2009 |
102 | EE | László Lovász,
Balázs Szegedy:
Contractors and connectors of graph algebras.
Journal of Graph Theory 60(1): 11-30 (2009) |
2008 |
101 | EE | László Lovász:
Some Mathematics behind Graph Property Testing.
ALT 2008: 3 |
100 | EE | László Lovász:
Some Mathematics Behind Graph Property Testing.
Discovery Science 2008: 15 |
99 | EE | László Lovász,
Alexander Schrijver:
Graph parameters and semigroup functions.
Eur. J. Comb. 29(4): 987-1002 (2008) |
98 | EE | László Lovász,
Vera T. Sós:
Generalized quasirandom graphs.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 98(1): 146-163 (2008) |
2007 |
97 | EE | László Lovász:
Approximating Graphs by Graphs and Functions (Abstract).
FCT 2007: 38 |
96 | EE | Kamal Jain,
László Lovász,
Philip A. Chou:
Building scalable and robust peer-to-peer overlay networks for broadcasting using network coding.
Distributed Computing 19(4): 301-311 (2007) |
95 | EE | Jiangzhuo Chen,
Robert D. Kleinberg,
László Lovász,
Rajmohan Rajaraman,
Ravi Sundaram,
Adrian Vetta:
(Almost) Tight bounds and existence theorems for single-commodity confluent flows.
J. ACM 54(4): (2007) |
94 | EE | László Lovász,
Santosh Vempala:
The geometry of logconcave functions and sampling algorithms.
Random Struct. Algorithms 30(3): 307-358 (2007) |
2006 |
93 | EE | László Lovász,
Santosh Vempala:
Fast Algorithms for Logconcave Functions: Sampling, Rounding, Integration and Optimization.
FOCS 2006: 57-68 |
92 | EE | Sanjeev Arora,
László Lovász,
Ilan Newman,
Yuval Rabani,
Yuri Rabinovich,
Santosh Vempala:
Local versus global properties of metric spaces.
SODA 2006: 41-50 |
91 | EE | Christian Borgs,
Jennifer T. Chayes,
László Lovász,
Vera T. Sós,
Balázs Szegedy,
Katalin Vesztergombi:
Graph limits and parameter testing.
STOC 2006: 261-270 |
90 | EE | Ravi Kannan,
László Lovász,
Ravi Montenegro:
Blocking Conductance and Mixing in Random Walks.
Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 15(4): 541-570 (2006) |
89 | EE | Itai Benjamini,
Gady Kozma,
László Lovász,
D. A. N. Romik,
Gábor Tardos:
Waiting for a Bat to Fly By (in Polynomial Time).
Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 15(5): 673-683 (2006) |
88 | EE | László Lovász:
Normal hypergraphs and the perfect graph conjecture.
Discrete Mathematics 306(10-11): 867-875 (2006) |
87 | EE | László Lovász:
The rank of connection matrices and the dimension of graph algebras.
Eur. J. Comb. 27(6): 962-970 (2006) |
86 | EE | Nicholas J. A. Harvey,
Richard E. Ladner,
László Lovász,
Tami Tamir:
Semi-matchings for bipartite graphs and load balancing.
J. Algorithms 59(1): 53-78 (2006) |
85 | EE | László Lovász,
Michael E. Saks:
A localization inequality for set functions.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 113(4): 726-735 (2006) |
84 | EE | László Lovász,
Balázs Szegedy:
Limits of dense graph sequences.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 96(6): 933-957 (2006) |
83 | EE | László Lovász,
Santosh Vempala:
Simulated annealing in convex bodies and an O*(n4) volume algorithm.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 72(2): 392-417 (2006) |
82 | EE | László Lovász,
Santosh Vempala:
Hit-and-Run from a Corner.
SIAM J. Comput. 35(4): 985-1005 (2006) |
81 | EE | Sanjeev Arora,
Béla Bollobás,
László Lovász,
Iannis Tourlakis:
Proving Integrality Gaps without Knowing the Linear Program.
Theory of Computing 2(1): 19-51 (2006) |
2005 |
80 | EE | Kamal Jain,
László Lovász,
Philip A. Chou:
Building scalable and robust peer-to-peer overlay networks for broadcasting using network coding.
PODC 2005: 51-59 |
79 | EE | László Lovász:
Review of the book by Alexander Schrijver: Combinatorial Optimization: Polyhedra and Efficiency.
