jehoshua Bruck,
Joseph Naor,
Moni Naor,
Ron M. Roth:
Construction of asymptotically good low-rate error-correcting codes through pseudo-random graphs.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 38(2): 509- (1992) |
32 | EE | Amos Fiat,
Moni Naor,
Jeanette P. Schmidt,
Alan Siegel:
Nonoblivious Hashing.
J. ACM 39(4): 764-782 (1992) |
31 | | Sandy Irani,
Moni Naor,
Ronitt Rubinfeld:
On the Time and Space Complexity of Computation Using Write-Once Memory Or Is Pen Really Much Worse Than Pencil?
Mathematical Systems Theory 25(2): 141-159 (1992) |
30 | | Sampath Kannan,
Moni Naor,
Steven Rudich:
Implicit Representation of Graphs.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 5(4): 596-603 (1992) |
1991 |
29 | | Tomás Feder,
Eyal Kushilevitz,
Moni Naor:
Amortized Communication Complexity (Preliminary Version)
FOCS 1991: 239-248 |
28 | | Moni Naor,
Ron M. Roth:
Optimal File Sharing in Distributed Networks (Preliminary Version)
FOCS 1991: 515-525 |
27 | | László Lovász,
Moni Naor,
Ilan Newman,
Avi Wigderson:
Search Problems in the Decision Tree Model (Preliminary Version)
FOCS 1991: 576-585 |
26 | | Manuel Blum,
William S. Evans,
Peter Gemmell,
Sampath Kannan,
Moni Naor:
Checking the Correctness of Memories
FOCS 1991: 90-99 |
25 | | Moni Naor:
String Matching with Preprocessing of Text and Pattern.
ICALP 1991: 739-750 |
24 | | Amos Fiat,
Moni Naor:
Rigorous Time/Space Tradeoffs for Inverting Functions
STOC 1991: 534-541 |
23 | | Danny Dolev,
Cynthia Dwork,
Moni Naor:
Non-Malleable Cryptography (Extended Abstract)
STOC 1991: 542-552 |
22 | | Amos Fiat,
J. Ian Munro,
Moni Naor,
Alejandro A. Schäffer,
Jeanette P. Schmidt,
Alan Siegel:
An Implicit Data Structure for Searching a Multikey Table in Logarithmic Time.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 43(3): 406-424 (1991) |
21 | | Moni Naor:
Bit Commitment Using Pseudorandomness.
J. Cryptology 4(2): 151-158 (1991) |
20 | | Moni Naor:
A Lower Bound on Probabilistic Algorithms for Distributive Ring Coloring.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 4(3): 409-412 (1991) |
1990 |
19 | | Noga Alon,
Moni Naor:
Coin-Flipping Games Immune against Linear-Sized Coalitions (Extended Abstract)
FOCS 1990: 46-54 |
18 | | Joseph Naor,
Moni Naor:
Small-bias Probability Spaces: Efficient Constructions and Applications
STOC 1990: 213-223 |
17 | | Moni Naor,
Moti Yung:
Public-key Cryptosystems Provably Secure against Chosen Ciphertext Attacks
STOC 1990: 427-437 |
16 | EE | Moni Naor:
Succinct representation of general unlabeled graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 28(3): 303-307 (1990) |
15 | | Amotz Bar-Noy,
Joseph Naor,
Moni Naor:
One-Bit Algorithms.
Distributed Computing 4: 3-8 (1990) |
14 | | Jehoshua Bruck,
Moni Naor:
The hardness of decoding linear codes with preprocessing.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 36(2): 381-385 (1990) |
1989 |
13 | EE | Moni Naor:
Bit Commitment Using Pseudo-Randomness.
CRYPTO 1989: 128-136 |
12 | | Russell Impagliazzo,
Moni Naor:
Efficient Cryptographic Schemes Provably as Secure as Subset Sum
FOCS 1989: 236-241 |
11 | | Rajeev Motwani,
Joseph Naor,
Moni Naor:
The Probabilistic Method Yields Deterministic Parallel Algorithms
FOCS 1989: 8-13 |
10 | | David Feldman,
Russell Impagliazzo,
Moni Naor,
Noam Nisan,
Steven Rudich,
Adi Shamir:
On Dice and Coins: Models of Computation for Random Generation.
ICALP 1989: 319-340 |
9 | | Moni Naor,
Moti Yung:
Universal One-Way Hash Functions and their Cryptographic Applications
STOC 1989: 33-43 |
8 | | Amos Fiat,
Moni Naor:
Implicit O(1) Probe Search
STOC 1989: 336-344 |
7 | | Joseph Naor,
Moni Naor,
Alejandro A. Schäffer:
Fast Parallel Algorithms for Chordal Graphs.
SIAM J. Comput. 18(2): 327-349 (1989) |
1988 |
6 | EE | David Chaum,
Amos Fiat,
Moni Naor:
Untraceable Electronic Cash.
CRYPTO 1988: 319-327 |
5 | EE | Amotz Bar-Noy,
Joseph Naor,
Moni Naor:
One Bit Algorithms.
PODC 1988: 66-76 |
4 | | Sampath Kannan,
Moni Naor,
Steven Rudich:
Implicit Representation of Graphs
STOC 1988: 334-343 |
3 | | Amos Fiat,
Moni Naor,
Alejandro A. Schäffer,
Jeanette P. Schmidt,
Alan Siegel:
Storing and Searching a Multikey Table (Extended Abstract)
STOC 1988: 344-353 |
2 | | Amos Fiat,
Moni Naor,
Jeanette P. Schmidt,
Alan Siegel:
Non-Oblivious Hashing (Extended Abstract)
STOC 1988: 367-376 |
1987 |
1 | | Joseph Naor,
Moni Naor,
Alejandro A. Schäffer:
Fast Parallel Algorithms for Chordal Graphs (Extended Abstract)
STOC 1987: 355-364 |