Volume 13,
- Bernard Chazelle, Herbert Edelsbrunner, Michelangelo Grigni, Leonidas J. Guibas, Micha Sharir, Emo Welzl:
Improved Bounds on Weak epsilon-Nets for Convex Sets.
1-15 BibTeX
- B. Nostrand, E. Schulte:
Chiral Polytopes from Hyperbolic Honeycombs.
17-39 BibTeX
- Jeff Erickson, Raimund Seidel:
Better Lower Bounds on Detecting Affine and Spherical Degeneracies.
41-57 BibTeX
- Michel Deza, Shmuel Onn:
Lattice-Free Polytopes and Their Diameter.
59-75 BibTeX
- Iliana Bjorling-Sachs, Diane L. Souvaine:
An Efficient Algorithm for Guard Placement in Polygons with Holes.
77-109 BibTeX
- David Eppstein:
Dynamic Euclidean Minimum Spanning Trees and Extrema of Binary Functions.
111-122 BibTeX
- William Lenhart, Sue Whitesides:
Reconfigurating Closed Polygonal Chains in Euclidean d-Space.
123-140 BibTeX
- M. Laczkovich:
Decomposition of Convex Figures into Similar Pieces.
143-148 BibTeX
- R. Bruce Richter, Carsten Thomassen:
Intersections of Curve Systems and the Crossing Number of C5 X C5.
149-159 BibTeX
- Naoki Katoh, Takeshi Tokuyama, Kazuo Iwano:
On Minimum and Maximum Spanning Trees of Linearly Moving Points.
161-176 BibTeX
- J. Fine:
The Mayer-Vietoris and IC Equations for Convex Polytopes.
177-188 BibTeX
- Alexander I. Barvinok:
Problems of Distance Geometry and Convex Properties of Quadratic Maps.
189-202 BibTeX
- Tiong-Seng Tay:
Lowe-Bound Theorems for Pseudomanifolds.
203-216 BibTeX
- Wojciech Banaszczyk:
Inequalites for Convex Bodies and Polar Reciprocal Lattices in Rn.
217-231 BibTeX
- U. Schnell:
Successive Minima, Intrinsic Volumes, and Lattice Determinants.
233-239 BibTeX
- Imre Bárány, János Pach:
Guest Editor's Forword.
243-244 BibTeX
- Noga Alon, Gil Kalai:
Bounding the Piercing Number.
245-256 BibTeX
- Esther M. Arkin, Dan Halperin, Klara Kedem, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Nir Naor:
Arrangements of Segments that Share Endpoints Single Face Results.
257-270 BibTeX
- K. Ball:
Mahler's Conjecture and Wavelets.
271-277 BibTeX
- Imre Bárány:
The Limit Shape of Convex Lattice Polygons.
279-295 BibTeX
- Ulrich Betke, Martin Henk, J. M. Wills:
Sausages are Good Packings.
297-311 BibTeX
- András Bezdek, Károly Bezdek, Robert Connelly:
Finite and Uniform Stability of Sphere Covering.
313-319 BibTeX
- Gerd Blind, Roswitha Blind:
The Cubical d-Polytopes with Fewer than 2d+1 Vertices.
321-345 BibTeX
- Jürgen Bokowski, Peter Schuchert:
Equifacetted 3-Spheres as Topes of Nonpolytopal Matroid Polytopes.
347-361 BibTeX
- Bernard Chazelle, Jirí Matousek, Micha Sharir:
An Elementary Approach to Lower Bounds in Geometric Discrepancy.
363-381 BibTeX
- John H. Conway, Neil J. A. Sloane:
What are All the Best Sphere Packings n Low Dimensions?.
383-403 BibTeX
- Nikolai P. Dolbilin:
The Countability of a Tiling Family and the Periodicity of a Tiling.
405-414 BibTeX
- Herbert Edelsbrunner:
The Union of Balls and Its Dual Shape.
415-440 BibTeX
- Paul Erdös, George B. Purdy:
Two Combinatorial Problems in the Plane.
441-443 BibTeX
- Gábor Fejes Tóth:
Covering the Plane with Two Kinds of Circles.
445-457 BibTeX
- Hubert de Fraysseix, Patrice Ossona de Mendez, János Pach:
A Left-First Search Algorithm for Planar Graphs.
459-468 BibTeX
- Jacob E. Goodman, Richard Pollack, Rephael Wenger:
On the Connected Components of the Space of Line Transersals t a Family of Convex Sets.
469-476 BibTeX
- Peter Gritzmann, Victor Klee, D. G. Larman:
Largest j-Simplices n-Polytopes.
477-515 BibTeX
- Peter M. Gruber:
A Helmholtz-Lie Type Characterization of Ellipsoids, I.
517-527 BibTeX
- Aladár Heppes:
On Surface-Minimizing Polyhedral Decompositions.
529-539 BibTeX
- Ravi Kannan, László Lovász, Miklós Simonovits:
Isoperimetric Problems for Convex Bodies and a Localization Lemama.
541-559 BibTeX
- Wlodzimierz Kuperberg:
Knotted Lattice-Like Space Fillers.
561-567 BibTeX
- M. Loczkovich, G. Szekeres:
Tilings of the Square with Similar Rectangles.
569-572 BibTeX
- J. C. Lagarias, David Moews:
Polytopes that Fill Rn and Scissors Congruence.
573-583 BibTeX
- Hiroshi Maehara:
Embedding a Polytope in a Lattice.
585-592 BibTeX
- Jirí Matousek:
Tight Upper Bounds for the Discrepancy of Half-Spaces.
593-601 BibTeX
- F. Schmitt:
Another Space-Filling Trefoil Knot.
603-607 BibTeX
- Rolf Schneider:
Isoperimetric Inequalities for Infinite Hyperplane Systems.
609-627 BibTeX
- V. Soltan:
On Antipodal and Adjoint Pairs of Points for Two Convex Bodies.
629-636 BibTeX
- Pavel Valtr:
Probability that n Random Points are in Convex Position.
637-643 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:56:32 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)