Oper. Res. Lett. 33(4): 437-440 (2005) |
2004 |
78 | EE | László Lovász,
Santosh Vempala:
Hit-and-run from a corner.
STOC 2004: 310-314 |
77 | EE | Jiangzhuo Chen,
Robert D. Kleinberg,
László Lovász,
Rajmohan Rajaraman,
Ravi Sundaram,
Adrian Vetta:
(Almost) tight bounds and existence theorems for confluent flows.
STOC 2004: 529-538 |
76 | EE | Uriel Feige,
László Lovász,
Prasad Tetali:
Approximating Min Sum Set Cover.
Algorithmica 40(4): 219-234 (2004) |
2003 |
75 | EE | László Lovász,
Santosh Vempala:
Logconcave Functions: Geometry and Efficient Sampling Algorithms
FOCS 2003: 640-649 |
74 | EE | László Lovász,
Santosh Vempala:
Simulated Annealing in Convex Bodies and an 0*(n4) Volume Algorithm.
FOCS 2003: 650- |
73 | EE | Nicholas J. A. Harvey,
Richard E. Ladner,
László Lovász,
Tami Tamir:
Semi-matchings for Bipartite Graphs and Load Balancing.
WADS 2003: 294-308 |
2002 |
72 | EE | Uriel Feige,
László Lovász,
Prasad Tetali:
Approximating Min-sum Set Cover.
APPROX 2002: 94-107 |
71 | EE | Sanjeev Arora,
Béla Bollobás,
László Lovász:
Proving Integrality Gaps without Knowing the Linear Program.
FOCS 2002: 313-322 |
70 | EE | Itai Benjamini,
László Lovász:
Global Information from Local Observation.
FOCS 2002: 701-710 |
69 | EE | László Lovász,
Neal E. Young:
Lecture Notes on Evasiveness of Graph Properties
CoRR cs.CC/0205031: (2002) |
2001 |
68 | EE | László Lipták,
László Lovász:
Critical Facets of the Stable Set Polytope.
Combinatorica 21(1): 61-88 (2001) |
67 | EE | László Lovász:
Energy of Convex Sets, Shortest Paths, and Resistance.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 94(2): 363-382 (2001) |
66 | EE | Noga Alon,
László Lovász:
Unextendible Product Bases.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 95(1): 169-179 (2001) |
65 | EE | László Lovász:
Steinitz Representations of Polyhedra and the Colin de Verdie`re Number.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 82(2): 223-236 (2001) |
2000 |
64 | | Jeff Kahn,
Jeong Han Kim,
László Lovász,
Van H. Vu:
The Cover Time, the Blanket Time, and the Matthews Bound.
FOCS 2000: 467-475 |
1999 |
63 | EE | Fang Chen,
László Lovász,
Igor Pak:
Lifting Markov Chains to Speed up Mixing.
STOC 1999: 275-281 |
62 | EE | László Lovász,
Ravi Kannan:
Faster Mixing via Average Conductance.
STOC 1999: 282-287 |
1998 |
61 | EE | Andreas Brieden,
Peter Gritzmann,
Ravi Kannan,
Victor Klee,
László Lovász,
Miklós Simonovits:
Approximation of Diameters: Randomization Doesn't Help.
FOCS 1998: 244-251 |
60 | | László Lovász,
Peter Winkler:
Reversal of Markov Chains and the Forget Time.
Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 7(2): 189-204 (1998) |
1997 |
59 | | Andrew Kotlov,
László Lovász,
Santosh Vempala:
The Colin de Verdière Number and Sphere Representations of a Graph.
Combinatorica 17(4): 483-521 (1997) |
58 | EE | László Lovász,
János Pach,
Mario Szegedy:
On Conway's Thrackle Conjecture.
Discrete & Computational Geometry 18(4): 369-376 (1997) |
57 | EE | László Lovász:
The Membership Problem in Jump Systems.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 70(1): 45-66 (1997) |
56 | | Ravi Kannan,
László Lovász,
Miklós Simonovits:
Random walks and an O*(n5) volume algorithm for convex bodies.
Random Struct. Algorithms 11(1): 1-50 (1997) |
1996 |
55 | EE | Uriel Feige,
Shafi Goldwasser,
László Lovász,
Shmuel Safra,
Mario Szegedy:
Interactive Proofs and the Hardness of Approximating Cliques.
J. ACM 43(2): 268-292 (1996) |
1995 |
54 | EE | László Lovász,
Peter Winkler:
Efficient stopping rules for Markov chains.
