8. ESA 2000: Saarbrücken, Germany
Mike Paterson (Ed.):
Algorithms - ESA 2000, 8th Annual European Symposium, Saarbrücken, Germany, September 5-8, 2000, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1879 Springer 2000, ISBN 3-540-41004-X BibTeX
editor = {Mike Paterson},
title = {Algorithms - ESA 2000, 8th Annual European Symposium, Saarbr{\"u}cken,
Germany, September 5-8, 2000, Proceedings},
booktitle = {ESA},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {1879},
year = {2000},
isbn = {3-540-41004-X},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Invited Papers
Contributed Papers
- Pankaj K. Agarwal, Eyal Flato, Dan Halperin:
Polygon Decomposition for Efficient Construction of Minkowski Sums.
20-31 BibTeX
- Alexander A. Ageev, Maxim Sviridenko:
An Approximation Algorithm for Hypergraph Max k-Cut with Given Sizes of Parts.
32-41 BibTeX
- Christoph Ambühl:
Offline List Update is NP-Hard.
42-51 BibTeX
- Christoph Ambühl, Samarjit Chakraborty, Bernd Gärtner:
Computing Largest Common Point Sets under Approximate Congruence.
52-63 BibTeX
- Matthew Andrews, Kamesh Munagala:
Online Algorithms for Caching Multimedia Streams.
64-75 BibTeX
- Lali Barrière, Pierre Fraigniaud, Cyril Gavoille, Bernard Mans, John Michael Robson:
On Recognizing Cayley Graphs.
76-87 BibTeX
- András A. Benczúr, Ottilia Fülöp:
Fast Algorithms for Even/Odd Minimum Cuts and Generalizations.
88-99 BibTeX
- Sergei Bespamyatnikh, Binay K. Bhattacharya, J. Mark Keil, David G. Kirkpatrick, Michael Segal:
Efficient Algorithms for Centers and Medians in Interval and Circular-Arc Graphs.
100-111 BibTeX
- Peter Brass:
Exact Point Pattern Matching and the Number of Congruent Triangles in a Three-Dimensional Pointset.
112-119 BibTeX
- Adam L. Buchsbaum, Michael T. Goodrich, Jeffery Westbrook:
Range Searching Over Tree Cross Products.
120-131 BibTeX
- Robert D. Carr, Toshihiro Fujito, Goran Konjevod, Ojas Parekh:
A 2 1/10-Approximation Algorithm for a Generalization of the Weighted Edge-Dominating Set Problem.
132-142 BibTeX
- Andrea E. F. Clementi, Afonso Ferreira, Paolo Penna, Stephane Perennes, Riccardo Silvestri:
The Minimum Range Assignment Problem on Linear Radio Networks.
143-154 BibTeX
- Artur Czumaj, Christian Sohler, Martin Ziegler:
Property Testing in Computational Geometry.
155-166 BibTeX
- Mark de Berg, Joachim Gudmundsson, Mikael Hammar, Mark H. Overmars:
On R-trees with Low Stabbing Number.
167-178 BibTeX
- Matthew Dickerson, Christian A. Duncan, Michael T. Goodrich:
K-D Trees Are Better when Cut on the Longest Side.
179-190 BibTeX
- Michele Flammini, Gaia Nicosia:
On Multicriteria Online Problems.
191-201 BibTeX
- Rudolf Fleischer, Michaela Wahl:
Online Scheduling Revisited.
202-210 BibTeX
- Daya Ram Gaur, Toshihide Ibaraki, Ramesh Krishnamurti:
Constan Ratio Approximation Algorithms for the Rectangle Stabbing Problem and the Rectilinear Partitioning Problem.
211-219 BibTeX
- Sathish Govindarajan, Tamás Lukovszki, Anil Maheshwari, Norbert Zeh:
I/O-Efficient Well-Separated Pair Decomposition and Its Applications.
220-231 BibTeX
- Joachim Gudmundsson, Mikael Hammar, Marc J. van Kreveld:
Higher Order Delaunay Triangulations.
232-243 BibTeX
- Venkatesan Guruswami, Madhu Sudan:
On Representations of Algebraic-Geometric Codes for List Decoding.
244-255 BibTeX
- Dorit S. Hochbaum, Maurice Queyranne:
Minimizing a Convex Cost Closure Set.
256-267 BibTeX
- Han Hoogeveen, Martin Skutella, Gerhard J. Woeginger:
Preemptive Scheduling with Rejection.
268-277 BibTeX
- Tsan-sheng Hsu:
Simpler and Faster Vertex-Connectivity Augmentation Algorithms.
278-289 BibTeX
- Bala Kalyanasundaram, Kirk Pruhs, Mahendran Velauthapillai:
Scheduling Broadcasts in Wireless Networks.
290-301 BibTeX
- Hisashi Koga:
Jitter Regulation in an Internet Router with Delay Consideration.
302-313 BibTeX
- Jae-Ha Lee, Otfried Cheong, Woo-Cheol Kwon, Sung Yong Shin, Kyung-Yong Chwa:
Approximation of Curvature-Constrained Shortest Paths through a Sequence of Points.
314-325 BibTeX
- Kurt Mehlhorn, Mark Ziegelmann:
Resource Constrained Shortest Paths.
326-337 BibTeX
- J. Ian Munro:
On the Competitiveness of Linear Search.
338-345 BibTeX
- Enrico Nardelli, Guido Proietti, Peter Widmayer:
Maintaining a Minimum Spanning Tree Under Transient Node Failures.
346-355 BibTeX
- Maurizio Pizzonia, Roberto Tamassia:
Minimum Depth Graph Embedding.
356-367 BibTeX
- Zhongping Qin, Alexander Wolff, Yin-Feng Xu, Binhai Zhu:
New Algorithms for Two-Label Point Labeling.
368-379 BibTeX
- Naila Rahman, Rajeev Raman:
Analysing the Cache Behaviour of Non-uniform Distribution Sorting Algorithms.
380-391 BibTeX
- Peter Sanders, Roberto Solis-Oba:
How Helpers Hasten h-Relations.
392-402 BibTeX
- Konstantin Skodinis:
Computing Optimal Linear Layouts of Trees in Linear Time.
403-414 BibTeX
- C. R. Subramanian:
Coloring Sparse Random Graphs in Polynominal Average Time.
415-426 BibTeX
- Marjan van den Akker, Han Hoogeveen, Nodari Vakhania:
Restarts Can Help in the On-Line Minimization of the Maximum Delivery Time on a Single Machine.
427-436 BibTeX
- Yunhong Zhou, Subhash Suri:
Collision Detection Using Bounding Boxes: Convexity Helps.
437-448 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:10:38 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)