STOC 1995: 76-82 |
53 | EE | László Lovász,
János Pach,
Mario Szegedy:
On Conway's Thrackle Conjecture.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 1995: 147-151 |
52 | | Ravi Kannan,
László Lovász,
Miklós Simonovits:
Isoperimetric Problems for Convex Bodies and a Localization Lemama.
Discrete & Computational Geometry 13: 541-559 (1995) |
51 | EE | László Lovász,
Peter Winkler:
Exact Mixing in an Unknown Markov Chain.
Electr. J. Comb. 2: (1995) |
50 | EE | László Lovász,
Moni Naor,
Ilan Newman,
Avi Wigderson:
Search Problems in the Decision Tree Model.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 8(1): 119-132 (1995) |
1993 |
49 | EE | Judit Csima,
László Lovász:
Dating to Marriage.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 41(3): 269-270 (1993) |
48 | EE | László Lovász,
Ákos Seress:
The Cocycle Lattice of Binary Matroids .
Eur. J. Comb. 14(3): 241-250 (1993) |
47 | | László Lovász,
Michael E. Saks:
Communication Complexity and Combinatorial Lattice Theory.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 47(2): 322-349 (1993) |
46 | | László Lovász,
Miklós Simonovits:
Random Walks in a Convex Body and an Improved Volume Algorithm.
Random Struct. Algorithms 4(4): 359-412 (1993) |
45 | | Narendra Karmarkar,
Richard M. Karp,
Richard J. Lipton,
László Lovász,
Michael Luby:
A Monte-Carlo Algorithm for Estimating the Permanent.
SIAM J. Comput. 22(2): 284-293 (1993) |
1992 |
44 | | László Lovász,
Miklós Simonovits:
On the Randomized Complexity of Volume and Diameter
FOCS 1992: 482-491 |
43 | | Anders Björner,
László Lovász,
Andrew Chi-Chih Yao:
Linear Decision Trees: Volume Estimates and Topological Bounds
STOC 1992: 170-177 |
42 | | Uriel Feige,
László Lovász:
Two-Prover One-Round Proof Systems: Their Power and Their Problems (Extended Abstract)
STOC 1992: 733-744 |
41 | | Imre Bárány,
Roger Howe,
László Lovász:
On integer points in polyhedra: a lower bound.
Combinatorica 12(2): 135-142 (1992) |
40 | EE | Judit Csima,
László Lovász:
A matching algorithm for regular bipartite graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 35(3): 197-203 (1992) |
1991 |
39 | | Uriel Feige,
Shafi Goldwasser,
László Lovász,
Shmuel Safra,
Mario Szegedy:
Approximating Clique is Almost NP-Complete (Preliminary Version)
FOCS 1991: 2-12 |
38 | | László Lovász,
Moni Naor,
Ilan Newman,
Avi Wigderson:
Search Problems in the Decision Tree Model (Preliminary Version)
FOCS 1991: 576-585 |
1990 |
37 | | László Lovász,
Miklós Simonovits:
The Mixing Rate of Markov Chains, an Isoperimetric Inequality, and Computing the Volume
FOCS 1990: 346-354 |
36 | | Imre Csiszár,
János Körner,
László Lovász,
Katalin Marton,
Gábor Simonyi:
Entropy splitting for antiblocking corners and perfect graphs.
Combinatorica 10(1): 27-40 (1990) |
35 | | Imre Bárány,
Zoltán Füredi,
László Lovász:
On the number of halving planes.
Combinatorica 10(2): 175-183 (1990) |
1989 |
34 | | László Lovász:
Faster Algorithms for Hard Problems.
IFIP Congress 1989: 135-141 |
33 | EE | Imre Bárány,
Zoltán Füredi,
László Lovász:
On the Number of Halving Planes.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 1989: 140-144 |
32 | | Paul Erdös,
László Lovász,
Katalin Vesztergombi:
On the Graph of Large Distance.
Discrete & Computational Geometry 4: 541-549 (1989) |
31 | EE | Bernhard Korte,
László Lovász:
The intersection of matroids and antimatroids.
Discrete Mathematics 73(1-2): 143-157 (1989) |
30 | EE | László Lovász,
Michael E. Saks,
William T. Trotter:
An on-line graph coloring algorithm with sublinear performance ratio.
Discrete Mathematics 75(1-3): 319-325 (1989) |
1988 |
29 | | László Lovász,
Michael E. Saks:
Lattices, Möbius Functions and Communication Complexity
FOCS 1988: 81-90 |
28 | | Nathan Linial,
László Lovász,
Avi Wigderson:
Rubber bands, convex embeddings and graph connectivity.
Combinatorica 8(1): 91-102 (1988) |
1987 |
27 | | Andreas W. M. Dress,
László Lovász:
On some combinatorial properties of algebraic matroids.
Combinatorica 7(1): 39-48 (1987) |
26 | EE | László Lovász:
Matching structure and the matching lattice.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 43(2): 187-222 (1987) |
1986 |
25 | | Nathan Linial,
László Lovász,
Avi Wigderson:
A Physical Interpretation of Graph Connectivity, and Its Algorithmic Applications
FOCS 1986: 39-48 |
24 | | Ravi Kannan,
László Lovász:
Covering Minima and Lattice Point Free Convex Bodies.
FSTTCS 1986: 193-213 |
23 | | László Lovász:
Connectivity Algorithms Using Rubber-bands.
FSTTCS 1986: 394-411 |
22 | EE | Bernhard Korte,
László Lovász:
Non-interval greedoids and the transposition property.
Discrete Mathematics 59(3): 297-314 (1986) |
21 | EE | Martin Grötschel,
László Lovász,
Alexander Schrijver:
Relaxations of vertex packing.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 40(3): 330-343 (1986) |
20 | | Ulrich Faigle,
László Lovász,
Rainer Schrader,
György Turán:
Searching in Trees, Series-Parallel and Interval Orders.
SIAM J. Comput. 15(4): 1075-1084 (1986) |
1985 |
19 | | László Lovász:
Computing ears and branchings in parallel
FOCS 1985: 464-467 |
18 | | László Lovász:
Vertex Packing Algorithms.
ICALP 1985: 1-14 |
17 | EE | Bernhard Korte,
László Lovász:
Polymatroid greedoids.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 38(1): 41-72 (1985) |
1984 |
16 | | Ravindran Kannan,
Arjen K. Lenstra,
László Lovász:
Polynomial Factorization and Nonrandomness of Bits of Algebraic and Some Transcendental Numbers
STOC 1984: 191-200 |
15 | | Martin Grötschel,
László Lovász,
Alexander Schrijver:
Corrigendum to our paper "The ellipsoid method and its consequences in combinatorial optimization".
Combinatorica 4(4): 291-295 (1984) |
1983 |
14 | | László Lovász:
Ear-decompositions of matching covered graphs.
Combinatorica 3(1): 105-117 (1983) |
13 | | Bernhard Korte,
László Lovász:
Structural properties of greedoids.
Combinatorica 3(3): 359-374 (1983) |
1982 |
12 | | László Lovász:
Tibor Gallai.
Combinatorica 2(3): 203-205 (1982) |
11 | | J. Edmonds,
László Lovász,
William R. Pulleyblank:
Brick decompositions and the matching rank of graphs.
Combinatorica 2(3): 247-274 (1982) |
1981 |
10 | | Bernhard Korte,
László Lovász:
Mathematical Structures Underlying Greedy Algorithms.
FCT 1981: 205-209 |
9 | | J. A. Bondy,
László Lovász:
Cycles through specified vertices of a graph.
Combinatorica 1(2): 117-140 (1981) |
8 | | Martin Grötschel,
László Lovász,
Alexander Schrijver:
The ellipsoid method and its consequences in combinatorial optimization.
Combinatorica 1(2): 169-197 (1981) |
1980 |
7 | EE | László Lovász:
Matroid matching and some applications.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 28(2): 208-236 (1980) |
6 | EE | László Lovász,
Jaroslav Nesetril,
Ales Pultr:
On a product dimension of graphs.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 29(1): 47-67 (1980) |
1979 |
5 | | László Lovász:
On determinants, matchings, and random algorithms.
FCT 1979: 565-574 |
4 | | Romas Aleliunas,
Richard M. Karp,
Richard J. Lipton,
László Lovász,
Charles Rackoff:
Random Walks, Universal Traversal Sequences, and the Complexity of Maze Problems
FOCS 1979: 218-223 |
1978 |
3 | | László Lovász:
Kneser's Conjecture, Chromatic Number, and Homotopy.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 25(3): 319-324 (1978) |
1977 |
2 | EE | László Lovász,
Michael D. Plummer:
On minimal elementary bipartite graphs.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 23(1): 127-138 (1977) |
1976 |
1 | EE | László Lovász:
On two minimax theorems in graph.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 21(2): 96-103 (1976) |